A site for Amateur Radio Operators, by Amateur Radio Operators.





7421- 7455 of 10028 News Items
Solar Physicist Predicts a Slightly Better Solar Cycle 25

Solar physicist Leif Svalgaard of the W.W. Hansen Experimental Physics Laboratory at Stanford University has predicted a maximum sunspot number of 128 ±10, slightly better than Solar Cycle 24.

“The overall average is 132 ±47 (median 124),” he said. “None of these numbers are substantially different, so one could perhaps just go with the ‘wisdom of the crowd.’ All predictions that we consider hav...

VE2CEV Club Radio Amateur du Sud Ouest

Z-Match 100 and mini Z-Match
This is a antenna tuner with wide range tuning for antennas with a Z of + 50 Ohms on all the HF bands.
IOTA News from the Deutscher Amateur Radio Club
Weekly IOTA News - compiled by Andreas, DK5ON of the Deutscher Amateur Radio Club
Radio signals from Mars
This week, an amateur radio operator in British Columbia picked up a radio signal ... from Mars
U.K. Airwave network likely to operate until 2024 due to ESN delays
The U.K. Home Office said that Airwave network likely will not be turned off until at least the beginning of 2024 due to delays with the Emergency Services Network (ESN)
Dominican Republic: Request for virtual ham radio exams
On October 2, the telecommunications regulator INDOTEL convened the clubs of the Dominican Republic to a public hearing on the regulations for the amateur radio service
Behiye's Space Adventure
Behiye Esma Öte became interested in amateur radio at the age of 11 but the age restriction in Turkey meant she had to wait until she was 13 before getting her licence TA5ABO in 2018
Two More Astronauts Earn Amateur Radio Licenses

Although the lockdown of Johnson Space Center (JSC) postponed amateur radio training and licensing over the past 7 months, NASA ISS Ham Project Coordinator Kenneth Ransom, N5VHO, was able to work with all of the new astronaut-class graduates, as well as offer some refresher courses with already-licensed astronauts. Licensed astronauts on the International Space Station (ISS) may operate the on-...

Amateur Radio Weekly
Sent every Saturday, Amateur Radio Weekly is an email newsletter containing links to the most relevant news, projects, technology, and events happening in Ham Radio
PAC-12 Antenna modification
A Multiband Slinky Coil for the PAC-12 portable Antenna, can be used also as a dual PAC-12 dipole by James Bennett
Turn your BBC MicroBIT into a CW Transceiver
The BBC micro:bit is a pocket-sized computer that introduces you to how software and hardware work together
ARISS multi-point telebridge contact with school in USA
As announced, an ARISS educational school contact is planned for Chris Cassidy KF5KDR with students at McConnell Middle School, Loganville, GA, USA
SARL QRP Contest
The forth QRP Contest for 2020 takes place from 12:00 to 15:00 UTC Saturday 10th October 2020 with CW and SSB activity using 5 Watts or less
Ofcom to introduce new spectrum licence conditions
Ofcom is introducing new licence conditions for spectrum users, to ensure their equipment continues to operate within international electromagnetic field (EMF) guidelines
Slow Scan TV from the ISS
Slow Scan TV (SSTV) transmissions are scheduled from the International Space Station (ISS)
Update on Simulated Emergency Test: Saturday, October 31
For what is certainly the first time in history, the upcoming Simulated Emergency Test (SET) will be held during a real global pandemic – not a simulation
ARISS to celebrate 20 Years of Ham Radio on the ISS
The ARRL report Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) will soon celebrate 20 years of continuous amateur radio operations on the International Space Station (ISS)
EMF: Ofcom propose new Amateur Radio licence conditions
Ofcom has ignored the advice of many highly-regarded organisations and are pressing ahead with unnecessary changes to licences that will impose a significant bureaucratic burden on licensees
ARRL National Convention and Orlando Hamcation® Postponed to February 2022

ARISS to Celebrate 20 Years of Ham Radio on the International Space Station

Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) will soon celebrate 20 years of continuous ham radio operations on the International Space Station (ISS). NASA is commemorating the milestone with a newly produced infographic highlighting the educational contacts via amateur radio between astronaut crew members aboard the ISS and students. Over its 20 years, ARISS has supported nearly 1,...

IARU Region 2 Releases 2020 Revision of its Band Plan

KC8FSW Novi Amateur Radio Club
Novi, MI
W8PGW ARROW Communications Association
ARROW Communications Association Serving radio amateurs in Washtenaw and Wayne Counties
Southern California Repeater Lists
The most up-to-date listing of VHF/UHF amateur repeater stations operating in Southern California.
K6MM 160m Antenna
A vertical antenna for 160 meters band based on the K6MM vertical with some enhancements and modifications on the main capacitance hat
FCC deletes 3.4 GHz Amateur Satellite Service Allocation
The AMSAT News Service (ANS) reports that at its open meeting on September 30, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) adopted a Report and Order that sunsets Amateur use of the 3.3-3.5 GHz band
IRTS appoint new Youth Officer
The Irish Radio Transmitters committee is delighted to welcome Niall Donoghue EI6HIB as its new youth officer and committee member
New IARU-R2 Band Plan released
IARU Region 2 has released the 2020 revision of the Band Plan and made procedural changes so that future adjustments shouldn't take up 3 years
Mid Ulster ARC Tuesday Night Lectures
The Mid Ulster ARC Tuesday Night Lecture Series have now been running weekly for over 20 weeks
Amateur radio operators simulated emergency test
Earlier this week, 911 briefly went down in parts of Western Wisconsin, which poses the question, "Who takes over when typical operators aren't available?" Turns out, when there's no power, but you still need to communicate in an emergency, amateur radio steps in
Austria's emergency exercise hit by thunderstorm
On October 3 radio amateurs in Austria participated a nationwide emergency exercise Austria Off-Grid but the amateur operations were affected by a thunderstorm
CREST Radio Emergency Associated Communication Teams
CREST Communications REACT Team #4252 has been an active member of the community for almost 30 years and is one of the largest REACT Teams in the United States.
Morse Code Trainer Online
Operating Modes/Morse code/Learning Morse Code
An online morse code trainer application that allows to select the digits and play them at the wpm speed you desire. While decoding will evaluate the results and will indicate your proficiency level
Top Amateur Radio Websites - Issue 2023
Backyard Multi-Band Wire HF Antennas, Build a Weatherproof PVC JPole Antenna, WW Locator with Google Maps, 144 MHz Very Low Noise Preamplifier , Lazy H Array Antenna for 40 meter, How to receive NOAA Satellite images with SDR Radio, Icom IC-7300 review by GM4FVM, Construction of a J-Pole antenna for 2 meter, ICOM IC 7300 review by N9EWO , 6 Meter Homemade J-Pole Antenna


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