A site for Amateur Radio Operators, by Amateur Radio Operators.





6861- 6895 of 10028 News Items
Top Amateur Radio Websites - Issue 2031
Z-Match 100 and mini Z-Match , PAC-12 Antenna modification, Aircraft Scatter Operations, PI-RX, Mircules DX Cluster LITE for Android, AirScout
Implementing changes to licence exemption regulations for short range devices
Ofcom has proposed to make new licence-exemption regulations to implement policy decisions regarding the use of short range devices (SRDs)
Desert expedition radio contest
Braving wickedly hot weather in California's Mojave desert in early October 2020 we participated Expedition style with two independent COVID compliant stations the California QSO Party (CQP) as a special event station W6E
Iceland: Authorization for 70 MHz allocation renewed
celand's IRA received a positive response from the Post and Telecom Administration (PTA), December 7, to their request for renewal of the authorization for the use of the 70.000-70.250 MHz frequency band
Solar update
Tad Cook, K7RA, Seattle reports that Sunspot Cycle 25 is one year old and increasing solar activity continues to surprise and amaze
Iceland: 1850 kHz authorization renewed
Iceland's IRA received a positive response from the Post and Telecom Administration (PTA), December 4, to their request to renewal the authorization to use 1850-1900 kHz in international contests in 2021
PA5MW Ham Radio Blog
Ham radio Blog, focusing on homebrewing and testing antennas, rig mods and contesting.
K0JDs Ham Homebrew Pages
K0JD's home construction projects, featuring the R2/T2 modules by KK7B
F4FJP Eric , site radioamateur Francais
Presentation station,contest,portable,techniques,bidouilles,balises,relais,radioamateurs,swl,technique,infos,reglementation
IC-705 completely cordless digital ham radio
Radio Equipment/HF Transceivers/Icom IC-705
The IC-705 has a built-in server to to send and receive audio and radio control via WLAN. This allows the IC-705 to be connected directly to the user’s computer without the need for an additional server computer. Perfect to run e.g. digital operation modes completely cordless.
Radio Caroline North December
Tune in for more nostalgia courtesy of another Radio Caroline North broadcast this weekend 12th-13th December – our last 'North' of the year!
Havanna Syndrome could be directed microwave energy
NBC News reports: The mysterious neurological symptoms experienced by American diplomats in China and Cuba are consistent with the effects of directed microwave energy
Monthly performance of 8J17CALL for October-November, 2020
Please be advised that monthly performance of 8J17CALL, 7-CALL 30th Anniversary Special station for October-November, 2020 (23rd October to 22nd November, 2020) are as follows
The Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation (as AMSAT is officially known) was first formed in the District of Columbia in 1969. Its goal was to foster Amateur Radio’s participation in space research and communication
Jersey-based GB7JI joins the D-STAR repeater network
The Jersey Amateur Radio Repeater Group has recently set up a new D-STAR repeater based in Jersey, just north of St Helier
New Antenna Physics Book from ARRL!

Written to bridge the gap between basic theory and graduate-level engineering texts, the second edition of Antenna Physics: An Introduction includes new material to help you better understand the complexities of antenna theory.

World-recognized antenna technology authority Robert J. Zavrel, Jr., W7SX, is your guide to grasping a deeper understanding of how antenna systems function. In this book,...

QSY Society Amateur Radio Club
The club is promoting awareness of Henry Hudson's 400th anniversary voyage of discovery, as well as encouraging others to try amateur radio and foster goodwill.
How I Installed a Ham Radio Antenna on my Truck
Operating Modes/Mobile
I wanted to mount an amateur radio antenna on my truck that was more permanent than the magnetic mount on I already had, but I had a few specific design requirements for the project.
2020, the best year ever for EURAO. Thanks everybody!
One month before the end of the year, EURAO's annual financial results promise to be the best to date: income item beats previous records and expenses are half of last period
ICQPodcast - Tiny Spectrum Analyser - Any Good?
In this episode, Martin M1MRB is joined by Leslie Butterfield G0CIB, Dan Romanchik KB6NU and Edmund Spicer M0MNG to discuss the latest Amateur / Ham Radio news. Colin M6BOY rounds up the news in brief and this episode’s features is TinySA is it any good?
Transatlantic tests - 99th anniversary
Ofcom consultation on managing RF spectrum
The UK communications regulator Ofcom is holding a public consultation on their spectrum management strategy for the 2020s
New Zealand publishes new ham radio band plans
New Zealand's amateur radio band plans were updated in November, interestingly there is still an amateur allocation at 26.950 - 27.300 MHz
Old ham radio equipment: ANATEL require request for approval
The deadline established by Brazil's communications regulator ANATEL for the approval of old amateur radio equipment, which previously enjoyed exemption, is running out on Dec 31, 2020
IARU represents the amateur service in more discussions on WPT
IARU Region 1 reports a meeting of ITU-R Study Group 1 and its subordinate working parties was held from November 24 until December 2
ARISS contact with schools in Turkey
An ARISS educational school contact is planned for Victor Glover KI5BKC with students at 4 Turkish schools
QSO Today - Rob Suggs - NN4NT
Rob Suggs, NN4NT, is a space scientist at NASA, specializing in outer space environments that protect our astronauts from the hazards of space including space junk and debris
Australian regulator says NO to 60m
Glenn VK4DU, President of the Radio Amateur Society of Australia advises that national efforts to gain secondary access to the 60m band have been unsuccessful
SA7BOA Andrey
Personal blog devoted to ham radio topics, portable operation, homebrew, antenna and other projects
Soundcard Interfacing
Technical Reference/Sound Card Radio Interfacing
The sudden explosion of new digital modes has taken the Amateur Radio world by storm. New modes such as PSK31 FT8 JT65 FSK441, ISCAT as well as established modes such as RTTY, SSTV, Hellschreiber and others have rocketed in popularity. In order to use these modes all that is required is a simple computer-to-radio interface which couples the computer soundcard to the radio
Canada’s public broadcaster announces new cuts to Radio Canada International
Officials at CBC/Radio-Canada announced a fresh round of cuts at Radio Canada International (RCI) on Thursday as part of a “major transformation” of the beleaguered international service of Canada’s public broadcaster
REF President reflects on 2020
Jean-Louis Truquet F5DJL, President of French national amateur radio society REF, has shared his thoughts on 2020 in his latest editorial on the REF site
Sweden: SSA cancels Annual Meeting planned for April
As a result of the pandemic the November 24 board meeting of Sweden's national society SSA took the decision to cancel the in-person Annual Meeting at Östersund planned for last weekend of April 2021
Press report on Indian radio ham's award
Newspaper reports radio amateur Jose Jacob VU2JOS has received an award from the DX Clube Sem Fronteiras (DXCSF)
South African radio hams sign MoU with Kenya
The South African Radio League (SARL) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Radio Society of Kenya (RSK) regarding the radio amateur examination


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