YouTube Telethon to Raise Money for ARRL Teachers Institute on Wireless Technology
ARRL The National Association for Amateur Radio® is excited to announce a YouTube telethon fundraiser being hosted to raise money for the future of amateur radio education. On Friday, December 22, 2023, starting at 8:00 PM Eastern Time, ARRL Education and Learning Manager Steve Goodgame, K5ATA, will be live on a YouTube telethon. The event, hosted by several popular ham radio YouTubers from th...
APRS LoRa Weather Station
Technical Reference/LoRa and LoRaWan The weather station described here uses a TTGO v3 1.6.2 module and various sensors. It displays the data on an OLED screen and transmits them among a choice of protocols to the APRS, APRS-IS, Wunderground servers or via an MQTT broker.
APRS data is transmitted on 433.775 MHz (can be changed) using the LoRa protocol.
APRS beacons picked up by iGate gateways are then transmitted to APRS servers.
ARRL Audio News December 22, 2023
ARRL Audio News December 22, 2023
Central Ohio Amateur Radio Emergency Service
Our Mission: To provide emergency communications to central Ohio public safety, emergency, health, government and relief agencies in times of disaster.
TxTopper QRP Amplifier
Technical Reference/QRP Projects TX Topper 5 Watt plus Amplifier with Adjustable Gate Bias
Durable 2-Meter Yagi Antenna: PVC and Window Line Construction
Antennas/2M Discover the creation of a robust 2-meter, 3-element Yagi antenna using PVC pipe and window line. Designed for durability and portability, this innovative Yagi demonstrates enhanced signal strength, making it ideal for SSB and CW operation on the go.
Top Amateur Radio Websites - Issue 2350
Improving Icom IC-7300 ADC Aliasing , Yaesu FT-817 battery pack, Review of the Xiegu G90 , Yaesu FT-710 review, Pi-Star Digital Voice Software, W8S Online Log, BktTimeSyncPhone,
Enhancing Performance with a Cage Dipole for Six Meter Band
Antennas/6M Explore the design and testing of a cage dipole antenna for 6 meters. Through innovative construction, witness a remarkable 77% increase in bandwidth and improved impedance characteristics.
WRC-23 Concludes with Wins for Amateur Radio and Agenda Items Designated for the Next Two Events
By International Amateur Radio Union Secretary Joel Harrison, W5ZN After 4 hectic weeks of the 2023 World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-23), and a preceding week of Radiocommunication Assembly meetings, WRC-23 concluded on Friday, December 15. Amateur radio fared very well overall, despite the enormous pressures across the radio spectrum from LF to terahertz. This is a tribute to the effort...
The CW Flea: Modern Morse Transmitter with Arduino
Technical Reference/Audio Reviving the spirit of early ham radio experimentation, the CW Flea is a contemporary Morse code transmitter. Utilizing an Arduino Nano, Si5351 clock generator, and innovative design, this open-source project offers simplicity, flexibility, and easy tuning for aspiring radio enthusiasts.
Top Amateur Radio Websites - Issue 2349
Raspberry Pi APRS Tracker, 70 MHz 300 W Power Amplifier, The iKeyPad for ICOM Radios, Extended Double Zepp NVIS Antenna Calculator, A Maritime Mobile DXpedition in Antarctica, DXpedition to St Barts Story,
LoRA Collinear Antenna
Technical Reference/LoRa and LoRaWan A simple 6dBi Collinear Antenna for LoRa compared to the Lorank8 gateway default antenna.
LoRA Gateway IdeeTron Lorank8
Technical Reference/LoRa and LoRaWan Testing IdeeTron Lorank8 for LoRaWAN with ham radio transmissions. Assessing compatibility, interference, and planning permanent setup. Follow the experimentation and integration into the Almelo Community page
A Comparative Study of APRS Tracks with 1W and 100mW LoRa Trackers
Technical Reference/LoRa and LoRaWan Exploring LoRaWAN Range, comparing the performance of 1Watt and 100mW LoRa trackers on daily commute. Analyzing APRS tracks, beacon statistics, and visual comparisons to uncover insights and surprises in the world of long-range wireless communication.
APRS via LoRa
Technical Reference/LoRa and LoRaWan Website maintained by a group of amateur radio operators who would like to bring APRS via LoRa to OMs. Try it out, participate in the development of new iGates, trackers or write a documentation for a software/firmware
DragonOS Focal
Software/Linux/Linux Distributions DragonOS is a linux distribution dedicate to Software Defined Radio. It leverages the portability, security, and power of Lubuntu Linux as a delivery package and operating environment for a pre-installed suite of the most powerful and accessible open source SDR software. DragonOS has verified support for a range of inexpensive and powerful SDR hardware, including RTL-SDR, HackRF One, LimeSDR, BladeRF, and many others.
Baofeng UV5R TRRS Adapter
Technical Reference/Sound Card Radio Interfacing A tiny board, which allows a smartphone or similiar device to connect to the Baofeng UV5R radio via a TRRS audio connector. It allows for connecting the radio to a software TNC app such as APRSDroid or PocketPacket. Solder on the components, solder on the cables, then provide some stress relief, (I use solid-core wire and heat shrink tubing), and you can use your UV5R with your smartphone for APRS on the cheap.
