A site for Amateur Radio Operators, by Amateur Radio Operators.





9241- 9275 of 10520 News Items
WW4VA Stafford Area Radio Association
Stafford Area Radio Association
Galashiels and District Amateur Radio Society
GM4YEQ Galashiels and District Amateur Radio Society (GDARS)
Following the closure of QSL Buro in a number of countries impacted by Covid 19 it is appropriate to clarify the current situation in Ireland
DX Test
Radio City from Zeeland, the Netherlands is making history by conducting one of the first European morse code DX-tests
ICQPodcast - Shortwave Listening Thomas Witherspoon K4SWL
In this episode, Martin M1MRB is joined by Chris Howard M0TCH, Martin Rothwell M0SGL, Ed Durrant DD5LP, Frank Howell K4FMH and Bill Barns N3JIX to discuss the latest Amateur / Ham Radio news. Colin M6BOY rounds up the news in brief and this episode’s feature is - Passion of Shortwave Listening with Thomas Witherspoon K4SWL
United Nations Amateur Radio Club news
James, K2QI, President of United Nations Radio Club 4U1UN reports that as part of the STAY HOME movement, during the UN HQ building lockdown, UNARC was granted special permission to utilize a very limited remote operation possibility
Belgium: Use of special call signs during coronavirus crisis
Belgium's communications regulator, BIPT, is permitting amateur radio Special Event Callsigns to be used from home. This also applies to Basic (Equiv UK Foundation) and Novice (UK Int) licensees
Switzerland: Revision of FMG Telecommunications Act regulations
Switzerland's national amateur radio society USKA was invited to comment on the new regulations in connection with the Swiss Telecommunications Act FMG
432 MHz Trans-Atlantic record extended to almost 4,370 kms
The D4VHF station on Cape Verde Islands off the coast of Africa finally managed to work as far west as Puerto Rico on Saturday the 11th of April when a successful FT8 contact on 432 MHz was completed with WP3DN
160m Kite Vertical Antenna
An essential kite antenna plan for the top band, Antenna has been tested at half wave and quarter wave.
MD-380 how to update firmware
Radio Equipment/VHF-UHF Handhelds/TYT MD-380
A step by step instruction on how to upgrade firmware on the Tytera MD-380 DMR
Two contests next weekend
The Autumn QRP Contest runs from 12:00 to 15:00 UTC on Saturday 18 April 2020 with CW and SSB activity on 40 metres for the first hour and on the other HF contest bands during the remaining two hours
ARISS responds to the COVID-19 pandemic
In light of the recent COVID-19 pandemic, the ARISS team is working to transform its activities for the health and safety of our students, host educational institutions and its team
QRQPoint - The meeting place for high speed telegraphy enthusiasts in Europe
Dear OM and all CW lovers, I will you proudly inform, that our website is now online
AmateurLogic 142: Fading Sidebands, DRM SSTV and OpenWebRX
Do you really know what’s shown in a Spectrum Display? George explains. Visually observing a signal fade. Emile’s DRM SSTV exploration. Mike discovers OpenWebRX is back and more
SA-QSL available to non-members
Jan Botha, ZS4JAN says that many new call signs have been logged during the lockdown period. Many of these new and old call signs are not familiar with SA-QSL, the purpose of it and how to utilize this function
New IARU-R2 Workshops Coordinator appointed
IARU Region 2 has announced the appointment of Augusto Gabaldoni OA4DOH as Workshops Coordinator
165 Volunteer Monitors checking ham radio operating standards
The ARRL have provided an update on the Volunteer Monitor Program that aims to re-energize enforcement efforts in the US Amateur Radio bands
QSO Today Amateur Radio Podcast - Sam Birnbaum - W2JDB
Sam Birnbaum, W2JDB, has a background in computer science and programming that led him to first develop a software logging program called Quick Log, or QLog for operating and logging the digital modes more easily while doing National parks on the air
K8ZTs Ham Radio Resources
K8ZT's Extensive Ham Radio Resources about QRP, Vanity Callsigns, Software, Maps, Kent State, Shack Design, Argonaut, Sommer, Log Analysis
ARRL Audio News - April 10, 2020
ARRL Audio News - April 10, 2020
New Volunteer Monitor Program is Up and Running

VE7NA Nanaimo Amateur Radio Association
The Nanaimo Amateur Radio Association is made up of members of the community stretching from Courtenay to Duncan on Vancouver Island.
Operating Modes/Digital Modes
In the field of RTTY transmissions with audio boards, you can transmit either in FSK or AFSK mode. Which is better: FSK or AFSK? Advantages and Disadvantages of both methods
Solar storm electrical hazard maps
Power companies have long been wary of the sun. Why? Because solar superstorms can make your lights go out
144 MHz Trans-Atlantic record extended to almost 4,760kms
The incredible tropo conditions between Cape Verde Islands and the Caribbean continue to amaze with trans-Atlantic contacts on 144 MHz and 432 MHz being made
CAA Radiotelephony Manual
Notes on pronunciation are useful for amateurs in noisy conditions. The UK Radiotelephony Manual (CAP 413) aims to provide pilots, Air Traffic Services personnel and aerodrome drivers with a compendium of clear, concise, standard phraseology and associated guidance for radiotelephony communication in United Kingdom airspace
B2 Type 3 Mark II Spy set video on YouTube
The RSGB report the Commonwealth War Graves Commission visited the RSGB National Radio Centre to make a film about the Spy set displayed in the foyer
Tribute to former teacher Keith Matthew G0WYS
The Falmouth Packet reports Keith Matthew G0WYS inspired a generation of Helston students but now a former teacher and amateur radio enthusiast has made his last transmission
Tweet with Morse code
An article in Raspberry Pi magazine MagPi by PJ Evans of Milton Keynes shows how you can Tweet with Morse code
SDRs for Small Satellites
Al Williams WD5GNR writes on Hackaday about a report on SDR's for small satellite communications - Evaluation of SDR Boards and Toolchains - written by Alexandru Csete OZ9AEC and Sheila Christiansen
Hamvention QSO Party Set for Saturday, May 16

The Hamvention QSO Party, a sort of virtual Dayton Hamvention®, will take place on the HF bands on May 16, which would be the Saturday of the now-canceled event. “Let’s celebrate the many years we have all had at the Great Gathering we call Hamvention,” said an announcement over the signatures of Tim Duffy, K3LR, and Michael Kalter, W8CI.

“We also want to remember Ron Moorefield, W8ILC, who neve...

First Transatlantic Contact on 70 Centimeters Reported

VA3BAL Central Ontario Amateur Radio Club

W8LKY Alliance (Ohio) Amateur Radio Club
Amateur radio w8lky alliance amateur radio club arrl special service


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