A site for Amateur Radio Operators, by Amateur Radio Operators.





9591- 9625 of 10756 News Items
W6WGZ Madera County Amateur Radio Club
The Madera County Amateur Radio Club was formed for public service, education, scientific and recreational purposes of amateur radio and to elevate the standards of operating practices and ethics in amateur radio communications. San Joacquin Valley California
Florence Amateur Radio Club
supports three repeaters in the Florence SC area. The Club Callsign, W4ULH authorized by the Federal Communications Commission.
Taming the Quadrifilar Helical Antenna
Antennas/Quadrifilar Helix
The Quadrifilar Helical antenna provides circular polarization and complete hemispherical reception, which is precisely what is needed to receive the polar orbiting weather satellites, and as a 2 meter antenna it will receive horizontal, vertical and clockwise circular polarization.
Helical Antennas -Theory
Helical antenna or helix antenna is the antenna in which the conducting wire is wound in helical shape and connected to the ground plate with a feeder line. It is the simplest antenna, which provides circularly polarized waves.
Amateur Radio guide to Social Distancing
“In the current climate, Social Distancing is very important and Keith G6NHU has put together a reminder for radio amateurs showing how to remember the recommended distance to keep apart”
Ham Talk Live! interviews Frank Bauer, KA3HDO
Ham Talk Live! host Neal Rapp, WB9VPG recently interviewed Frank Bauer, KA3HDO, for an informative look at recent events in the ARISS program
Randy Thompson, K5ZD, named interim WPX Contest Director
Former CQ WPX Contest Director Randy Thompson, K5ZD, has been appointed interim director of the on-air competition following the resignation of Terry Zivney, N4TZ. Zivney had been contest director for the past seven years
Small Scale DAB radio licences extended again
Radio Today report that the ten trial Small Scale DAB multiplex operators have had their temporary licences extended till the end of 2021
Foundation Online Amateur Radio Training
Essex Ham plans to start their next free online amateur radio Foundation training course on April 5
Ham College 63
Extra Class Exam Questions – Part 2 Station restrictions and special operations: restrictions on station location; general operating restrictions; spurious emissions; antenna structure restrictions; RACES operations
QSO Today Amateur Radio Podcast - Bry Carling - AF4K
Bry Carling, AF4K, is an old boat anchor radio collector, co-founder of the Novice Rig Roundup, and keeper of thousands of old-time crystals, for sale, for your next rig restoration, or a new build of Bob Heil, K9EID’s, pine board project
USA conducts first all-online ham radio exam
The first remote all-online amateur radio Technician license exam was carried out in the United States on March 26, 2020
Ham radio antenna manufacturer, duplexers, antenna rotors and antenna accessories based in Brazil
Clackamas County ARES
Clackamas County KD7ZDO Amateur Radio Emergency Service Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service
Yaesu FT-857D Select Knob Wobbles - How to replace
Radio Equipment/HF Transceivers/Yaesu FT-857
A youtube video instructions on how to replace, the Select knob. Very often this know wobbles after some years of usage and in this video is well documented all passages needed to replace the knob.
Online Morse Code Training
Software/Morse Code Training
Learn Morse Online in 40 lessons with this web based morse code learning program, based on the Koch method. Choose the lesson, adjust the wanted parameters, and start the transmission of a set of random characters based on chosen lesson. Recognize the code and verify it at the end of the lesson.
Taming the Quadrifilar Hliceal Antenna
The Quadrifilar Helical antenna provides circular polarization and complete hemispherical reception, which is precisely what is needed to receive the polar orbiting weather satellites, and as a 2 meter antenna it will receive horizontal, vertical and clockwise circular polarization.
Radio hams assist Homeland Security
The Wiscasset newspaper reports on one of the radio amateurs who are assisting Homeland Security with ham radio communications
Indian students offered the chance to learn Ham Radio in lockdown
Are you tired in kockdown? Indian Students are being offered the chance to Learn from Home about interesting scientific hobby known as Amateur (Ham) Radio!
Message from the RAC President Glenn MacDonell, VE3XRA
The Covid-19 pandemic has been a part of our daily lives for several weeks now and will most likely continue to be for some time. The pandemic is of particular concern for Radio Amateurs because ours is a hobby that can be practised by people of all ages from elementary schoolchildren to senior citizens
Stuck in the shack? Make use of your downtime
For over five years, the Fair Lawn (NJ) Amateur Radio Club has presented a live monthly speaker series for its members and guests highlighting the leading talent from the local amateur radio community. The Club reminds hams everywhere that these monthly club videos are available for you to view to stay active in the hobby while isolated because of the coronavirus epidemic
ARRL Audio News - March 27, 2020
ARRL Audio News - March 27, 2020
Field Day 2020 — A Time to Adapt

Many individuals and groups organizing events for Field Day 2020 have been contacting ARRL for guidance on how to adapt their planned activities in this unprecedented time of social distancing and uncertainty.

“Due to the unique situation presented this year, this can be an opportunity for you, your club, and/or group to try something new,” ARRL Contest Manager Paul Bourque, N1SFE, said. “Field...

HamSCI 2020 Workshop Successfully Reworked as a Virtual Event

VK6YSF - Peter
Amateur radio web site of Peter Miles , VK6YSF. The purpose of this site is to promote amateur radio and also as a way to document and share the various radio activities and projects that I'm involved with.
Ohio Area Repeater Council
CS5TRGM Tertulia Radioamadoristica Guglielmo Marconi
Yaesu FT-857D Select Know Wobbles - How to replace
Radio Equipment/HF Transceivers/Yaesu FT-857
A youtube video instructions on how to replace, the Select know. Very often this know wobbles after some years of usage and in this video is well documented all passages needed to replace the knob.
Yaesu FTM-300D
Yaesu FTM-300D new 144/430 MHz Dual Band C4FM Digital/Analog FM Mobile Transceiver GPS C4FM Dual RX WIRESX Node
Kosovo scouting trip
Operators Erik ON4ANN and Erik ON4CCV will be active as Z68AN and Z68EC (callsigns pending), respectively, from Kosovo between April 27-30th
Noctilucent clouds over the South Pacific
Are you ready to see an electric-blue cloud made of frosted meteor smoke?
Netherlands special event
Operators Harm PA0HPG, Michel PA0VCC, Ad PA2PCH, Nico PA3ADU, Gerrie PA7TT, Harm PD0GIB, Bert PD2B and Gerard PD2VW will activate special event station PA75ASN between April 1st and May 7th
Coronavirus: Radio listening booms while music streaming stalls
BBC News report that people staying at home due to the coronavirus pandemic appear to be listening to more radio rather than music apps, figures suggest
Coronavirus: Ham radio clubs connect amid social distancing
ARRL report members of the K7UAZ Amateur Radio Club in Tucson -- a student organization at the University of Arizona -- have moved their radio club meetings to the radio
Coronavirus: Bengal Ham radio operators help police in tracking
Outlook India reports "Ham radio operators in West Bengal are helping police in tracking down mass gatherings and sending vagabonds to the shelters during the nationwide lockdown imposed in the wake of the coronavirus outbreak, officials said on Thursday"


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