A site for Amateur Radio Operators, by Amateur Radio Operators.





8086- 8120 of 10028 News Items
Nature Communications Article Features LO-94, First Lunar-Orbiting Ham Radio Spacecraft.

Nature Communications Article Features LO-94, First Lunar-Orbiting Ham Radio Spacecraft A July 9 Nature Communications article, “Design and flight results of the VHF/UHF communication system of Longjiang lunar microsatellites,” describes the Longjiang-2/Lunar-OSCAR 94 (LO-94) spacecraft, which carried the first amateur radio communication system into lunar orbit.

As a part of China’s Chang’e-4 l...

Radio Club of America Announces 2020 Award Recipients and Fellows

The Radio Club of America (RCA) has announced its 2020 award recipients and fellows, several of whom are radio amateurs. Recipients and fellows will be celebrated at RCA’s 111th Banquet & Awards Presentation on Friday, November 20, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

  • Barry Goldwater Award: Bob Bruninga, WB4APR, for unique contributions to the field of amateur radio.

  • Edgar F. Johnson Pioneer Citation ...

ATVS team
Slovene ATV assocciation with latest news about their activity, including great bulletins and huge link colection.
Icom IC-R2 Commander
Software/Radio Programming
Programming software for the Icom IC-R2 handheld receiver and scanner.
European SOTA Activity Day September 19th
Summits On The Air is a programme designed to encourage amateur radio based activity from the summits of hills and mountains in countries around the world and to provide an award system for radio amateurs in all DXCC entities
The Red River Bridge War
The Grayson County Amateur Radio Club commemorates the Red River Bridge War of 1931, a boundary conflict between Oklahoma and Texas
Telecoms regulation in the Hull area
Ofcom has today published a consultation on our proposals for regulating wholesale fixed telecoms markets in the Hull Area between April 2021 and March 2026. This sets outs how we plan to regulate KCOM during this period
SpaceX to launch AMSAT-EA EASAT-2 and Hades satellites
Spain's national amateur radio society URE says SpaceX expect to launch the EASAT-2 and Hades satellites in December 2020
ARRL Director asks: What's wrong with ham radio?
When ARRL Director Ria Jairam N2RJ asked amateurs on Twitter to tell her what's wrong with amateur radio and how to fix it, she had many replies including a blog post from Razvan Fatu M0HZH
A surprise visit from STEVE
Comet photographers in Canada were surprised this week when the night sky filled with purple ribbons of light. It looked like auroras, but it was not
High-end ham radio gives up its firmware secrets
Dan Maloney KC1DJT writes on Hackaday that Afshin Salehi AG5OW and Travis Goodspeed KK4VCZ have dumped and partially decoded the Kenwood TH-D74A’s
UK Online Intermediate training videos
The Radio Society of Harrow has twelve training videos for the current Intermediate Syllabus (July 2020)
Radio amateurs help air-ambulance
Peru's Radio Club Peruano (RCP) reports that Guillermo OA4DTU and the Peruvian Relief Chain on 7.100 MHz assisted an aircraft enroute to Easter Island after its satellite communication equipment failed
EME SSTV Party Could Become an Annual Event

Many stations are reported to have made Earth-moon-Earth (EME) SSTV transmissions on last year’s 50th anniversary celebration of the moon landing.

“We could only do it on the exact date 50 years later, and EME conditions were not very good last year,” said Jan van Muijlwijk, PA3FXB, of the PI9CAM team at Dwingeloo Astronomic Observatory. “[W]e saw many stations joining the SSTV party, and we we...

NQN Filters Designer, Manufacturer Ed Wetherhold, W3NQN, SK

Edward E. “Ed” Wetherhold, W3NQN, of Annapolis, Maryland, died on July 9. He was 93.

Licensed in 1947, Wetherhold was an electrical engineer who served in the US Air Force Reserve before spending 30 years at the Annapolis Signal Analysis Center of Alliant Techsystems (formerly the defense division of Honeywell).

Wetherhold was best known within the amateur radio community for designing and manufa...

Field Day 2020 is Shaping Up to be One for the Record Books

Penang Amateur Radio Club (PARC)
Ham radi blog from malaysian ham radio club PARC
Yaesu FT-817 Add VOX via Data Jack
Radio Equipment/HF Transceivers/Yaesu FT-817
Adding VOX to the Data Jack on an FT-817. A method of modifying the FT-817 so that the data jack could be used with VOX on SSB etc thus eliminating the need for any external PTT switching.
Solar Cycle update
The solar cycle is in a strange place
Amateur radio operators send balloon around the globe
Peter Vogel VE7AFV writes in The B.C. Catholic about radio amateurs who build balloons carrying amateur radio transmitters and fly them around the world
Evaluation of digital modes using the Teensy IONOS Simulator
Joe Speroni, AH0A, ARRL Pacific Section Manager, reports that the Winlink team has published an excellent digital modes comparison study, by Thomas Whiteside, N5TW
RASA’s QTC magazine goes fully electronic
The Radio Amateur Society of Australia is pleased to announce a new, fully electronic edition of our QTC magazine
New amateur radio satellite guidance for Brazil
Brazil's National Telecommunications Agency (Anatel) has published a new webpage providing regulatory information for small amateur radio satellites
Online Intermediate amateur radio training
The Online Amateur Radio Community M0OUK has announced the commencement of its online Intermediate amateur radio training pilot course
ILLW on track for 2020
Registrations for this year’s popular International Lighthouse Lightship Weekend, ILLW, have not been diminished by the global pandemic now known as Covid-19
AMSAT Says Husky-1 CubeSat Project Helped Pave the Way for Future Missions

AMSAT Vice President of Engineering Jerry Buxton, N0JY, said that while it was disappointing that the amateur transponder on HuskySat-1 (HO-107) was not available any longer, following the satellite’s science missions, the overall HuskySat-1 project and mission “were quite beneficial for our partner and for AMSAT.” The linear transponder module (LTM) on HuskySat-1 was operational for more than ...

International Lighthouse Lightship Weekend on Track for 2020

Fenland Repeater Group
GB3SO GB3FR Official Fenland Repeater Group website
G3ZHI web log
Amateur radio blog from UK
6 Meter Homemade J-Pole Antenna
Antennas/6M/6 meter J-Pole Antenna
A homemade j-pole antenna for six meters band, designed to work on local repeaters, and working on the 52-53 MHz. Includes a list of needed materials and detailed description on assembling the copper tubes used to build this antenna.
Midway Island
We've all seen the latest pandemic news. It's not progressing in a good direction or anything like the earlier predictions. The U.S. now has 132,000 deaths and the forecast is for 200,00 by November
Radio amateurs respond to flooding in Indonesia
ORARI HQ and LAPAN (National Institute of Aeronautics and Space of Indonesia) has activated the amateur radio satellite IO-86 for emergency communications in Luwu, South Sulawesi
Magic' of ham radio breaks doldrums of COVID-19
The Gazette video The Magic of Radio looks at the Pikes Peak Radio Amateur Association
1240-1300 MHz discussed at CEPT SE 40 meeting
The 69th meeting of CEPT ECC Working Group SE-40, held June 23-25, discussed the amateur radio 1240-1300 MHz band, the meeting documents are now available
NASA to highlight Comet NEOWISE with public broadcast
NASA experts will discuss and answer public questions about Comet C/2020 F3 NEOWISE during a broadcast of NASA Science Live and follow up media teleconference on Wednesday, July 15. The comet is visible with the naked-eye in the early morning sky and starting this week, after sunset


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