A site for Amateur Radio Operators, by Amateur Radio Operators.





1051- 1085 of 10554 News Items
The Smith Chart
Antennas/Theory/Impedance matching
This tutorial introduces and explains Smith Charts, and then gives an introduction to impedance matching. Smith Chart is a tool to visualize the impedance of a transmission line and antenna system as a function of frequency.
KC7NYR Amateur Radio Site
Ham Radio/Personal Pages/USA
This Website is here to enhance the Amateur Radio experience and for those who are interested in multiple areas of our great hobby. We have information about Amateur Radio Emergency Communications. There are many areas in our great hobby that serve different capacities, ARES, RACES, NTS, FEMA, Linux, and much more.
LW MW Antennas and More
Shortwave Radio/Broadcasters
A large archive of medium-wave and long-wave broadcasting antennas from all over the world
Computer headset adapted for Ham Radio Usage
Technical Reference/Headsets and Speakers
Adapting a common PC earphone with microphone to connect to a transceiver via a homemade pre-amplifier, using a simple chip with aprox 10 db gain. Includes a schematic diagram
ARRL Audio News May 12, 2023

ARRL Audio News May 12, 2023

Congresswoman Lesko Reintroduces Bill to Replace Symbol Rate Limit with Bandwidth Limit

Congresswoman Debbie Lesko (AZ-08) introduced The Amateur Radio Communications Improvement Act (H.R. 3241) on May 11, 2023, to require that the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) eliminate the obsolete HF digital symbol rate limit with a 2.8 kHz bandwidth limit.

After being petitioned by ARRL  The National Association for Amateur Radio® in 2013 (RM-11708) for the same relief, in 2016 the Co...

FRARS Amateur Radio Club
FRARS is a local ham radio club based in Poole, Dorset and has members active on all bands from 73KHz to Light!
Delta Loopy Ideas
Antennas/Delta loop
Setting up a portable wire delta loop antenna with an MFJ 33ft telescopic fiberglass pole
Dayton Hamvention® 2023 – ARRL Forums

The Rooster Net: For Whom the Rooster QSOs!

On May 26, 2023, The Rooster Net will celebrate 24,000 daily sessions on 3.990 MHz.

Doug Frothingham, K2IZI (SK), founded the Rooster Net on September 10, 1957. The net has met at 6:00 AM Eastern time every day without any interruptions since, possibly making it the longest-running amateur radio net.

Besides its more-than- 65-year existence, the Rooster Net operates without any rules or a traditi...

Logbook of the World - LoTW
ARRL's Logbook of the World (LoTW) system is a repository of log records submitted by users from around the world. When both participants in a QSO submit matching QSO records to LoTW, the result is a QSL that can be used for ARRL award credit.
Peaberry Software Defined Radio Transceiver
Technical Reference/Software Defined Radio
Construct the Peaberry, a SoftRock-compatible SDR transceiver. This project is aimed to build an amateur radio transceiver that operates on the medium or short wave bands
Ham Radio Project Seeks Science and Tech-Minded Students

The National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) is looking for up to 20 young adults to join their online amateur radio project, Exploring the Electromagnetic Spectrum. This is the second running of this pilot program.

The program will run from August 7, 2023 - May 13, 2024, for 3 - 6 hours each week. Students selected for the program will receive hands-on experience and learn how the electromag...

ARRL - About Feed Lines
Antennas/Feed Lines
The feed line (also called the transmission line) is the RF power conduit between your radio and your antenna. The quality of your feed line is critical to your station. ARRL Article that explains differences among various commonly used feed line systems
ARRL Ready to Welcome Attendees at Dayton Hamvention® 2023

Dayton Hamvention 2023, ham radio's largest annual gathering, is just two weeks away. Gates open for the 3-day event on Friday, May 19, at 9 AM, at the Greene County Fair and Expo Center in Xenia, Ohio. Spokesperson Michael Kalter, W8CI, reports that 700 volunteers are working to get the event ready.

"We like to think of Hamvention as ham radio's people event, and we have a lot to offer," said K...

