A site for Amateur Radio Operators, by Amateur Radio Operators.





9766- 9800 of 10520 News Items
Andaman Islands DXpedition news
VU4R Team will be active from 20th March 2020 to 31st March 2020 in Neil Islands, Andamans
AMSAT Academy to be held prior to Dayton Hamvention
Come join us the day before Hamvention, for AMSAT Academy – a unique opportunity to learn all about amateur radio in space and working FM, linear transponder, and digital satellites currently in orbit
The world's oldest amateur radio society
Next Wednesday, the 11th March will be the 110 anniversary of the meeting in Sydney of the Experimenters of the day who were trying to get a better deal from the authorities
Dominican Republic Winlink Emergency Communications Agreement signed
On February 11, the Dominican Institute of Telecommunications (INDOTEL) and the Emergency Operations Center (COE) signed an agreement that formalizes the use of Amateur Radio bands and processes to be used in case of a disaster
Clubs as Hubs?
Amateur Radio Clubs in the Somerset Area of the UK are being invited to take part in a local day conference later this year to find ways of supporting each other, connecting with people in a rural setting, and growing the hobby
FT-8 experimental event
On Monday, 9th we will start an experimental event: How long does it take to get the DXCC in FT8?
Fred Hammond Chapter 73 QCWA
Chapter 73 fred hammond chapter of the quarter century wireless association
Eddystone User Group
This site is dedicated to all collectors of Eddystone Radio products
VE3PRC Peel Amature Radio Club
Peel Amature Radio Club
Portuguese page, from VLF to some GHz, antennas, projects, EME, NDB DX and more.
ARRL A-1 Club
The A-1 Operator Club
VK Contest Club
VK Contest Club (VK1CC) is a national organisation for all contest minded hams in Australia
A very efficient half size 40 meter Vertical Antenna
Antennas/40M/40 meter Vertical Antennas
A vertical antenna project for the 7MHz made with some spare parts. Based on a broken 20 foot fishing pole, it is based on a good ground system made with radials and a capacitive hat done to increase the global radiation resistance of the antenna. A custom loading coil is also included in this project to perfectly tune the antenna to the CW portion of the 40 meters band.
Electronics students earn FCC ham radio licenses
The Dover Post reports electronics students at Sussex Technical High School recently earned their federal amateur radio operator technician class licenses, a new step along their career pathway
Icom renews commitment to WRTC 2022
Icom has announced that they are renewing their sponsorship commitment to the World Radiosport Team Championship (WTRC) 2022 Italia, to be held in Bologna
Story of ham radio moon bounce pioneer on ABC News
ABC News recalls achievements of Australian amateur radio moon bounce pioneer Ray Naughton VK3ATN who passed away in 2012
Agencies on alert as use of illegal wireless sets detected
The New Indian Express reports the use of unauthorised wireless sets have become a cause of worry for licenced radio amateurs in Kerala
60m for Senegal
Yves F5PRU / 6W1TA in Senegal has been informed by ARTP, the Senegalese Telecom Regulatory Authority, that the new WRC-15 Amateur Secondary Allocation 5351.5 – 5366.5 kHz is now allowed in the country
Interference from solar panel installations
Sweden's national amateur radio society, SSA, reports on work to identify and resolve the radio interference that is caused by solar panel installations
Wythall Hamfest cancelled
As a responsible Club, Wythall Radio Club have taken this step to minimise any risks to the expected 400+ visitors and traders from the Covid-19 virus, due to the uncertainties regarding the spread of the virus
Coronavirus: Ham radio events in Japan cancelled
JARL reports a number of amateur radio events planned for March have been cancelled as a result of coronavirus
South Orkneys VP8PJ DXpedition Team to Head Home on March 6

[UPDATED: 2020-03-04 @ 1832 VP8PJ now will continue radio operations throughout most of February 5. The team will depart Signy Island on March 7.]

The VP8PJ South Orkney Islands DXpedition now under way has put nearly 60,000 contacts into the log, since operation began on February 22. Over the weekend, heavy winds damaged some antennas.

“Major winds swept through again overnight,” the team report...

ARRL Foundation Announces Matching Scholarship Grants by Amateur Radio Digital Communications

ARRL Foundation President Dr. David Woolweaver, K5RAV, announced this week that the non-profit Amateur Radio Digital Communications (ARDC) has generously agreed to award a grant to the ARRL Foundation to match the Foundation’s 2020-2021 scholarships on a dollar-for-dollar basis, up to a total of $200,000.

“The ARRL Foundation Board is honored to partner with ARDC to award ARDC’s Amateur Radio Di...

Yasme Foundation will Honor 4U1UN Reactivation Team with its Excellence Award on March 6

The Yasme Foundation will present its Excellence Award on March 6 to the individuals responsible for reactivating the United Nations Headquarters amateur radio station, 4U1UN. The project took more than 4 years to complete.

As announced earlier, those receiving the award are James Sarte, K2QI, and Adrian Ciuperca, KO8SCA. The team used an innovative in-house remote concept: the station is locat...

Dayton Hamvention Names 2020 Award Winners

IARU Region 2 Seeks Help in Remaking Amateur Radio for the 21st Century

International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) Region 2 (the Americas) is looking for a few young hams interested in helping to remake amateur radio for the 21st century.

“Frustrated that there are so few of your friends and age group that are interested in ham radio? Frustrated that amateur radio is in a rut, not doing more or different things with technology? Concerned that an aging demographic mea...

Amateur Radio Club President is among Two Killed in Knife Attack

The president of the River City Amateur Radio Communications Society in California, Paul McIntyre, KC5JAX, was one of two individuals killed on February 28 in a knife attack by a client at a recovery center. McIntyre, a father of two, had been interning at the Wellness and Recovery Center in Carmichael as part of his training to become a social worker. He was 57. Two other victims survived the ...

Former CQ Amateur Radio Magazine Awards Editor Eddie De Young, KS4AA, SK

Weeks after stepping down due to health issues, CQ Amateur Radio Magazine Awards Editor Eddie De Young, KS4AA (ex-VK4AN, KH6GLU, AE7AA), of Clearwater, Florida, died on February 25, after a period of ill health. He was an ARRL member. De Young had held the position for less than a year, according to CQ Editor Rich Moseson, W2VU.

A ham since 1954, De Young migrated to Australia in 1974, earning W...

W4FDX Mid Florida DX Association
The mid florida dx association was formed in february 2005. to promote friendship and cooperation among amateur radio (wireless) operators primarily
JI5RPTs Weblog
Japanese ham blob
sodiraSDR - Software Radio
Software/Software Defined Radio
Software Defined Radio (SDR) for analog and digital modulation modes, can demodulate AM envelope, AM synchronous, AM stereo, LSB, USB, FM, FM Broadcast, DRM30, DRM+
Fixing poor squelch levels on Baofeng radios
Radio Equipment/VHF-UHF Handhelds/Baofeng UV-5R
How to set new squelch values on Baofeng HT Radios by using the CHIRP software. Make sure you save the original configuration before editing squelch levels. Edit at your own risk.
Coronavirus forces Kiribati postponement
Alex, 5B4ALX, has postponed his T30ET operation that was scheduled between March 18th and April 2nd, due to the Tarawa's Ministry of Health of Kiribati announcement / communication
Somalian operation in need of help
Ali, EP3CQ, will once again be active as 6O1OO and will stay until March 25th. Activity will be limited to his spare time because he works for the UN Department of Safety and Security (UNDSS) in Mogadishu
Beyond Exams (BE) Coordinator appointed
The RSGB have announced that Chris Colclough G1VDP has been appointed to the role of Beyond Exams (BE) Coordinator


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