A site for Amateur Radio Operators, by Amateur Radio Operators.





8086- 8120 of 10601 News Items
The IARU QSL Bureau System
DX Resources/QSL Bureaus
The exchange of QSL cards by radio amateurs is a practice that is almost as old as radio itself. History of IARU QSL Bureau, evolution of the system
QNews: Time for reconstruction of the ham radio hobby ?
2020 saw the UK and the USA lead the amateur radio world in introducing online ham radio exams taken at home but most countries still have exam systems stuck in the 1900s
Sharing a success story
In this month’s RadCom, RSGB General Manager Steve Thomas, M1ACB thanks all the staff and volunteers who have pulled together to cope with the challenges of the last four months
IARU: HF Digital Mode Band Plan review
For the first time in their history all three IARU Regions have joined together to directly coordinate band planning efforts to accommodate the the explosive growth in HF digital modes
ARRL Audio News - August 14, 2020
ARRL Audio News - August 14, 2020
IARU Announces HF Digital Mode Band Plan Review

An International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) working group has been formed to develop solutions to reduce congestion within very popular mode segments while preventing mutual interference between “incompatible modes” as much as possible. The working group includes representatives of the three regional band-planning committees, marking the first time the IARU three regions have joined together to...

Matanuska Amateur Radio Association
The Matanuska Amateur Radio Association (M.A.R.A.) is a general interest amateur radio club, with approximately 100 members, our members are involved in every aspect of amateur radio.
WWV numbers and F2 Propagation
Propagation/Propagation Forecast
Comments on the irrelevance of WWV numbers to 50 MHz F2 propagation
An unusual comet just flew past the sun
Astronomers were surprised on Aug. 7th when a triple comet flew past the sun.
ACMA Amateur Radio e-bulletin
Australian communications regulator ACMA is reaching out to radio amateurs by producing an amateur radio e-bulletin sent to all interested amateurs by email
North Wales VHF / UHF Activity Day
Dragon Amateur Radio Club are holding a VHF / UHF Activity Day this coming Saturday 15th August and would like to invite you to take part by operating portable and sending in your logs or simply listening out for activity on the VHf / UHF bands
QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo to Become Twice-Yearly Event

Intrepid-DX Group Announces Winners of Youth “Dream Rig” Essay Contest

The Intrepid-DX Group has announced the winners of its first annual Youth “Dream Rig” Essay Contest. “We received over 60 essays from young amateurs from all over the world,” said Intrepid-DX Group President Paul Ewing, N6PSE. “The essays were unique in thought and very well-articulated. Extra points were given for proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Most of the essays gave unique perspe...

Silphase Technologies
Manufacturers/Software Defined Radio
Amateur radio SDR Receiver and Transceiver manufacturer , makers of the Silphase R1 an innovative HF receiver with high performance real-time spectrum scope.
New 8m and 5m bands added to the popular PSK Reporter website
Thanks to the efforts of Tim EI4GNB, the new 40 MHz (8-metres) and 60 MHz (5-metres) bands have been added to the popular PSK Reporter website
Radio ham reached this world and beyond
The Tampa Bay Times reports radio amateur and NASA engineer John Chitwood K3RGB died from Coronavirus on June 26, aged 73
Police still investigating disappearance of radio amateur and friend
The Daily Mail reports detectives are investigating if two elderly campers who vanished without a trace five months ago were ambushed inside their tent as they slept
Online ham radio training - Statistics and Survey results
Essex Ham have released statistics and survey results from their popular amateur radio Foundation Online training courses
Grid and Prefix Award Program Announces Digital Awards Program

The Grid and Prefix Award Program (GAPA) has announced the establishment of a comprehensive Digital Awards Program. Awards are available for radio amateurs and shortwave listeners (SWLs) for confirmed grids and prefixes worked or heard using digital modes.

“This is not an award based on the station you are using, but rather the operating prowess of the operator,” explained Alan Sorum, WL7CG.


ARRL Hires Paul Z. Gilbert, KE5ZW, as Director of Emergency Management

As another step in ARRL’s increased focus on strengthening its emergency communications capabilities and long-standing working relationships with federal and state agencies and private emergency response organizations, ARRL has hired Paul Z. Gilbert, KE5ZW, of Cedar Park, Texas, as its first Director of Emergency Management.

Gilbert brings more than 30 years of experience in public service in b...

US Department of Defense to Share 3450 – 3550 MHz with 5G Commercial Operations

Arecibo Observatory Reflector Dish Damaged after Cable Snaps

An auxiliary cable that helps to support a metal platform above the Arecibo Observatory radio telescope’s reflector dish in Puerto Rico snapped in the early morning hours of August 10, causing a 100-foot gash in the reflector dish. Operations at the world-famous observatory, managed by the University of Central Florida (UCF) have been halted until repairs can be made. When the 3-inch cable fell...

Shopping and Services/Remote Radio
The RemoteTx ham radio remote control system is an economical way to control your amateur radio station through the Internet with a phone, tablet, Mac or PC. There are 3 main parts to the solution. Conveniently operate your station with a smartphone, tablet or laptop anywhere you have Internet access.
TX Factor Episode 26 – On The Air – NOW!
Running slightly behind schedule, thanks to this dreaded Covid-19 Pandemic, but now finally reaching the airwaves, it’s a bumper Summer edition of TX Factor!
Cheshire County DX ARC
The Cheshire County DX Amateur Radio Club - or CCDX ARC - Has been around for well over a decade. The longest running club ever in this area.
50 MHz F2 Propagation Mechanisms
Propagation/Sporadic E
In order to understand, however imperfectly, when the band will open, it is essential to have some understanding of why the band will open. Article by J. R. Kennedy K6MIO/KH6, Gemini Observatory Hilo, Hawaii
IARUMS July newsletter now available
Page 20 of the latest IARU-R1 Monitoring System newsletter has a report from German radio amateurs on the large number of Fishery Buoys operating in the primary amateur 28 MHz band
GB80CH - 80th Radar Anniversary
GB80CH will be on-the-air August 11-23 to commemorate the crucial role that radar played in the Battle of Britain 80 years ago
First Slovenia to Slovenia contact on 40 MHz
On the 9th of August 2020, Borut S50B and Ivo S59F managed to complete a contact on 40.680 MHz for the first contact on the new 8-metre band between two Slovenian stations
Congratulations to Ana EA7KMA on HAREC success
IRTS congratulate Dublin-based IRTS SWL member EI1570 Ana Cañizares Bejarano of the Technological University Dublin, who recently sat and passed the HAREC examination in her native Spain
GQRP Club releases agenda for its Online Convention 2020
The GQRP Club has released a detailed agenda for its Online Convention 2020, taking place on Saturday 5th and Sunday 6th September
San Angelo Amateur Radio Club
Amateur radio club serving the Concho Valley of West Texas for over 70 years providing public service and SKYWARN severe weather spotting service to the National Weather Service.
Homemade capacitors
Technical Reference/Components
A gallery of home made capacitors made with ALU clamping plates and teflon insultators
Top Amateur Radio Websites - Issue 2017
GPS time sync for modern digital modes, PA0RDT Active Antenna, IC7300BKT Icom IC-7300 CAT Control, Grid Calculator, Buddipole as a J-Pole for 50 MHz, Meinberg NTP for Windows, Master Callsign Database Editor
Laindon Radio Club meeting
The Laindon Radio Club is scheduling it’s next club meeting for the 21st Aug after a long hiatus due to the COVID-19 restrictions


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