Operation Summer Thunder is a long-duration amateur radio simplex event designed to promote simplex capabilities on the amateur radio bands. To pariticpate, licensed amateur radio operators must sign up to receive credit for contacts made.

All contacts must be made on the designated simplex frequencies.

70cm 2 Meter 6 Meter 10 Meter
52.5400 28.4000

How points are calulated

Each participant enters contact into system. While technically this is considered a single contact, each person made a contact either as a sender or a receiver. Initial value is 1 point.

Each participant will have the ability to confirm the contact. Once confirmed the value will be 2 points. So a single QSO could generate 4 total points for each participant.

Who may participate:

Any licensed amateur radio operator regardless of location. If a contact is made on any of the designated frequencies, the contact will count toward the event. This will allow contacts to be made across the borders.

Eligible Contacts:

Only one contact per station, per frequency, per 24 hour period may be counted. If you make a contact with a station on 147.525 at 15:00 on Sunday, you will not be able to log another contact with that station on 147.525 until 15:01 on Monday. You will however be able to log contacts with that station on any of the other designated simplex frequencies with the 24-hour rule.

Event Timeframe:

The Event will:
START: ?????
STOP: ????