Top Amateur Radio Websites - Issue 2348
Hambook for Windows, Motorola Programming Software CPS Radio, FT-817 Robust Power Connection, GEARS,, TX6D Tahiti DXPedition,
ARRL Audio News December 15, 2023
ARRL Audio News December 15, 2023
Student-Led ARISS Contact a Success
A student-led contact with astronauts through the Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) program was a great success that earned significant media attention. On Monday, December 11, students at Harbor Creek High School in Harborcreek, Pennsylvania, used amateur radio to talk with Astronaut Andreas Mogensen, KG5GCZ. The students are part of the Advanced Technologies Group, KC3S...
2024 ARRL National Convention to be at Hamvention
ARRL and Hamvention® have announced that Hamvention will host the 2024 ARRL National Convention, May 17, 18, and 19 at the Greene County Fairgrounds in Xenia, Ohio. Hamvention is the world's largest annual gathering of radio amateurs and has been sponsored by the Dayton Amateur Radio Association (DARA) since 1952. "We are pleased to unveil our 2024 logo and theme," announced 2024 Hamvention Gen...
Baluns and Ferrites Basics
Antennas/Baluns Unlock the secrets of RF signal optimization in a presentation covering Balun essentials, diverse types, SWR Analyzer checks, revealing results, Ferrite impedance measurements, and practical applications on feeders and house conductors.
Tassie Scanner
Internet and Radio/Live streaming Scanner live streaming for North and North East of Tasmania.
2m Slim Jim portable antenna for SOTA
Antennas/Slim Jim Construct a portable 2m Slim Jim antenna for improved HT signal quality. Utilizing 450 ohm ladder line, the design offers flexibility, durability, and easy deployment. Tuning tips and mounting options enhance its efficiency in handheld transceiver communications
CQ DX World Map
DX Resources/DX Maps A large CQ Zones World Map in Jpeg format.
Greencube (IO-117) Guide to Setup, Software and Operation
Operating Modes/Satellites/CubeSats Explore the detailed setup, essential software, and operational nuances for Greencube (IO-117), a Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) satellite with a 70cm digipeater, offering DX possibilities for amateur radio enthusiasts. From antenna configurations to software choices, this guide covers everything for a successful Greencube experience.
WRC-23 Reaches Acceptable Conclusion on 23-centimeter Issue
Software/Internet Linking AllScan is a free and open-source web app for AllStar nodes that provides Favorites Management features, AllStarLink Stats integration, and connection monitoring and control functions.
Shows your favorites in a Dashboard summary table with Keyed status, Connected Node count and other statistics.
Continually scans the status of each favorite using ASL's Stats API data showing which favorites are active and have recently been active.
Allows favorites to be connected with a single click (optionally automatically disconnecting any currently connected nodes first).
Allows the Favorites Table to be sorted by Node#, Name, Description, Location, etc.
Favorites can be added/deleted simply by entering the node# and clicking a button.
These features finally give AllStar nodes similar memory management and scan capabilities that analog radios have had for decades. AllScan is mobile-friendly and optimized for ease of use on both small and large screens. AllScan follows the latest web development standards, with PHP, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS cleanly partitioned, runs on both ASL and HamVOIP, and is very easy to install, configure, and update.
Scan and Showcase Your QSL Cards
DX Resources/QSLing/QSL Galleries Author proves a swift and enjoyable method for scanning and exhibiting cherished QSL cards in the shack.
Scanning each QSL card and displaying them.
A Modern Solution for Scanning and Showcasing Your Favorite QSL Cards
National Radio Club (NRC)
Shortwave Radio/Clubs The NRC Archives feature past DX News and DX Audio Service publications, offering a glimpse into the "Heyday" of BCB DX. Subscribe to DX News for essential information, 20 bulletins annually, and membership privileges with discounted NRC products. New visitors can download a free sample copy of DX News
T32TT Log Online
DX Resources/Logs T32TT East Kiribati, Christmas Island Log Search provided by clublog. This is 2 man activity from 6m to 160m
Michigan Mighty Mite – QRP CW Transmitter
Radio Equipment/HF Transceivers Michigan Mighty Mite is a QRPP CW transmitter that is easy to built, with a rated power from 200mW to 800mW.
Top Amateur Radio Websites - Issue 2347
Yagi Antenna Design by G4CQM, Remote Power and SWR Meter Project, Setup Packetradio on a Raspberry Pi, LoRa-APRS-iGate, V6 DXpedition Micronesia,
ARRL Audio News December 8, 2023
ARRL Audio News December 8, 2023
Bandwidth Limits Replace Symbol Rates on the HF Bands, Other Bands Open for Comment
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) published new rules adopted last month that replace the symbol rate restrictions on the HF bands with a bandwidth limit of 2.8 kHz. The new rules go into effect January 8, 2024. The bands and band segments affected by the rules change are those authorized for data transmission between 160 and 10 meters, exclusive of 60 meters (where no change was made)...