A site for Amateur Radio Operators, by Amateur Radio Operators.





106- 140 of 10520 News Items
Morsle is a user-friendly web application designed for practicing Morse code reception by guessing ... - Listed in Operating Modes/Morse code/Learning Morse Code
Maritime Radio Room Clock
Before the advent of satellite communication, maritime communication adhered to an international protocol requiring ... - Listed in Operating Aids/Time
Impedance Calculators Online
Online impedance calculators grouped by types like Wire inductances, Toroid incuctances, Plane, PAD, Strap ... - Listed in Technical Reference/Calculators
HamAlert Cluster Client
The HamAlert Cluster Client is a Windows program developed by OE3IDE to connect to ... - Listed in Software/DX Cluster
Yaesu FTX-1F New product Announcement
Yaesu has announced the FTX-1F, a portable transceiver launching in early 2025. It offers 6W output, 9 hours of operation on HF bands, and covers HF, 50, 144, and 430 MHz. More details coming soon!
ICOM IC-7760 HF 200W Transceiver
The ID-50 is a compact VHF/UHF dual bander with both D-STAR and FM dual modes. Connecting to the D-STAR network, you can call a friend in another city, or other regions around the world with the ID-50. Smart functions such as Band Scope and Picture Sharing function enhance your QSO experience.
Top Amateur Radio Websites - Issue 2434
A Shortened 20 thru 40 Meter Vertical for POTA, Moon tracking DLL, Sideswiper Net, Practical Design of Very High Gain Yagi Arrays, DJ5IL Karl Transmitting on Shortwave since 1973
ARRL Audio News August 23, 2024

ARRL Audio News August 23, 2024

ARRL Expands Publications Archive

Lost and Found: EME WAC Award Application

G6HKS Yagi Kits & Parts
G6HKS Yagi Kits & Parts provides material kits for building high-performance PowAbeam Antennas, ideal ... - Listed in Manufacturers/Antenna Parts
ARRL IT Security Incident - Report to Members

Sometime in early May 2024, ARRL’s systems network was compromised by threat actors (TAs) using information they had purchased on the dark web. The TAs accessed headquarters on-site systems and most cloud-based systems. They used a wide variety of payloads affecting everything from desktops and laptops to Windows-based and Linux-based servers. Despite the wide variety of target configurations, ...

How To Build a Rotator Controller with a Computer Interface
Controlling a rotator via computer can be costly, but a budget-friendly solution exists using ... - Listed in Technical Reference/Antenna Rotator
SOTA Goat is an essential tool for Summits On The Air participants, offering an ... - Listed in Software/iPhone
Building a 4-Element Yagi Antenna for the 6m Band
Guide to constructing an effective antenna for 50MHz. Inspired by a design from Martin ... - Listed in Antennas/6M/6 meter Yagi Antennas
RF Feedline Power-Loss Calculator
This excel workbook addresses the issue of power loss in transmission lines with complex ... - Listed in Software/RF Design
Marki RF Tools Calculators
Set of online calculators provided my Marki includes a LC Filter Design Tool, Microstrip ... - Listed in Software/Circuit Design
Add Panadapter to Yeasu FT-DX1200
A simple realization of a panadapter conntected to a custom build IF PanAdapter output ... - Listed in Technical Reference/Pan Adapter
Top Amateur Radio Websites - Issue 2433
A Miniature VSWR Meter for QRP, CQ Zone, ITU Zone and Maidenhead Locator to your leaflet maps, A Four Element Six Metre Yagi Antenna, How to Program FT5DR on LINUX, Ham it Up: A Beginner's Look at DXing, Online Coil Inductance Calculator, Repairing Yaesu FT-817 Fail TX on 144 MHz, Station Radioamateur FO5MD - Tahiti, Coastal Ham Radio, N4NJJ Repeaters,
ARRL Audio News August 16, 2024

ARRL Audio News August 16, 2024

EFHW Antenna Modeling with MMANA-GAL
Andrew Georgakopoulos, SV1DKD, modeled the End-Fed Half Wave (EFHW) antenna using MMANA-GAL software. He ... - Listed in Antennas/End-Fed/End Fed Half Wave Antenna
ARRL Urges Protecting the Amateur Radio 902-928 MHz Band

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) accepted for public comment a Petition for Rulemaking filed by NextNav Inc., a licensee in the 900-MHz Location and Monitoring Service (LMS), to completely reconfigure the 902-928 MHz band and replace the LMS with high-powered 5G cellular and related location services.

