10186- 10220 of 10911 News Items |
Free digital copy of 'Getting Started with Amateur Satellites'
While HuskySat-1 completes it's scientific mission, check out the best resource for learning how to work through linear transponder satellites (and other types of amateur satellites)
AMSAT-OSCAR 85 declared 'End of Mission'
After a long decline in the health of its batteries, AO-85 has gone silent. Having not been heard throughout the most recent period of full illumination, it is reasonable to believe the batteries have deteriorated to the point of no longer being able to power the transmitter
Young radio hams hack FlexRadio Maestro
Jenny List G7CKF writes on Hackaday about an amateur radio club for students that's been hacking the FlexRadio Systems Maestro
Ham radio comes to rescue during natural calamities
The Hindu newspaper reports radio amateurs participated in a three-day emmergency communications training camp on an uninhabited island
LED street lights raise RF pollution fears
ABC TV News report on fears in Toledo, Ohio, that the installation new LED street lights will generate considerable RF pollution and interference
Radio ham saved historic BBC OB van
Radio amateur Brian Summers G8GQS saved one of the BBC's historic outside broadcast units, MCR21, from the scrap heap
Youngsters On The Air (YOTA) in Thailand
The 1st YOTA event in IARU Region 3 (Asia/Pacific) will take place in Rayong, Thailand on October 1-3, 2020. The Radio Amateur Society of Thailand under the Patronage of His Majesty the King (RAST) will be hosting the IARU Region 3 Youngsters on the Air (YOTA) Camp in Rayong Province on the southeastern coast of Thailand from October 1-3 this year
Tickets for Electromagnetic Field EMF 2020 event
Tickets for the popular Electromagnetic Field, EMF 2020, event go on sale on Wednesday, February 19 at 1900 GMT (7pm). The ARISS-UK Team have announced that the Electromagnetic Field 2020 event is to host a contact with the International Space Station during the weekend of July 23-26
KD5ZMD Chaves Co.
Chaves Co. SKYWARN cares
WR2ABB Mount Beacon ARC
The gateway to amateur radio in the Hhdson valley
Acadiana Amateur Radio Association
W5DDL, Acadiana Amateur Radio Association, located in beautiful Lafayette, Louisiana.
Personal radio site, dedicated to ham radio DXing
9J2LA Zambia 2020
DX Resources/DX Peditions/2020 DXpeditions 9J2LA DX Pedition to Zambia March 5th 2020 - March 15th 2020
Westfest 2020
Nelson Branch 26 is hosting the Westfest 2020 in Murchison, New Zealand, over the weekend of April 18-19th
RSPG paper on 5G at 700 MHz, 3.4 GHz and 24 GHz
The EU Radio Spectrum Policy Group have issued a paper on the state of play regarding the award of 5G pioneer bands at 700 MHz, 3.4-3-8 GHz and 24.25-27.5 GHz
Amateur Radio Mesh Data Network featured in podcast
Andrew M0ONH discusses the new Amateur Radio Mesh Data Network planned for Essex and Southeast UK on the ICQ Podcast show episode 318
RAC Canada Winter Contest 2019 logs now available
RAC Contest Managers Bart Ritchie, VE5CPU and Sam Ferris, VE5SF, have provided the following report
TAPR PSR 144 now available
TAPR have made issue 144 of their newsletter PSR available for download
Why Marconi’s genius was on a different wavelength
This June will mark exactly 100 years since the world’s first public broadcast took place in Chelmsford, Essex
Essex Activity Night Monday Feb 17
Essex Activity Night takes place this evening, Monday, February 17 at 7pm in Danbury Village Hall, hosted by the Chelmsford Amateur Radio Society. This free event is open to all
N5WF Wichita Amateur Radio Society
Wichita Amateur Radio Society was founded around 1968 to support the amateur radio community in and around Wichita Falls, Texas.
W5LM Temple Amateur Radio Club
K7SFN Frank
K7SFN personal page with some projects and pictures of his aerials
NP4KT Blog
El Taller NP4KT ex WP4DQK ham radio blog
DXWatch App for iPhone
Software/iPhone/DX Cluster This is the official App of the popular DX Web Cluster DXWatch. You can follow amateur radio DX spots trough the world wide DX cluster network filter by band. Available for iPhone and iPad
QSO Today Amateur Radio Podcast Michael Ritz - W7VO
Michael, "Mike", Ritz, W7VO, left the big city for rural Oregon to build his dream contest station, and uses his station to help new and local hams to learn and build necessary skills to become lifelong contestors and HF operators
AmateurLogic 140: New Stuff and Old Stuff
George, Tommy and Wayne make nice finds at the Capital City Hamfest. Krewe of Eve Mardi Gras Ball and a tasty treat. Icom IC-705 Quick Preview. New portable QRP antennas. Plus lots more.
Radio Acacia to broadcast interview of two Indian hams
Radio Acacia from Nottinghamshire, England is going to broadcast an nterview of two Indian Hams VU2EXP Rajesh Vagadia and VU3WHG Shyama Vagadia for sharing their valuable experience on Amateur Radio Emergency Communication service extended during VAYU Cyclone (June 2019) at coast of Porbandar (Gujarat) India
1240-1300 MHz ham radio band discussed by CEPT ECC SE40
CEPT ECC has released its news summary for January that includes the SE40 Rome meeting on January 14-16 which discussed compatibility between RNSS and Amateur Services in 1240-1300 MHz
Full ham radio licences in the Falkland Islands
Ian Abel G3ZHI asked the Falkland Islands Communications Regulator about the situation concerning the issuing of Full amateur radio licences in the islands
UK 5 MHz beacon to close
It has been announced that the 5 MHz (60m) beacon GB3WES at Westmorland IO84qn on 5.290 MHz will close down on March 11, 2020, when its Notice of Variation (NoV) expires
Southern Counties Amateur Radio Association
SCARA is active in various events throughout the year. Helping as a public service with communications at various events has been a strong point for our club
DVRC-Delaware Valley Ragchew Club
The Delaware Valley Ragchew Club is an amateur radio club located in Southern New Jersey.
K5MDX Magnolia DX Association
Mississippi's Premiere DX Organization
Liga Puertorriquesa de Radioaficionados - KP4E