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ARRL Audio News March 15, 2024

ARRL Audio News March 15, 2024

ARRL: Credit Card Processing Available Again

Updated 3/15/2024 at 7:58 PM EDT

An update was completed for ARRL by its merchant services provider today. Credit card processing for all services has resumed. Thank you for your patience as we completed the system update. Members and prospective members can again access the following online services:

Updated 3/15/2024 at 2:37 PM EDT 

ARRL is wo...

Dayton Hamvention® 2024 Award Winners Announced

The recipients of the 2024 Hamvention Awards were announced on March 8, 2024.

Special Achievement Award: Anthony Luscre, K8ZT   Luscre is from near Akron, Ohio, and he was first licensed in 1981. He has been a low-power operator, contester, and teacher throughout his amateur radio career. He received his Amateur Extra-class license in 2000. Luscre is active on HF and VHF/UHF, and he operates on ...

Amateur Radio Stands Ready to Support Eclipse Operations

The upcoming April 8, 2024, solar eclipse has many excited about the opportunity to witness the darkness of totality. Spectators from across the country are traveling to the path of total darkness that will stretch from South Texas to Northeastern Maine.

Some states are anticipating more than a million travelers for the event. In the impacted areas, schools will be letting students out early for...

2024 ARRL Field Day Theme: Be Radio Active

The theme for 2024 ARRL Field Day is "Be Radio Active." The event will run on June 22 - 23, and it will be one-part contest, one-part emergency communications exercise, and one-part open house -- and a great time. The theme encourages radio amateurs to take advantage of the peak of Solar Cycle 25, which we are nearing. Activity this year is likely to be extremely high thanks to favorable solar ...

Vertical bazooka antenna for the 40m
Antennas/40M/40 meter Vertical Antennas
A quarter wave vertical omni-directional antenna for 7 MHz. Formulas for dimensions in feet and meters are provided. Ideal radial angle is between 35° and 45°. Velocity factor (Vf) varies based on coax type.
Top Amateur Radio Websites - Issue 2411
Portable Half-Square Antenna, The Squid Pole Wire Antenna Re-visited, 50 MHz 300W Power Amplifier, TX5S Clipperton 2024, TX5S Log Online, Efficient 2-Element Quad Antenna for 2m, Propagation on 630 Meters and 2200 Meters, N1FD Nashua Area Radio Society
9M2PJU - Amateur Radio from Malaysia
Amateur Radio Full Disclosure
T32EU Online Log
DX Resources/Logs
On-Line log for T32EU DX Pedition to East Kiribati OC 024
A Simple Morse Code Project: The Tiny Keyer
Technical Reference/Arduino/Morse Code
In his journey to improve Morse code skills, the author developed a straightforward device named the Tiny Keyer using Arduino. Tailored for Morse code enthusiasts and ham radio operators, this project utilized the budget-friendly Arduino ATTiny 85 Kickstarter board. With straightforward setup procedures in the Arduino IDE, the Tiny Keyer's small size and low cost make it accessible for beginners and hobbyist clubs interested in Morse code exploration.
W7EK The Cascade Radio Club
Everett WA
ARRL Headquarters Closed Morning of Wednesday, March 13, 2024
ARRL Headquarters in Newington, Connecticut, will be closed from 8 AM to 12 PM EDT on Wednesday, March 13, 2024, for an employee communications meeting. There will not be a morning W1AW bulletin that day. During the short closure, members are encouraged to use the ARRL website,, for membership renewals, publication purchases, and to access most benefits, services, and programs.
Software/Spectrum analyzers
Spectrogram, a PC-based audio frequency spectrum analyzer available from Visualization Software, aids ham radio enthusiasts in aligning receivers like Elecraft K2. Versions are downloadable, with an intuitive interface and customizable parameters. Tutorials by experts like Tom Hammond and John Grebenkemper offer additional guidance.
WSJT-X 2.7.0 Release Candidate 4 available
WSJT-X 2.7.0 Release Candidate 4 has been officially made available to the public. This RC version brings improvements primarily aimed at Fox-mode operators and enhancements to the QMAP companion program.
T32EU East Kiribati
DX Resources/DX Peditions/2024 DXpeditions
13th until 27th March 2024, Kiritimati OC 024, CW and SSB and RTTY and FT8 DX Pedition
Hamstick Experimentation: A Day of Surprising Results
Operating Modes/Portable Operations
In his POTA activation, WK4DS experimented with radials for hamstick antennas. Despite sun and RF noise challenges, successful connections were made. Surprisingly, tuned radials proved unnecessary, simplifying setup. Hamsticks demonstrated versatility across frequencies. Increased power improved signal quality, sparking his curiosity for further exploration in radio technology.
Top Amateur Radio Websites - Issue 2410
Field-Tested VP2E Antenna, 3 Band Mono Loop Portable Quad, VHF Repeater with a Raspberry Pi, DIY Tree Antenna Launching: Cheap and Effective, OpenRTX, Wire on the Ground: Portable Radio Success with Grasswire Antenna, LoRa APRS Tracker or Igate on 433Mhz, IARU Region 2 BandPlan,
Optimizing TX/RX Levels in WSJT-X
Operating Modes/FT8
Exploring digital radio modes, the author rethinks how to adjust transmit and receive levels in WSJT-X. Despite effective communication using Yaesu's settings, a new procedure aims for better performance. For RX, set audio device levels to 100%, disable AGC, and adjust RF gain. For TX, enable "Remember power settings" and adjust power output to avoid ALC engagement. This method ensures reliable communication without signal degradation, enhancing dynamic range and minimizing noise.
ARRL Audio News March 8, 2024

ARRL Audio News March 8, 2024

FCC Job Opportunity for Recent Engineering Graduates

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has a job opening that might be a good opportunity for recently graduated amateur radio operators who have knowledge of the spectrum and RF.

