Ribbit digital text messaging mode for HF/VHF/UHF
Operating Modes/Digital Modes Ribbit is a novel digital text messaging mode for VHF/UHF communications for recreational and emergency use which radically increases the density of information transmitted by spectrum used. It leverages the computing power of the modern smartphone to increase the capabilities of any Handy Talkie without requiring any additional hardware or cable. A Ribbit message is fixed in duration at 1250 milliseconds. It is sent over audio modulation with a 2kHz bandwidth centered on 1.5kHz. It is preceded by 400ms of white noise to open analog squelch circuits.
Raspberry Pi Pirate Radio
Technical Reference/Raspberry Pi In this tutorial, the author shows the basics of how to set up a Raspberry Pi Pirate Radio utilizing the FM Transmitter software and a piece of wire.
Top Amateur Radio Websites - Issue 2352
Yaesu FT-891 Go-Box for POTA, Ham Radio And the Art of Bushcraft, RF Choke with Bifilar Windings, Arduino Repeater Controller, PCM Kestrel HF Transceiver, Stingray Marine Transceiver,
Building a Raspberry Pi Satellite Tracker Interface
Technical Reference/Raspberry Pi This article provides a step-by-step guide for assembling a Raspberry Pi-based Satellite Tracker Interface, designed to work with Green Heron Engineering's RT-21 controllers and MacDoppler software. The guide covers hardware assembly, SD card image installation, and system configuration for satellite tracking.
Ham Radio/Hamfests Northeast HamXposition, Marlboro MA (formerly Boxboro)
ARRL's Year of the Volunteers Success
2023 has been a remarkable year for amateur radio. There were many noteworthy opportunities for hams to use their license privileges for the greater good. An annular solar eclipse saw radio amateurs engaging in projects of scientific research about our ionosphere, devastating firestorms gutted entire cities and saw Amateur Radio Emergency Service member-volunteers rise to activate, hurricanes t...
M17 digital radio protocol for data and voice
Operating Modes/Digital Modes M17 is a community of open source developers and radio enthusiasts. We are building understandable systems in support of the hackers and experimenters' history of ham radio. M17 is developing open source hardware, software, and offers a complete digital radio protocol for data and voice, made by and for amateur radio operators.
M17 voice mode uses the free and open Codec 2 voice encoder.
The Best Amateur Radio Links of 2023
A collection of the best new amateur radio links we reviewed in 2023
Arduino Digital Transceiver Project
Technical Reference/Arduino Arduino Digital Transceiver (ADX) is a low-cost HF transceiver for digital modes. This Arduino-based project, inspired by QDX, features four bands, including 80m and 20m, supporting FT8, FT4, JS8call, and WSPR. Designed for simplicity and affordability, it uses an Arduino Nano, SI5351 module, and CD2003GP receiver. The ADX project emphasizes easy procurement, construction, setup, and operation, making it an accessible option for QRP enthusiasts. The firmware update enhances functionality, including CAT control support.
ARRL Straight Key Night 2024
ARRL The National Association for Amateur Radio® Straight Key Night (SKN) is held on January 1, 2024, from 0000 UTC through 2359 UTC. Many hams look forward to SKN as one of the highlights of their operating year. Operators participate using Morse code (CW). All you need is your favorite straight key or bug. Many participants dust off vintage radios and keys and put them back into service e...
Yellow Thunder ARC
Ham Crazy
Shopping and Services/T-shirts HamCrazy provides various personalized hats, name badges, those light up call sign displays, decals for cars, even case plates for Apache cases
VOTA: Badges on the Air
Join all of ARRL The National Association for Amateur Radio®'s volunteers on December 31, 2023, from 0000 - 2359 UTC, for the last day of the yearlong Volunteers On the Air (VOTA) operating event for your final chance to get some VOTA points. Last week's Red Badges on the Air for VOTA was a hit, and ARRL wants to do one final push to cap off the year of operating that acknowledged and honored ...
AI Meets Amateur Radio
Technical Reference/AI Ham Radio CQ Amateur radio 2019 article analyzing possible impacts of Artificial Intelligence in Amateur Radio operations. How to integrate AI in the radio shacks.
ITU Synergizing AI and Radiocommunications for Smarter Connectivity
Technical Reference/AI Ham Radio Explore the pivotal role of artificial intelligence in advancing emerging radio technologies, facilitating ubiquitous connectivity essential for sustainable development, the digital economy, and the Internet of Things, guided by ITU's harmonized regulations and standards.
Wave talkers: Introduction to AI in Ham Radio
Technical Reference/AI Ham Radio WaveTalkers asked AI itself what it thought. All of the content in the WaveTalkers AI Resources section is generated by AI. From the content to the code itself they will make every effort to showcase what works and what doesn't along the way.
AI-Powered Radio Signal Cleanup: Battling QRM in Real Time
Technical Reference/AI Ham Radio Amateur radio enthusiast Jean-Paul Suijs discusses combating manmade noise (QRM) in radio signals using AI. Detailing experiments with phase-shifting techniques and the self-learning nature of AI, he explores AI-based audio processing apps for real-time noise cancellation during radio contests, demonstrating results on both medium wave and shortwave bands.
How AI will affect Ham Radio
Technical Reference/AI Ham Radio A blog post about experimenting AI on writing blog post and creating pictures. This page includes also a youtube video by VE4VR experimenting ChatGPT over ham radio bands.