The FCC Notice requested comment on the effects that NextNav’s proposals would have ...

Solar Cycle 25 Producing Record High Sunspot Numbers

By: Frank Donovan, W3LPL

Editor’s note: This article was written earlier in the week. The latest measurements show even higher numbers. See this week's K7RA Solar Report in The ARRL Letter for latest information. 

Record High Solar Cycle 25 Solar Maximum Sunspot Numbers Have Improved HF Propagation Since Mid-July and Possibly Bringing Worldwide 6 Meter F2 Propagation This Fall.

According to the NO...

Hurricane Ernesto Updates

Thursday, August 15, 2024 Midday Update:

The National Hurricane Center reports that Tropical Storm Ernesto had become a Category 1 hurricane.

A hurricane warning has now been issued for Bermuda and dangerous rip currents are likely along U.S. East Coast beaches this weekend, August 17 - 18.

Bobby Graves, KB5HAV, Hurricane Watch Net Manager, reports the net’s activation plans:

Friday August 16 

  • 20 me...

Breakaway Pipeline
Breakaway Pipeline allows you to send audio to or from another program on the ... - Listed in Software/Virtual Audio Software
3 Bands Vertical Antenna for WARC bands
This article describes the construction of a three-band vertical antenna for the WARC bands ... - Listed in Antennas/Vertical
Homemade Antenna Mast for portable use
Initially planned as an article on the R-407 station mast, this project evolved into ... - Listed in Antennas/Masts and mounts
QSL-ing via the Bureau and more
QSL cards remain the preferred method for confirming QSOs, especially when received free via ... - Listed in DX Resources/QSLing
Modifications to the IC-745 for the Digital Modes
The ICOM IC-745 is a durable 1980s HF transceiver, ideal for enthusiasts who enjoy ... - Listed in Technical Reference/Radio Mods
Make your own propagation forecast with W6EL
In 2004, Carl Luetzelschwab, K9LA, wrote a guide on using W6ELProp for radio wave ... - Listed in Propagation/Propagation Forecast
Top Amateur Radio Websites - Issue 2432
Colossus Air Cannon Antenna Launcher, Arduino Countermod, Programming Your New Ham Radio, Spectrum Communications, J-Pole Antenna Online Calculator, ESA1 Antique Radio Shop and Repair, WebSDR Dimapur India,
ARRL Audio News August 9, 2024

ARRL Audio News August 9, 2024

David Galletly, KM2O, Named Vice Director of the ARRL Hudson Division

David Galletly, KM2O, has been appointed Vice Director of the ARRL Hudson Division. ARRL President Rick Roderick, K5UR, appointed Galletly to the remainder of the term ending in December, 2024, following the promotion of former Vice Director Ed Wilson, N2XDD, to Hudson Division Director.

Galletly has been active in amateur radio since 1998. An ARRL Life Member, he is a member and past President ...

New York High School Helps License Amateur Radio Operators

On August 1, 2024, Steve Goodgame, K5ATA, ARRL Education and Learning Manager, took a train trip to New York City to visit the Staten Island Technical High School. He was there to help administer amateur radio exams to 49 students and all passed their exams. Several upgraded their licenses from General to Extra class and two students went from unlicensed to Extra class in one sitting.

Their teac...

Hams.At Upcoming Satellite Passes and Activations
This website serves as a platform for announcing satellite activities, allowing amateur radio operators ... - Listed in Operating Modes/Satellites/Real Time Tracking


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