A site for Amateur Radio Operators, by Amateur Radio Operators.





8331- 8365 of 10520 News Items
Illinois Section Manager Steps Down, New SM Appointed

Illinois Section Manager Ron Morgan, AD9I, has stepped down due to health concerns that became apparent just as he was ready to start a new term. He was re-elected in the spring Section Manager election cycle. Morgan, of East Peoria, has been Section Manager since February 2017. Thomas Beebe, W9RY, of Marion, has been appointed as the Illinois Section Manager, effective July 1, to fulfill the 2...

The July/August Digital Edition of the National Contest Journal is Now Available

K9JM to transmit CW Version of 2020 W1AW Field Day Bulletin



West Coast ARRL Qualifying Run station K9JM will transmit the CW version of the 2020 W1AW Field Day Bulletin on 80 and 40 meters. On Saturday, June 27, the CW version will be transmitted at 7:30 AM PDT (1430 UTC). On Saturday evening, the CW version will be transmitted at 5:30 PM PDT (Sunday at 0030 UTC). On Sunday, June 28, the CW version of the bulletin will be transmitted at 7:30 AM PDT (1...

Wheaton Community Radio Amateurs
Wheaton Community Radio Amateurs (WCRA - W9CCu), Wheaton, Illinois
Muskegon County Emergency Communication Services
Muskegon County October Color Tour Hamfest. OCTOBER 13, 2012 in Muskegon, Michigan
Get on the Satellites for ARRL Field Day
Operating Modes/Satellites
Practice these operating techniques so you will be ready to capture that 100-point bonus on Field Day. QST Article
Greek special event
Two members of the 'Fifth Ocean Ham Aviator's Club' will be active as SX1AFM from Piraeus Hellas between September 1-30th
Liechtenstein operation
Operators Loick HB9HBY and Greg HB9TWU will be active as HB0/HB9HBY from Liechtenstein between July 24-26th
Vanuatu special event
Operators Colin YJ8CW, Estelle YJ8ED and Rod YJ8RN will be active as YJ40IND between July 1-30th
Out of nowhere, a Global Magnetic Anomaly
On June 23rd, Earth's quiet magnetic field was unexpectedly disturbed by a wave of magnetism that rippled around much of the globe
UK radio ham answers call for help
ARRL report UK radio amateur Maxis Johnston GM0MRJ answered a call for help made on DMR by an amateur in Massapequa, New York
Proposal fees for Local Access and Shared Access licences
Ofcom is proposing to update the Wireless Telegraphy Act fees regulations to include the most recently released licences
Radio Amateur’s Call for Help Relayed from across the Atlantic

When Richard Tashner, N2EO, of Massapequa, New York, suffered a medical emergency on May 18, his DMR radio was closer than his phone. His call for help was answered by Maxis Johnston, GM0MRJ, who put out a call for “anyone in the states.”

Kent County Amateur Radio Club member Ken Dix, KB2KBD, in Delaware heard the call on the local 146.91 MHz repeater, which was linked to the North American talk...

ARRL President Rick Roderick, K5UR, Issues Field Day 2020 Statement

ARRL President Rick Roderick, K5UR, has released a statement in advance of ARRL Field Day 2020.

Dear ARRL Members,

For the first time since the event was introduced in 1933, ARRL Field Day will indeed be significantly different this year. Continuing public safety restrictions due to COVID-19 will force many of you to operate from home, while some radio clubs, where permitted, will venture outside...

Galashielsand District Amateur Radio Society
Scottish ham radio society
EURAO Radio Amateur Insurance
Shopping and Services/Ham Radio Insurance
The purpose of this insurance is to guarantee the pecuniary consequences of the civil liability incumbent on the insured due to consequential bodily, material and immaterial damage caused to third parties as a result of their radio amateur activities
Yasme Foundation supporting grant to establish Reverse Beacon Network (RBN) nodes in Africa
The Board of Directors of The Yasme Foundation has made a supporting grant to establish Reverse Beacon Network (RBN) nodes in Algeria, Tunisia, and Libya
Balearic Islands
Andy, DK5ON, will once again be active as EA6/DK5ON from Mallorca Island (EU-004, ARLHS BAL-010 Cap de Pera Light, WLOTA 1902) between July 1-11th
QRM / RFI mitigation resource
QRM Guru is the Radio Amateur Society of Australia's (RASA) free on-line interference (RFI) mitigation resource
ISWL callsigns for July 2020
The following International Short Wave League (ISWL) club callsigns will be used throughout the month of July 2020
Radio hams get ready for this weekend's Field Day
The Chicago Tribune reports radio amateurs are getting geared up for ‘Field Day 2020,' despite limits on big events, which takes place June 27-28
DARC to Offer HAM RADIOnline June 26 – 29