This is a Recent Graduates position in the FCC's Pathways Program, and it will be located in the FCC Office of Engineering and Technology (OET) in Washington, DC. Applications are being accepted for engineering gr...

Bob Vallio, W6RGG, Named ARRL Honorary Vice President

Robert B. "Bob" Vallio, W6RGG, has been honored by the ARRL Board of Directors as an Honorary Vice President.

In a motion that passed with an extended standing ovation, the Board awarded the honor at their Annual Meeting in January 2024.  

The motion honored Vallio's lifetime of service to ARRL and amateur radio. He was first licensed as a Novice with the call sign WN6RGG in July 1952, and he lat...

Solar Eclipse One Month Away

A total solar eclipse that will be seen across North America will occur on Monday, April 8th. It will be the last of its kind in the US for the next 20 years.

Hams across North America are asked to participate in a study about how the ionosphere functions by getting on the air to help scientists in a series of ionospheric experiments.  

Ham Radio Science Citizen Investigation (HamSCI) has present...

Automatic Magnetic Antenna Tuner
Antennas/Magnetic Loop
A Magnetic Loop Antenna is a resonant circuit employing a large inductor and adjustable capacitor. Efficiency depends on the inductor's size relative to wavelength. A Magnetic Loop Controller adjusts antenna tuning in real-time, syncing with Transceiver VFO movements. It communicates with various radios, enabling seamless tuning. Stepper motor resolution ensures accurate capacitor positioning, crucial for antenna performance. The Controller's firmware offers diverse functionality, enhancing user experience and antenna efficiency.
Versatile Field Radio Kit
Operating Modes/Portable Operations
Alan (W2AEW) shares his comprehensive portable field radio kit, showcasing various antenna options and accessories for POTA activations. The kit, housed in a repurposed camera bag, features the Elecraft KX2 Shack a Box, AX1 antenna kit, and additional accessories. With thoughtful organization and adaptability, the kit offers flexibility for different deployment scenarios, ensuring efficient operation in diverse field conditions
Building Your HF Packet BBS: Linux Packeteering
Operating Modes/Packet Radio
The guide details setting up a comprehensive HF packet BBS using linBPQ on a Raspberry Pi. Exploring linBPQ's versatility and community support, the author emphasizes its legality considerations and cross-platform accessibility. Configuration files for linBPQ, including bpq32.cfg, chatconfig.cfg, and linmail.cfg, are explained along with the systemd service setup. The linBPQ Web Management Interface and future setup for QtTermTCP are also discussed for a complete packet BBS experience.
K6MM 160m Antenna Modifications
After a storm damaged the antenna, W6AER replaced it with a pre-made capacitance hat from DX Engineering. Using hose clamps and conductive grease, he ensured durability. Experimenting with radials and a coil, he aimed for better performance and resilience.
DIY Portable Car Whip Antenna
Being frequently away from home, the author owner of an Elecraft KX3 missed the opportunity to work /M. They devised a portable antenna solution, incorporating a coil and car body, enabling multi-band tuning. Despite its unconventional design, the antenna exhibits promising performance, resembling a vertical dipole.
Top Amateur Radio Websites - Issue 2409
Mini Satellite-Antenna Rotator Mk1, Receiving NOAA Weather Satellite Images, Online LInked Dipole Designer, How to use AI to identify Radio signals , LoRa in Amateur Radio, Moxon Mania - Building the Ultimate 4-Band Moxon Antenna, Python Telegram bot for lookups
Down East Microwave Inc
Manufacturer of 50MHz, 70MHz, 144MHz, 222MHz, 432MHz, 900MHz or 1.2GHz transverters and VHF UHF amplifiers
TX5XG Austral Islands
DX Resources/DX Peditions/2024 DXpeditions
TX5XG DXpedition to Austral Islands March 27, April 3 2024
YLRL Celebrates International Women's Day with Special Event

The Young Ladies Radio League (YLRL) is hosting an International Women's Day YL Parks on the Air® (POTA) Party from 0000Z - 2359Z on March 8.

International Women's Day is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. This year's theme is Inspire Inclusion.

To celebrate the day, the goal of this special event is to activate any POTA park during the 2...

Bob Heil, K9EID, Silent Key

The man who defined the sound of live rock ‘n’ roll music and brought audio engineering principals into mainstream amateur radio use, Dr. Bob Heil, K9EID, has passed away at the age of 83. He was an ARRL Life Member and in the ARRL Maxim Society. A Facebook post from Heil Ham Radio paid tribute to their founder: “Bob fought a valiant, yearlong battle with cancer, and passed peacefully surrounde...

HAARP Needs Ham Help

 Amateur radio operators and radio astronomers are being asked to help monitor a new research project by the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP).

The project officially began on February 28, but it will run until March 3, 2024.

Some examples of experiments planned for the project are the production of extremely low frequency (ELF) and very low frequency (VLF) emissions and stud...

Home of the Arctic Amateur Radio Club
Tuning OCF L-Dipoles
The behavior of a straight dipole and its L-form is examined in terms of impedance and SWR. By adjusting the feed point or bending angle, impedance variation is observed. Impedance shifts symmetrically as the feed point deviates, leading to recommendations for optimal ratios. Model simulations aid in understanding and fine-tuning, crucial for achieving a 50 Ohm match. Practical tuning guidelines ensure efficient antenna performance.


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