Top Amateur Radio Websites - Issue 2351
HB9CV Online Antenna Calculator, Make your own 40/80 Dipole, Yagi Uda Antenna Online Calculator, Digital Modes with Yaesu FT-817, Modified Ground Plane Antenna Adds Second Band, MUF(3000)F2 Plots, Half-Size 6 meter J-antenna, International SWL DX Contest 2023,
Status of CQ Magazine
ARRL® has heard from many members concerned about their print subscriptions to CQ magazine. CQ magazine is not an ARRL publication, however ARRL members enjoy the ability to pursue earning the CQ Worked All Zones (WAZ) and Worked All Prefixes (WPX) awards through Logbook of The World (LoTW). CQ Editor Rich Moseson, W2VU, acknowledged the delays in delivering CQ magazine. He indicated that the No...
ARRL Headquarters and W1AW Holiday Schedule
ARRL The National Association for Amateur Radio® Headquarters in Newington, Connecticut, will be closed Monday, December 25, 2023, and Monday, January 1, 2024, in observance of Christmas and New Year's Day. There will be no W1AW bulletins or code practice those days. There will be no issue of The ARRL Letter on December 28, 2023, or ARRL Audio News on December 29, 2023. We extend our warmest ho...
YouTube Telethon to Raise Money for ARRL Teachers Institute on Wireless Technology
ARRL The National Association for Amateur Radio® is excited to announce a YouTube telethon fundraiser being hosted to raise money for the future of amateur radio education. On Friday, December 22, 2023, starting at 8:00 PM Eastern Time, ARRL Education and Learning Manager Steve Goodgame, K5ATA, will be live on a YouTube telethon. The event, hosted by several popular ham radio YouTubers from th...
APRS LoRa Weather Station
Technical Reference/LoRa and LoRaWan The weather station described here uses a TTGO v3 1.6.2 module and various sensors. It displays the data on an OLED screen and transmits them among a choice of protocols to the APRS, APRS-IS, Wunderground servers or via an MQTT broker.
APRS data is transmitted on 433.775 MHz (can be changed) using the LoRa protocol.
APRS beacons picked up by iGate gateways are then transmitted to APRS servers.
ARRL Audio News December 22, 2023
ARRL Audio News December 22, 2023
Central Ohio Amateur Radio Emergency Service
Our Mission: To provide emergency communications to central Ohio public safety, emergency, health, government and relief agencies in times of disaster.
TxTopper QRP Amplifier
Technical Reference/QRP Projects TX Topper 5 Watt plus Amplifier with Adjustable Gate Bias
Durable 2-Meter Yagi Antenna: PVC and Window Line Construction
Antennas/2M Discover the creation of a robust 2-meter, 3-element Yagi antenna using PVC pipe and window line. Designed for durability and portability, this innovative Yagi demonstrates enhanced signal strength, making it ideal for SSB and CW operation on the go.
Top Amateur Radio Websites - Issue 2350
Improving Icom IC-7300 ADC Aliasing , Yaesu FT-817 battery pack, Review of the Xiegu G90 , Yaesu FT-710 review, Pi-Star Digital Voice Software, W8S Online Log, BktTimeSyncPhone,
Enhancing Performance with a Cage Dipole for Six Meter Band
Antennas/6M Explore the design and testing of a cage dipole antenna for 6 meters. Through innovative construction, witness a remarkable 77% increase in bandwidth and improved impedance characteristics.
WRC-23 Concludes with Wins for Amateur Radio and Agenda Items Designated for the Next Two Events
By International Amateur Radio Union Secretary Joel Harrison, W5ZN After 4 hectic weeks of the 2023 World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-23), and a preceding week of Radiocommunication Assembly meetings, WRC-23 concluded on Friday, December 15. Amateur radio fared very well overall, despite the enormous pressures across the radio spectrum from LF to terahertz. This is a tribute to the effort...
The CW Flea: Modern Morse Transmitter with Arduino
Technical Reference/Audio Reviving the spirit of early ham radio experimentation, the CW Flea is a contemporary Morse code transmitter. Utilizing an Arduino Nano, Si5351 clock generator, and innovative design, this open-source project offers simplicity, flexibility, and easy tuning for aspiring radio enthusiasts.
Top Amateur Radio Websites - Issue 2349
Raspberry Pi APRS Tracker, 70 MHz 300 W Power Amplifier, The iKeyPad for ICOM Radios, Extended Double Zepp NVIS Antenna Calculator, A Maritime Mobile DXpedition in Antarctica, DXpedition to St Barts Story,
LoRA Collinear Antenna
Technical Reference/LoRa and LoRaWan A simple 6dBi Collinear Antenna for LoRa compared to the Lorank8 gateway default antenna.
LoRA Gateway IdeeTron Lorank8
Technical Reference/LoRa and LoRaWan Testing IdeeTron Lorank8 for LoRaWAN with ham radio transmissions. Assessing compatibility, interference, and planning permanent setup. Follow the experimentation and integration into the Almelo Community page
A Comparative Study of APRS Tracks with 1W and 100mW LoRa Trackers
Technical Reference/LoRa and LoRaWan Exploring LoRaWAN Range, comparing the performance of 1Watt and 100mW LoRa trackers on daily commute. Analyzing APRS tracks, beacon statistics, and visual comparisons to uncover insights and surprises in the world of long-range wireless communication.