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, this year's HAM RADIO in Friedrichshafen, Germany, was canceled. The Deutscher Amateur Radio Club (DARC) will instead offer HAM RADIOnline, which will feature many interesting topics related to our hobby, said Thomas Wrede, DF2OO, of the DARC International Affairs Team. The Software Defined Radio Academy team and the Fascination HAM RADIO crew will produce the virt...

QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo Set for August

Video Explains the Mission and Purpose of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)

The video “What is IARU?” is now available on the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) Region 2 website.

“This video explains the mission and roles of IARU to represent, develop, and defend frequencies for amateur radio around the world,” IARU Region 2 explains. “It also describes the regional organizations and the critical roles of its more than 160 member-societies.

The English-language pr...

ARISS Volunteer Tony Hutchison, VK5ZAI, Named Member of the Order of Australia

Veteran Amateur Radio on the International Radio Station (ARISS) volunteer Tony Hutchison, VK5ZAI, has been honored as a Member of the Order of Australia in Queen Elizabeth’s Birthday Honours List. Hutchison was recognized “For significant service to amateur radio, particularly to satellite and space communication.” The Australian Government’s Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet noted ...

SAQ Announces Annual Alexanderson Day Transmission

The vintage SAQ Alexanderson alternator in Grimeton, Sweden, will conduct its annual Alexanderson Day transmissions on 17.2 kHz on Sunday, July 5. Startup and tuning will begin at 0830 UTC, with the transmission commencing at 0900 UTC. Startup and tuning for the second transmission will begin at 1130 UTC, with the message transmission at 1200 UTC. Both events will be broadcast live via the Alex...

Revisiting the GR5V and ZS6BKW Multi-band Antennas
NEC models are used to explore the GR5V and ZS8BKW optimizations. A third optimization is also rediscovered. The effect of fixed lengths of 75 ohm coax are explored. A link to the NEC model is provided.
TS-590S audio noise
Radio Equipment/HF Transceivers/Kenwood TS-590S
With high impedance earphones plugged into the audio jack on the Kenwood TS-590S or TS-590SG, you can hear a really annoying noise even with the AF volume set to zero. A simple quick-and-dirty solution is a resistor in series to the audio output.
Let this microprocessor controlled MFJ Contest Voice KeyerTM call CQ, send your call and do contest exchanges for you in your own natural voice!
Royal Signals Amateur Radio Society
The Royal Signals Amateur Radio Society (RSARS) marks its 100th anniversary with the callsign GB100RS between June 28 and the end of October
UK’s internet use surges to record levels
UK adults are now spending more than a quarter of their waking day online – the highest on record – with services such as TikTok and Zoom seeing unprecedented growth, according to Ofcom’s latest study into the nation’s online lives
Noctilucent clouds over London
On the summer solstice, a midnight display of noctilucent clouds (NLCs) startled sky watchers in London, who could see tendrils of frosted meteor smoke glowing through the city's normally-overpowering urban lights
Co-Chairmen Dick N6AA and Jim N6TJ sent out the following announcement. We will be hosting a 'mini-Visalia', March 19th, 20th and 21st, 2021, at the Visalia Wyndham (our old Holiday Inn)
WIA Submission on use of 5 MHz band
Australian nation amateur radio society the WIA has published its submission to the regulator ACMA on the use on the WRC-15 5 MHz (60m) band
The 2020 IARU HF Championships
The aim of the IARU HF Championships is to contact as many other amateurs, especially IARU Member Society HQ stations, around the world as possible using the 160, 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 metre bands, and using phone and CW


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