A site for Amateur Radio Operators, by Amateur Radio Operators.





7876- 7910 of 10601 News Items
Preparations Continue for World Radiocommunication Conference 2023

As preparations for World Radiocommunication Conference 2023 (WRC-23) go forward, the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) continues its efforts to protect amateur and amateur-satellite allocations. The international conference, which generally takes place every 4 years, is sponsored by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).

IARU participated in the first online meeting of Project ...

North American CW Sprint is Great Practice for Fall Contesting

The September edition of the North American CW Sprint, sponsored by National Contest Journal (NCJ), is this weekend. The often-frantic 4-hour event gets under way on Sunday, September 13, at 0000 UTC (Saturday, September 12 in North American time zones). CW Sprints take place twice a year, in September and February; RTTY Sprints are in March and September.

“The CW Sprint can seem intimidating, p...

G8TTIs Scrapbook
Blog about my radio activities and homebrews
ARI Comitato Regionale FVG
Official site of ARI Comitato Regionale Friuli Venezia Giulia
Operating Modes/D-STAR
This site is dedicated to helping D-STAR users world wide. From basic information on what D-STAR is to detailed technical information, This site can hopefully solve any of your cravings
Small-scale DAB: invitation to register for online events
Ofcom is inviting anyone who intends to apply for small-scale DAB multiplex or Community Digital Sound Programme (C-DSP) licences to two virtual events on 29 September 2020
London Amateur Radio Club anniversary
Members of the 'London Amateur Radio Club (LARC)' will use the special callsign VE3LON100 until the end of September
Australian special event
Fred, VK3DAC/VK4FE, reports that special event callsign VI75WW2 will be active (as September 1st) until November 11th, 2020
G5MHZ – Remembering Gordon
In the UK, the 5 MHz, or 60 m band has been available to Full UK licensees since August 2002. This we owe to the initiative of Gordon Adams, G3LEQ, at the time Spectrum Director of the Radio Society of Great Britain
FMH Portable Operations Challenge allows 'Patio Portable'
The upcoming international Fox Mike Hotel Portable Operations Challenge on October 3rd and 4th wish to make it clear that operation as a portable station from your back yard, garden or indeed patio, using the equipment that you would otherwise have taken portable for the challenge, is allowed and will be included in the portable station classification of the contest
Waters and Stanton advertising
On their Twitter feed amateur radio dealer Waters and Stanton has suggested they may not be advertising in RadCom magazine
The Toronto Marine Ham Radio Club

Chilean Amateur Radio Station
Operating Aids/Awards
To get this award one should receive and decode at least one picture in the session. The quality of the received image does not have to be perfect, but good enough to be able to identify. The picture does not have to be full. It is acceptable to send just some part of the picture as well.
VHF virtual workshop
The SARL/AMSAT SA VHF workshop will be held on Saturday 12 September from 10:00 - 13:00 on the BlueJeans platform. Note the new date, a week earlier than originally announced
EURAO Party - Summer 2020: working on 80m and 40m bands
The European Radio Amateurs' Organization announces a new party on the air, this time with the motto: " working on 80m and 40m bands"
Bluetooth beacon offers a massive 32km range
With a range 20 times longer than the nearest competitor, the Bluetooth beacon from Apptricity can track equipment coming in or going out of building sites.
VLF Balloon with 210m long antenna launches Sept 12
A high-altitude balloon experiment, launched by Warsaw University of Technology, is planned to lift off September 12, carrying a VLF 210-m-long fully-airborne antenna system, transmitting on 14.2 kHz
Licence Success
Pat 3B8GF advises that the first lot of students who have used the online training course created by Billy GM6DX for the Mauritius Class B License have all passed
K1USN’s New Weekly Slow Speed Test
The CWops Club (CWops) promotes the art of CW for those who wish to expand and improve their on-the-air experiences. CWops’ CW Academy (CWA) program has produced thousands of successful graduates who have gone on to become everyday CW operators
Multiband Dipole for 40 30 17 m
A portable home made wire dipole antenna that works on 40 30 and 17 meters band.
IRTS contest news
The 70cms and 2 metres IRTS Counties Contests take place next Sunday
Saudi Arabian special event
Members of the Saudi Amateur Radio Society (HZ1SAR) will be active as HZ90ND to celebrate the 90th anniversary of their National Day of the Unification of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (September 23rd) between September 17-25th
Amateur radio featured in a TEDx talk
In a TEDx talk entrepreneur Lital Marom recalls that back in the last century when she first attended an amateur radio class she was laughed at because she was female and young (10 years old)
WRC23 preparations across the Regional Telecommunications Organisations
For a number of years preparations for ITU World Radiocommunication Conferences (WRCs) have been conducted in recognised Regional Telecommunication Organisations (RTOs)
Brazil proposes end of all amateur radio exams
ANATEL, the Brazilian National Telecommunications Agency, recently published a public consultation, CP65
VE3SPC South Pickering Amateur Radio Club
Pickering, Ontario
17m QRP SSB Transceiver
Technical Reference/QRP Projects
18MHz QRP SSB transceiver PEREGRINO DX is a small portable QRPp project
New Manager of the VO Incoming QSL Bureau
Rick Burke, VO1SA/VO2CW, has retired from his position as the VO Incoming QSL Bureau Manager and Bill Kirby, VO1BB, has taken over as the new Manager effective immediately
Central Coast Amateur Radio Club News 6th September 2020
The Club held in-person training and examination sessions last week after having received approval from the AMC
South Africa releases RAE results
South Africa only holds the radio amateurs exam twice a year, in May and October. This year the May exam was delayed until August 29 due to the pandemic
WRC23 preparations continue
ARU Region 1 President Don Beattie G3BJ reports on the IARU participation in the first meeting of Project Team C (PTC) of the WRC23 CEPT Conference Preparatory Group (CPG)
40m 2 elements HQ Traps Yagi
Antennas/40M/40 meter Yagi Antennas
The longest element has a total length of 14m and has a boom length of 5.5 meters featuring a total bandwith of 166 kHz
Online Talk: Portable Adventures with SOTA
At 8pm on Monday, September 7, James M0JCQ will talk about Portable Adventures with Summits On The Air (SOTA), as part of the RSGB Tonight @ 8 series of live webinars
Online ham radio Foundation trial questions
WIA Vice President Lee VK3GK reports trial amateur radio foundation tests are now available online to help people prepare for their exam


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