A site for Amateur Radio Operators, by Amateur Radio Operators.





981- 1015 of 10756 News Items
The iKeyPad for ICOM Radios
Technical Reference/Keyers
The Icom series of radios from the IC-746 Pro on to the latest 7800 radios have a 4 memory digital voice and CW keyer built into the radio. This external Keypad, based on the official Icom circuitry can considerably help you on using the voice and cw keyer
Yucaipa Valley Amateur Radio Club
The website for the Yucaipa Valley Amateur Radio Club located in Southern California.
70 MHz 300 W Power Amplifier
Technical Reference/Amplifiers/VHF Amplifiers
This PA has been designed by Sergey EX8MLE and uses three Mitsubishi RD100HHF1 FETs, Frequency Range 70 to 72 MHz
Adding the DVS-6 on Yaesu 950
Radio Equipment/HF Transceivers/Yaesu FT-950
Adding the DVS-6 voice memory unit to the Yaesu FT-950. Official instructions are not very clear, and in this article the author document the way the DVS-6 module should be installed into the FT-950
Extended Double Zepp NVIS Antenna Calculator
Extended Double Zepp measurements for all ham bands, and online calculator. The antenna is constructed much like an ordinary Dipole antenna but with 5/8 Wavelength Elements matched with an added Impedance Matching Section of balanced feed line
Top Amateur Radio Websites - Issue 2335
Dual-Band X-Frame Shortwave RX Loop Antenna, Doublet antenna as vertical T, 50 MHz J-Pole Antenna IK1ZOY, QO-100 with LimeSDR, Websdr Polska, ICOM IC-R75 Review by N9EWO, DXR Electronics Bits, The VK5 National & Conservation Parks Award,
Students Wanted: Talk to an Astronaut via Amateur Radio in 2024!

There's an opportunity for STEM education via amateur radio that will put students in contact with astronauts. The Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) program is seeking formal and informal education institutions and organizations, individually or working together, to host an amateur radio contact with a crew member aboard the International Space Station (ISS). ARISS antici...

Hambook for Windows
Software/Radio Control
Hambook is a modern general-purpose CAT-control software package for HAM radios targeting the Windows platform.
ARRL Audio News September 29, 2023

ARRL Audio News September 29,2023

Solar Eclipse QSO Party Seeks Amateurs and Radio Enthusiasts for Global Experiment

ARRL is proud to partner with HamSCI to help promote participation in the Solar Eclipse QSO Party (SEQP). SEQPs are a series of global experiments -- and you can be a part of them. Solar eclipses will pass across the continental United States on October 14, 2023, and April 8, 2024.

During these celestial events, you can join thousands of fellow amateurs as part of the largest crowd-sourced event...

The Waltham Amateur Radio Association

Motorola Programming Software CPS Radio
Software/Radio Programming
A list of free to download CPS Motorola radios programming software. GM3188, GM3688, GP3188, cp1600 cp1300 and some more.
TX6D Tahiti DXPedition
DX Resources/DX Peditions/2023 DXpeditions
Our next DXpedition will take us to Tahiti, French Polynesia. From October 2 to October 15, 2023 we will be active with the callsign TX6D. We will be active with up to five stations from 160 m through 10 m on CW, SSB and digital modes.
W8S Swains DXPedition 2023
DX Resources/DX Peditions/2023 DXpeditions
October 4-17 DX Pedition to Swains Island
FT-817 Robust Power Connection
Radio Equipment/HF Transceivers/Yaesu FT-817
Attach a small right angle lug to the ground screw located in the rear of the FT-817 in order to make a more robust and stable power connection
Ham Radio/Clubs/North America/USA/Ohio
Our primary mission is to provide backup and secondary communications to our served agencies when needed. We also provide general volunteer and manpower services to the community. Geauga County OH
Software/Awards tracking
Hamlog is online cloud platform for active amateur radio operators. It supports various on the air activities of various clubs, associations and national amateur radio organizations, allows them to create award programs and deliver awards to those who earned them. Hamlog also has a built-in real-time logger, which allows operators to enter QSO in the system as they make them. It supports multiple callsigns, multiple locations, multi-station activities, etc. Soon it will allow to connect transceivers and other ham radio devices right to the browser, allowing easy online logging virtually anywhere.
TO8FH Mayotte 2023
DX Resources/DX Peditions/2023 DXpeditions
TO8FH DX Pedition to Mayotte Island 2023 October 10 22
ARRL Audio News September 22, 2023

ARRL Audio News September 22, 2023

Celebrating 50 Years of the ARRL Foundation

Thursday, September 21, 2023, marked 50 years since the ARRL Foundation was formed. As a partner with ARRL, the ARRL Foundation stewards philanthropic support for amateur radio through scholarships, club grants, and other programs to ensure a strong and vibrant future for the avocation.

