A site for Amateur Radio Operators, by Amateur Radio Operators.





9066- 9100 of 10520 News Items
Significant digital voice growth
The Irish Radio Transmitters Society report that the installation of three additional gateways for digital voice modes has finally been completed
Radio Amateur Finds Another “Zombie Satellite”

British Columbia radio amateur Scott Tilley, VE7TIL, has found another “zombie satellite,” as he calls them. This time, he tracked and identified radio signals from the experimental UHF military communication satellite LES-5. Tilley says he found the satellite in what he called a geostationary “graveyard” orbit after noting a modulated carrier on 236.7487 MHz.

“Most zombie satellites are satelli...

Emergency Ventilator Designed and Constructed by Hams Going to FDA

Radio amateurs have succeeded in providing a complete, working ventilator system to University of Florida researchers who are in the process of applying to the Food and Drug Administration for an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA). A successful submission would blaze the way for volunteers and manufacturers around the world to create low-cost, highly functional Intensive Care Unit (ICU) or anest...

The Potomac Valley Radio Club
A world-class amateur radio contesting club, is represented by two chapters in North Carolina and extends as far north as Pennsylvania and Delaware.
Amateur Exam Question Pools
ARRL page on amateur radio exam questio pools, withdrawn questions and question pool schedule
CW QSO Example
Operating Modes/Morse code/Morse operating guides
A sample morse code QSO template. In this page you can find a standard QSO message protocol between two operators.
Samoan special event
Atsu, 5W1SA, is expected to be active as 5W19STAYSAFE from Apia during the pandemic COVID-19 lock-down
Radio remedy
The Telegraph newspaper reports how amateur radio operators are doing their bit during lockdown in India
Radio amateurs spray disinfectant on vehicles
Indonesia's national amateur radio society, ORARI, reports radio hams have been spraying disinfectant on the Trans Sulawesi Road as part of efforts to fight Coronavirus
GB0GIG on air in May to thank our NHS
Dragon Amateur Radio Club and North Wales Radio Society are pleased to announce their collaboration to run the special event station GB0GIG (Gwasanaeth Iechyd Gwladol), which is Welsh for National Health Service
DIY amateur radio operators answer the COVID-19 call
Design News reports that since the coronavirus pandemic hit the U.S., a record number of ham radio candidates have prepared for tests and achieved their FCC license
ICQPodcast - Radio Communication Museum
In this episode, Martin M1MRB is joined by Leslie Butterfield G0CIB, Edmund Spicer M0MNG and Dan Romanchik KB6NU to discuss the latest Amateur / Ham Radio news. Colin M6BOY rounds up the news in brief and this episode’s feature is the National Communication Museum
Electronic voting for the 2020 SARL AGM
Following the declaration of a State of Emergency for the Corona Virus Pandemic and the Regulations issued by the Government, the SARL Council made the decision to postpone the 2020 SARL National Convention until August
IARU-R2 online workshops exceed expectations
IARU-R2 reports the response to the original notice of workshops was far beyond their expectations: 230 registered and more are still registering!
Baluns and common mode chokes
Voltage baluns versus Current baluns. When to use them, differences, and typical usage in feeding antennas, or in resolving radio frequency interferences.
New OSCAR t-shirt available from AMSAT Zazzle store
Thanks to an post on Twitter from Michael Styne, K2MTS, AMSAT is pleased to offer a new t-shirt on the AMSAT Zazzle Store
Russian radio ham receives Iranian satellite signal
KXAN 36 News reports a Russian radio amateur Dmitry Pashkov R4UAB received the 401.500 MHz 9k6 FSK signal from Iran's first military satellite Noor-1 launched April 22
SolderSmoke Podcast 221 available
Bill Meara M0HBR / N2CQR has released another edition of the amateur radio SolderSmoke podcast
Let's take some pictures
The command team has had a few requests for camera mode on AO-92 over the last few weeks, and it’s been a while, so let’s take some pictures next week
Long-lost U.S. military satellite found by amateur radio operator
National Public Radio (NPR) reports radio amateur Scott Tilley VE7TIL / VA7LF has received a signal from a geostationary military satellite that was launched in 1967
UK online ham radio exams prove a great success
As at the end of April 24 the RSGB had successfully conducted 29 remotely-invigilated online amateur radio Foundation exams in people's homes
Ofcom release database of Amateur Radio Call Signs
Following a Freedom of Information request Ofcom have released a spreadsheet of all Allocated amateur radio call signs in the UK and Crown Dependencies
FT991 MARS Mod
Radio Equipment/HF Transceivers/Yaesu FT-991
This modification will expand the tx frequency range of the Yaesu FT-991 from allowing just ham radio bands, to all bands 1.8 - 30MHz and 50-54 MHz.This information is solely for use by licensed members of MARS (Military Affiliate Radio System) or CAP (Civil Air Patrol)
Moroccan Special Event
Moroccan special event stations will be using the COVID-19 Awareness special event callsign CN20SH (for StayHome) until April 30th
Tajikistan back on 50 mHz again
Nodir, EY8MM, informed OPDX that "after 10 years of being QRT, the EY Hams can now operate on the 50 MHz band again. Analog broadcasting on Ch1 has been stopped early 2020."
WARO in recess
Disturbing news from New Zealand in this week’s NZART Break-in newsletter is that WARO (Women Amateur Radio Operators) is to "tread water"
Australian Foundation Licence Syllabus poll results
WIA Vice President Aidan Mountford VK4APM reports on the recent poll regarding the Foundation Licence Syllabus which was completed by 10% of Australia's radio amateurs
ARRL Audio News - April 24, 2020
ARRL Audio News - April 24, 2020
International Marconi Day Canceled

Add International Marconi Day (IMD) to the roster of amateur radio events canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. IMD celebrates the role of wireless pioneer Guglielmo Marconi played in the development of radio technology. The 24-hour event is held annually to celebrate Marconi’s birthday on April 25, 1874, and is typically held on the Saturday in April closest to that date. This year, IMD would...

UN International Center in Vienna Joins Stay-at-Home Movement

RSGB Aims to Promote Health and Wellbeing within the Amateur Radio Community

AJ8MH Web Site
Marquette, in the upper peninsula of Michigan (MI)
Orkney Amateur Radio Club
Founded in 2000. Club activities include island activations, dxpeditions and contesting. All interests catered for.
BX-184 Voice Keyer
Technical Reference/Keyers
The BX-184 is a voice keyer developed by Olli DH8BQA designed to fit into the case of a Yaesu MH-31 microphone.
ISWL callsigns for May 2020
The following ISWL club callsigns will be used throughout the month of May 2020


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