A site for Amateur Radio Operators, by Amateur Radio Operators.





10116- 10150 of 10520 News Items
Spy radio found during archaeological dig
A 30-year-old Soviet spy radio has been found by archaeologists in a site cleared for a new lignite mine about 30 km west of Köln in Germany
Historic TV news report on ham radio rally
On April 9, 1990 TV station RTE broadcast a news item about the Lough Erne Radio Rally in Northern Ireland
National society acts over Smart Meter interference
IARU Region 2 reports in Saint Kitts amateur radio operators are still battling with the RF Interference, noise and frequency jamming caused by the smart meters of the electric company
Coronavirus Outbreak Postpones Swains Island W8S DXpedition

The W8S DXpedition to Swains Island in the Pacific, set to take place in mid-March, has been postponed until fall as a result of travel restrictions imposed on individuals entering American Samoa, stemming from the recent coronavirus outbreak. The Department of Health allows non-residents to enter American Samoa only via Hawaii after a 14-day mandatory quarantine in Hawaii, and the DXpedition w...

ARISS Radio Telebridge Stalwart Gerald Klatzko, ZS6BTD, SK

When the International Space Station (ISS) orbit is not favorable for a direct Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) contact with a particular school or location scheduled to speak with an astronaut, ARISS radio telebridge stations bridge the gap. Gerald Klatzko, ZS6BTD, of Parklands, South Africa, one of the “regulars” during the earlier years of the ARISS program, died on F...

Clinton County Amateur Radio Association
The Clinton County Amateur Radio Association - Club Call W8GO
IK2QIN Renato
South Hills Amateur Radio Club
Pittsburgh's largest ham radio site.
Magnetic crack sparks rare blue auroras
Yes, there really are cracks in Earth's magnetic field. One of them opened on Feb. 18th, sparking some of the strangest auroras in years--including rare blue auroras over Norway
ICQPodcast - South Essex Rally Review
In this episode, Martin M1MRB is joined by Chris Howard M0TCH, Martin Rothwell - M0SGL, Frank Howell - K4FMH and Bill Barnes - N3JIX to discuss the latest Amateur / Ham Radio news. Colin M6BOY rounds up the news in brief and this episode’s feature is - South Essex Rally Review
Lots of new DXCC on HamSphere 4.0
A lot of new DXCC on HamSphere 4.0 since it is possible for hams who are registered on QRZ.COM and HamSphere members to work remote station on exotique QTHs like Clipperton island, etc
David Lloyd to present The Story of Radio
David writes: The landmark 100th anniversaries of radio are now being hit. The first entertainment broadcast by a celebrity, the first 'radio station', the first news bulletin - and the birth of the BBC. At Burgh House in Hampstead on March 4th, I've been invited to tell 'The Story of Radio'
One-day ham radio course on TV news
KTVZ news broadcast a report on the successful "Ham radio license in a day" training course run by the High Desert Amateur Radio Group
Students allowed to use amateur radio
Austrian national amateur radio society ÖVSV reports the Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology granted Martin Rafenstein OE3RQA an exception to enable students to use amateur radio
Institute for Broadcasting Technology to close
The Institute for Broadcasting Technology (IRT), the research institute of all public broadcasting companies in Germany, Austria and Switzerland with headquarters in Munich-Freimann, is apparently to be closed at the end of 2020 and all employees laid off
British radio antenna arrives at space station
The UK's first industrial contribution to the International Space Station (ISS) was delivered on Tuesday
QARMAN and Phoenix CubeSat deployment from ISS
Sarah Rogers KI7OOY reports that following the successful launch of NG-13 on Feb 15, the upcoming CubeSat deployment from the ISS is now scheduled for Wednesday, February 19
AMSAT Declares End of Mission for Pioneer AO-85 CubeSat

AMSAT reports that the pioneering AMSAT-OSCAR 85 (AO-85) CubeSat, also known as Fox-1A, has gone silent.

