A site for Amateur Radio Operators, by Amateur Radio Operators.





6791- 6825 of 10028 News Items
Icom 706MkIIG Frequency Calibration
Radio Equipment/HF Transceivers/Icom IC-706
Unlike older radios, the 706 uses only one crystal oscillator (called the Master Oscillator). All other frequencies in the radio (L.O., 3-4 I.F. stages, VFO, and CW-offset) are computer-derived from the Master Oscillator. This makes it relatively simple to frequency-align the radio, so that it agrees with the Frequency Display in all modes.
Russian 'doomsday' plane's radio equipment stolen by thieves
Thieves have stolen electronic equipment from a Russian military aircraft known as a "doomsday plane" for its role in the country's nuclear arsenal, local media report
RAC Canada Day Contest 2020 report
With Canada Day falling on a Wednesday this year and the COVID-19 pandemic having an impact worldwide, it was gratifying to see so many still able to participate in the RAC Canada Day Contest
Winter CW contest on HamSphere 4.0
HamSphere 4.0 Winter CW contest 2020 Bands 160, 80, 60, 40, 30, 20, 17, 15, 12, 11 and 10m Score calculation Total points for QSOs multiply by Total numbers of normal band multipliers
SolderSmoke Podcast 227 available
Bill Meara M0HBR / N2CQR has released a new edition of the amateur radio SolderSmoke podcast
Dipoles Explored - G4CQM
G4CQM's forensic investigation Dipoles Explored puts paid to myths propagated on the Internet concerning the pros and cons of particular dipoles and their potential use as yagi based driven elements!
Contest University to Host Propagation Summit

Several radio propagation experts will share their knowledge during a Propagation Summit via Zoom, sponsored by Contest University (CTU). The event is scheduled for January 23, 2021. The presentation schedule includes:

  • “Update on the Personal Space Weather Station Project and HamSCI Activities for 2021” with Nathaniel Frissell, W2NAF, at 11 AM EST (1600 UTC)
  • “Solar Cycle 25 Predictions and Progr...

ARRL Headquarters will be Closed on Thursday, December 17

Due to anticipated severe winter weather, ARRL Headquarters will be closed on Thursday, December 17 for the safety of our staff. Headquarters management expects that things will be back to normal on Friday, December 18. 

F5GIT Blog
A comprehensive and up to date log by F5GIT dedicated to the Ham radio hobby
Operating Modes/Weak Signal
Weak Signal Propagation Reporter Network Map and Database of WSPR data
RSGB release Board Proceedings for November 21
The RSGB has released proceedings for the November 21 Board meeting which discussed licence changes and the Direct-to-Full exam
The latest edition of The 5 MHz Newsletter now available for download
The latest edition of The 5 MHz Newsletter (No 25 –Summer/Autumn 2020) is now available for free pdf download from the ‘External Links’ section of the Wikipedia 60m Band page
Propagation Summit 2021
Contest University will host Propagation Summit on January 23, 2021.
Ham radio exams in Germany cancelled
Due to the Coronavirus pandemic in Germany the Federal Network Agency BNetzA has announced that all amateur radio exams will be cancelled until mid-January at the earliest
Nominations Invited for 2021 CWops Award for Advancing the Art of CW

CWops is now accepting nominations for its 2021 Award for Advancing the Art of CW. The award recognizes individuals, groups, or organizations that have made the greatest contribution(s) toward advancing the art or practice of radio communication by Morse code.

Candidates for the award may be authors of publications related to CW; CW recruiters, trainers, mentors, coaches, and instructors; public...

You Shop, Amazon Gives!

Thank you for shopping Because of you, Amazon has donated more than $45,870 to ARRL since 2014, helping ARRL to extend its reach in public service, advocacy, education, technology, and membership. With just a few shopping days left, as you shop for those final gifts, we invite you to continue to choose ARRL as your charity of choice.

Bookmark ARRL’s link and support amateur rad...

ARRL Releases a New Edition of Storm Spotting and Amateur Radio

The third edition of Storm Spotting and Amateur Radio is now available from ARRL. Storm spotting gives radio amateurs another way to offer a public service by using their skills as communicators.

In an average year, the US experiences more than 10,000 severe thunderstorms, 5,000 floods, and more than 1,000 tornadoes. During these weather events, ham radio volunteers provide real-time information...