The total assets of the nonprofit entity measured nearly $8M at its most recent annual audit, but it grew from...

Anna Gomez Confirmed to Federal Communications Commission (FCC)

The US Senate confirmed Anna Gomez as the fifth commissioner of the Federal Communications Commission on September 7, 2023. Gomez thanked President Biden for the nomination and the Senate for her confirmation.

"I am grateful for the opportunity to serve," she said in a statement on her LinkedIn page.

Gomez is an attorney with decades of experience in domestic and international communications law ...

Technical Reference/APRS
he LoRa-APRS-iGate was developed in cooperation with the Austrian HAM Radio Association. With this software and the LoRa GW Shield, devices transmitting on LoRa, frequency 433 MHz can be integrated into the APRS network. The transmitter can then be displayed on the website
Setup Packetradio on a Raspberry Pi
Operating Modes/Packet Radio
A quick guide to install direwolf, bpq and jnos on a Raspberry Pi. By following the instructions in the examples listed on this page, you should get it to work.
DX Resources/DX Peditions/2023 DXpeditions
XW4DX DXpedition to Laos 16 to 27 November 2023 We will be operating on all HF Frequencies except 80m and 30m, that are unfortunately not allowed anymore in Laos.
V6 DXpedition Micronesia
DX Resources/DX Peditions/2023 DXpeditions
2023 September DXPedition Chuuk, F.S.M QRV on September 18-21, 2023 from Weno Island, Chuuk, Federated States of Micronesia. On 160-6m, CW/SSB/RTTY/FM (29MHz)/FT8. V6Z, V63Z, V6AAA, V6WW, V6C, V63FM, V63OS,V63VB,V63SX
Remote Power and SWR Meter Project
Technical Reference/SWR Meters
Remotely monitor the output power and SWR of your station via a web browser. WT32/ESP32 based project, combined with a directional coupler setup. It reads two voltages which are supplied by the directional couplers. From these, the respective power is calculated with the help of a calibration data table to be created by the user.
Yagi Antenna Design by G4CQM
A selection of technical articles and analysis offering guidance and insight to enable you to recognise and build your own high performance yagi design.
A 2 meter band-pass cavity using surplus Heliax
Technical Reference/Filters
Cavity is often required at a busy site to not only prevent its receiver from being overloaded by off-frequency signals, but also be a good neighbour and prevent low-level signals from your transmitter from getting into other users receivers - not to mention the preventing of those other signal from getting back into your transmitter to generate spurious signals in its own right.
ARRL Audio News September 15, 2023

ARRL Audio News September 15, 2023

Hurricane Lee: Radio Amateurs and Nets Activated

Hurricane Lee is expected to impact portions of New England in the Northeastern United States and Nova Scotia and New Brunswick in Canada. The storm has had the full attention of forecasters and the volunteer organizations that coordinate Amateur Radio response to hurricanes. 

Amateur Radio Emergency Service®(ARES®) volunteer groups are in an elevated state of readiness and alert ahead of the st...

2023 SET Exercise to Test Skills and Emergency Preparedness

 The ARRL Simulated Emergency Test (SET) is scheduled for October 7 - 8, 2023.

The SET is ARRL's annual national emergency exercise designed to assess the skills and preparedness of Amateur Radio Emergency Service® (ARES®) volunteers, as well as those affiliated with other organizations involved in emergency and disaster responses. The SET is open to all radio amateurs and partner organizations,...

Amateur Radio Serves in Large Utah Bike Race

 On September 9, 2023, the Bridgerland Amateur Radio Club (BARC) in northern Utah provided amateur radio communications support during LoToJa, the longest 1-day USA Cycling (USAC)-sanctioned bicycle race in America. The LoToJa course consists of 200 miles of rough, mountainous terrain. BARC was prepared for the challenge and had been training and working on their communications plans for more t...

OL4HQ Contest Radio Club
Info on OL4HQ contest club
Fully automatic antenna switch project
Technical Reference/Antenna Switch
Cheap and simple fully automatic antenna switching that permit to automatically select the proper antenna based on transceiver status activity.
PMR-171 SDR HF VHF UHF Transceiver
HF/50MHz/70MHz/VHF/UHF All-mode Portable SDRradio, 100kHz - 2GHz receptions, ham radio bands covering the 160m to 70cm


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