“Having not been heard throughout the most recent period of full illumination, it is reasonable to believe the batteries have deteriorated to the point of no longer being able to power the transmitter,” AMSAT said this week. “Should some future event cause a cell to open, it is possible the s...

UK 5 MHz Beacon Shutting Down

The 5 MHz (60-meter) GB3WES beacon in Westmorland, England (IO84qn), on 5.290 MHz will close down on March 11, 2020, when its Notice of Variation (NoV) expires. The beacon began service on October 30, 2004. At the time, it was one of a chain of three UK 5 MHz propagation research beacons; the others were GB3RAL in Oxfordshire, already shut down, and GB3ORK in Orkney, which will be the sole rema...

Down Under Special Event Will Use Former Radio Australia Antennas

Yasme Foundation Announces Grants and Excellence Awards

The Yasme Foundation Board of Directors announced several grants when it met in Orlando, Florida, on February 9. Financial support will go to:


  • The Ethiopian Amateur Radio Society (ET3AA) for VHF equipment.


  • The SU8WRC/SU8X demonstration station at World Radiocommunication Conference 2019 in Egypt.


  • The Youth on the Air and HamSCI exhibits at Dayton Hamvention 2020.


  • Contest University at ...

VP8PJ South Orkney Team En Route to Signy Island

The MV Braveheart is at sea again, this time transporting the VP8PJ South Orkney DXpedition team to Signy Island. Track the vessel’s progress on the VP8PJ website. The Perseverance DX Group is sponsoring the DXpedition. Team members have been operating as ZL1NA/mm during their voyage, generating heavy pileups.

VP8PJ is expected to commence operation on February 21 and continue until March 5. Ope...

Yukon Amateur Radio Association
The Yukon Amateur Radio Association has a series of 11 repeaters located throughout the territory, that are all, except for Watson Lake, linked together.
ECTAR Inc. is a California non-profit 501(C)(3) organization serving Monterey and neighboring counties with emergency communications support
Hamradioindia a website by vu2fd
a website by vu2fd with theory lessons, details on rules and regulations and planty of homebrew projects for radio amateurs, java calculators.
Milwaukee Radio Amateurs Club
The MRAC is one of the oldest amateur radio clubs in the world, having been incorporated in 1917 and affiliated with ARRL
CARLA Repeater Network
C.A.R.L.A. is a growing network of repeaters providing coverage across Northern & Central California and Western Nevada. It is intended to be used as a reliable communications resource during significant local, regional and wide area incidents, and is open to all licensed amateur radio operators

VP8PJ Log Online
DX Resources/Logs
Search the online log of VP8PJ DX pedition to South Orkney Feb. 21, 2020 - Mar. 6, 2020 Log search offered by M0URX.
Radio frequency exposure test finds an iPhone 11 Pro exceeds the FCC's limit
A test by Penumbra Brands to measure how much radiofrequency energy an iPhone 11 Pro gives off found that the phone emits more than twice the amount allowable by the U.S. Federal Communications Commission
Ofcom fines Talk Radio and NTV Mir Baltic for breaking due impartiality rules
Ofcom has fined the licence holders of Talk Radio £75,000 and NTV Mir Baltic £20,000 for breaking our broadcasting rules
Free digital copy of 'Getting Started with Amateur Satellites'
While HuskySat-1 completes it's scientific mission, check out the best resource for learning how to work through linear transponder satellites (and other types of amateur satellites)
AMSAT-OSCAR 85 declared 'End of Mission'
After a long decline in the health of its batteries, AO-85 has gone silent. Having not been heard throughout the most recent period of full illumination, it is reasonable to believe the batteries have deteriorated to the point of no longer being able to power the transmitter
Young radio hams hack FlexRadio Maestro
Jenny List G7CKF writes on Hackaday about an amateur radio club for students that's been hacking the FlexRadio Systems Maestro
Ham radio comes to rescue during natural calamities
The Hindu newspaper reports radio amateurs participated in a three-day emmergency communications training camp on an uninhabited island


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