A site for Amateur Radio Operators, by Amateur Radio Operators.





9101- 9135 of 10028 News Items
Whiskey 4 Moonshine
Special event station W4M ("Whiskey 4 Moonshine") is now active until April 30th. Activity is to to commemorate (not celebrate) the 100 year anniversary of the beginning of Prohibition by celebrating the Moonshine Heritage of Franklin County
Easter Island
Hans-Martin, DK2HM, will be active as XR0YHM from Easter Island (SA-001) between August 27th and September 7th
Bank Holiday Monday Contest
Ireland's IRTS News reports that a one-off independent 2m contest is being held on the Bank holiday Monday on May 4th to promote 2m usage during the COVID-19 lockdown
International Marconi Day cancelled
International Marconi Day celebrates the huge part Guglielmo Marconi played in the invention of radio
Foundation Online training webinar popular
Essex Ham report an amateur radio Foundation Online training webinar held on April 21 attracted 273 participants
Nomination Deadline Extended for Philip J. McGan Memorial Silver Antenna Award

In light of the coronavirus pandemic, the ARRL Public Relations Committee has extended the nomination deadline for the Philip J. McGan Memorial Silver Antenna Award until Monday, June 15, 2020.


The Philip J. McGan Memorial Silver Antenna Award is presented annually to a radio amateur who has demonstrated success in his or her public relations efforts on behalf of amateur radio and who best exem...

ARRL 2020 Teachers Institute Sessions are Canceled

ARRL Suggests Taking a Creative Approach to Field Day 2020

This year, ARRL Field Day promises to be a unique iteration of this annual event, with many individuals and groups coming up with new and interesting ways to adjust their approach. As an event, Field Day is structured to be versatile and can be adapted for any situation.

Many groups have asked how they can adjust their Field Day planning to address social-distancing guidelines that may be in eff...

ARRL New England Division Convention Postponed to November

NOAA Updates Solar Cycle 25 Prediction

Frank Donovan, W3LPL, notes that the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC) has published its official updated prediction of Solar Cycle 25 in new, interactive Solar Cycle Progression graphs. The updated prediction is based on the results of NOAA’s Solar Cycle 25 Prediction Panel.

“SWPC forecasts a solar maximum between 105 and 125, with the...

Japan’s Radio Amateurs Gain Expanded Access to 160 and 80 Meters

kE6YJC Ham radio stuff
Ted Freitas Fresno, California, United States
Southern California Transmitter Hunters
QST Magazine said, We have the hardest T-Hunts in the Country
Norwood Amateur Radio Club
NARC is an ARRL affiliated amateur radio club located in Norwood, Massachusetts, USA. Approximately 20 miles south of Boston
WoSARS Glasgow
Ham Radio/Clubs/Europe/UK/Scotland
The West of Scotland Amateur Radio Society (Glasgow) established in May 1970
Yaesu FT-991 vs ICOM IC-7300 Videos
A selection of videos comparing the Yaesu FT-991 versus the Icom IC-7300
Brazilian amateurs say 'thanks'
A group of Brazilian operators are using the special event callsign ZW8THANKS as a tribute to health care professionals fighting COVID-19
Marconi's birthday
The Documentary Archive for the History of Radio Communication and Electronic Media in Austria are running the special event station OE20M to mark Marconi's birthday between the 24th and 26th
WIA anniversary celebrations
The Wireless Institute of Australia (WIA) celebrates its 110th anniversary and the World Amateur Radio Day with the following callsigns during the next 6 months
Latest research on people’s access and response to news and information about Covid-19
Ofcom has today published its latest weekly research on how people are receiving and acting on news and information during the current coronavirus pandemic
GB1NHS on the air as part of #GOTA2C campaign
The NHS amateur radio station GB1NHS will be on the air on Wednesday, April 22, from 0900 GMT (1000 BST) as part of the RSGB “Get on the air to care” campaign
Japan gets extended 160m and 80m bands
Japan's JARL reports on April 21, Japanese radio amateurs were granted extensions to the 1.8 and 3.5 MHz bands along with hands-on operation by unqualified people and simplification of licensing procedure
Florida QSO Party Announces Stay-at-Home Adjustments

Hams in India Provide Communication Assistance during COVID-19 Pandemic

According to a report in The New Indian Express, amateur radio operators in Kerala state have joined the fight against COVID-19. The newspaper said the district administration has enlisted radio amateurs to improve important communication between departments and offices. Upward of 20 hams are involved, organized into teams.

Radio Amateur Society of Ananthapuri President Dr. Zakheer Hussain, VU3...

Contest University (CTU) 2020 will be Free and Online

Tim Duffy, K3LR, has announced that Contest University (CTU) USA 2020 will be held online via Zoom on Thursday May 14, starting at 1245 UTC. CTU 2020 is free. The CTU course outline has been posted online. Connection details to the CTU Zoom bridge will be posted on the Contest University site one week prior to CTU. Sessions will be recorded for viewing any time after May 14. Slide decks will be...

Brazil Grid Map
Ham Radio grid map of Brazil
North Jersey DX Association
North Jersey DX Association, home of the ARRL W2 Incoming QSL Bureau
W3LWW Foothills Amateur Radio Club
Greensburg, Pennsylvania
Ecoflex-15 Degradation
Technical Reference/Coax Cables and Connectors
This article describes the problem detection on power loss events experienced during repeated usage of the Ecoflex-15 coax cable by members of the G3PYE contest minions and addressed to repeated coiling and uncoiling which has fractured the foil braid in numerous places.
Stay at home and self-isolate
Well we have all been hearing that we should stay at home and self-isolate, but what do we do when we are at home?
Surprise geomagnetic storm
The first geomagnetic storm of 2020 (category G1) took forecasters by surprise this morning when a CME impact sparked bright auroras over Canada and some northern-tier US states
David Icke interview on London Live breaks broadcasting rules
Ofcom has today imposed a sanction on ESTV after an interview with David Icke on its local television channel London Live included potentially harmful content about the coronavirus pandemic
Japanese Morse code talk by G3CSG (SK)
VERON has made available on their YouTube channel a vintage video of the talk given by Norman Kendrick G3CSG to the Wyre Amateur Radio Society about Japanese Morse code
Timor-Leste DXpedition postponed
A statement on their website says: Unfortunately, we had to make the decision that we have to postpone our DXpedition to Timor-Leste to next year. The current situation based on the Corona pandemic makes it impossible to plan anything later in this year
NASA Television to air Space Station cargo ship launch, docking
NASA Television will provide live coverage of the launch and docking of a Russian cargo spacecraft delivering almost three tons of food, fuel, and supplies to the International Space Station beginning at 9:30 p.m. EDT Friday, April 24


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