UA9QCQ Contest Calendar
DX Resources/Contest Calendars
UA9QCQ site was created as a website for those who participate in various radioamateur contests. In the Calendar section, you can view the competition calendar. Calendar data is updated monthly on the eve of the next month. We try to ensure that our calendar contains only up-to-date data.
Israeli special event
During the week of Chanukah celebrations, special Israeli radio amateur stations will be active on the air with a special callsigns ending in letters from the word "Chanukah", (4X1C, 4X2H, 4Z3A, 4X4N, 4X5U, 4X6K, 4Z7A, 4X8H and 4X0NER). "Ner" means candle in Hebrew. The number in the callsign indicates the number of the candles lit that day
Christmas Greetings from the South Eastern Amateur Radio Group
The South Eastern Amateur Radio Group would like to take this opportunity to wish all our radio friends and their families in Ireland and around the world a very happy and peaceful Christmas 2020
EI YOTA success
The EI0YOTA callsign has been activated a number of times since the start of December. A special thanks to eight-year-old Ryan EI8KW, eleven-year-old Siobhan, daughter of Adrian EI9HAB and Slav EI6KW and his daughter, who have all taken the time to operate the EI0YOTA callsign. Between them they have achieved over one thousand QSOs so far
Remarkable 13,000 km opening on 50 MHz between Australia and South America - 12th Dec 2020
With the Summer Sporadic-E season in the southern hemisphere now in full swing, there was a remarkable opening on the 50 MHz band on the 12th of December between Australia and South America
Volunteers needed March 13 and 14
March 13 th and 14 th are the dates for the next QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo. With presentations, exhibitors and many opportunities for hams from around the world to congregate and share ideas and camaraderie.
Finland's radio hams ask for 1240-1300 MHz replacement
Finland lost the important 1240-1300 MHz amateur radio band on April 24, 2020. National society SRAL now asking for 220-225 MHz as a replacement, their initial request for 902-928 MHz having been rejected
QSO Today - Michelle Thompson - W5NYV
Michelle Thompson, W5NYV, is a third generation amateur, beginning her ham radio journey in elementary school
Homebrew 6 Element Yagi for 70cm
A fun little project I did over a couple of days was making this little 6 element yagi for 70cm. There are so many designs and ways one can do this so after some reading of different designs and measurements
Top Amateur Radio Websites - Issue 2032
Multiband Dipole Antennas Compared, Decoding 433 MHz radio signals, Arduino Antenna Tuner, Modeling an 80/40/20M Fan Dipole for DX, Decoding 433 MHz with SDR, K3NG Arduino CW Keyer, Aircraft Scatter
IRC over LORA, for when things really go south
As a society, we’ve become accustomed to always-on high-speed data connections, whether we’re at home on the computer or out and about with a mobile device. But what happens if a natural disaster knocks out the local infrastructure? Sure some people will be able to fire up their radio if they need to reach out and touch someone, but even among hackers, hams are a minority. What we really need is a backup Internet
Free ebook about 50 MHz ham radio band
The ebook Capture the MAGIC of Six Meters by Jim Wilson K5ND is available for free download
Spain: Authorization to use 2,400 MHz extended
Spain's Secretary of State for Telecommunications and Digital Infrastructure has extended the authorization for Radio Amateurs to use 2,400.050 to 2,410.0 MHz for QO-100 communications until Dec 26, 2021
Silent Key - then what happens?
With the majority of radio amateurs now over 65, Randy Hall K7AGE looks at how amateurs can prepare for their passing and ease the burden those left behind face in dealing with the collection of radio equipment
ARISS: Celebrating 20 Years of Continuous Operations on ISS!!
Twenty years ago - November 13, 2020 - the Expedition-1 crew turned on the ARISS Ericsson radio for the first time and completed several contacts with ARISS ground stations around the world to validate the radio communications system. These inaugural contacts launched an incredible two-decade operations journey on ISS, enabling ARISS to inspire, engage and educate our next generation of explorers and provide the ham radio community a platform for lifelong learning and experimentation
Software/Weak Signal
DigiSkimmer is a GIT project that permits FT8/FT4/WSPR skimmer base on kiwirecorder/KiwiSDR.
Video of Further Adventures in VHF/UHF talk
On December 8, Practical Wireless columnist Tim Kirby GW4VXE gave the Mid Ulster Amateur Radio Club (MUARC) a talk on all things VHF/UHF, the video is available on YouTube
Hans Knot International Radio Christmas Report
The new edition of the Hans Knot International Radio Christmas Report is now on line for downloading


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