WA5HOT Heart of Texas Ham Operators Group

Operating Aids/Maps
This dynamic DX Map aggregates various resources that will help radio amateurs to operate their stations in search of long distance contacts, DX. HamDXMap displays current MUF values and foF2 critical frequency values around the globe.
Ham365 DX Peditions Calendar
DX Resources/DX Calendars
Ham365 let you follow the main DX-peditions on a dedicated calendar page that shows the schedule of all monthly expeditions, running dxpeditions and even shows the dxpeditions reported on their users logs or cluster spots.
WB7TJD Superstition Amateur Radio Club
Serving the East Valley since 1973
The Under Engineered Ham
The purpose of this blog is to help new hams and promote amateur radio
Retro SWR Project
Technical Reference/SWR Meters
Analysis, design and construction of a simple & useful SWR meter from yesteryear! Schematic diagram, pictures and instructions to build a Monimatch style SWR Meter
Top Amateur Radio Websites - Issue 2318
28 MHz Antenna Project, K1FM Mini Magnetic Loop, Portable 40m CW Transceiver , AircraftScatterSharp, 3B7M St Brandon DXPedition, HD8M Galapagos,
Elecraft K4D Sherwood tests
Radio Equipment/HF Transceivers/Elecraft K4
Collection of test reports done by Rob Sherwood on the Elecraft K4D, this version of the K4 does not have the hybrid front-end.
ARRL Audio News May 5, 2023

ARRL Audio News May 5, 2023

ARRL Helps Radio Amateurs Comply with New RF Exposure Evaluation Rules

ARRL The National Association for Amateur Radio® provides free, comprehensive resources to help radio amateurs ensure they are compliant with the new RF exposure rules.

On May 3, 2021, new FCC rules governing RF exposure evaluations went into effect. While the exposure limits were not changed, the requirement to conduct an evaluation was made more broadly applicable to amateur licensees. A 2-yea...

Antwerp Amateur Radio Club
Belgium radio club, weekly news bulletin. Regular times qrv from lightship Westhinder III.
Simple 3 band vertical antenna
The reason for making this antenna was the desire for a vertical (hence DX-ish) antenna that would cover at least 20m that would fit on my 5m fishing pole. This antenna can work on 20m 17m 15m bands and it is suitable for SOTA operations
Brazos Valley Amateur Radio Club
Houston Ham Radio Club BVARC is an amateur club located in the southwest Houston Texas area
Optimizing Coax-Cable Traps
A document that will guide you on Coaxial-Cable trap optimization process to gain on global antenna performance and on increasing effective bandwidth.
International Marconi Day: National Parks Director Makes QSO

International Marconi Day celebrates the accomplishments of radio pioneer Guglielmo Marconi on the Saturday closest to his birthday each year. Stations around the world activate a special operating event to celebrate.

On January 18, 1903, the first public two-way wireless communication occurred between the United States and Europe. A message from President Theodore Roosevelt was sent to King Edw...

Prepare for QRP Field Operations
Operating Modes/QRP
Assembling a QRP Station for Field Operation
New STEM Trailer for All Things Amateur Radio Association

The All Things Amateur Radio Association (ATARA), W8ATR, in Carroll, Ohio, revealed its new science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) trailer on Saturday, April 22, 2023, at the Rising Park's Seeds of Change Earth Day event.

The trailer, funded by a grant from the ARRL Foundation, offers visitors a hands-on STEM experience, including a CW oscillator, a display about the history of...

Elecraft K4 Reviews
Radio Equipment/HF Transceivers/Elecraft K4
Reviews for Elecraft K4 HF Amateur HF 6M VHF UHF at
2023 ARRL Field Day Gear is Now Shipping!

ARRL Field Day is June 24 - 25. Get ready for amateur radio's largest on-air operating event with official 2023 ARRL Field Day merchandise available for order now. T-shirts, hats, pins, patches, and stickers are great ways to show off your involvement in this annual event. This year's colorful design features a globe centered on North America and the words, "Tune In The World." The back of the ...

Morse Code Translator and Decoder
Software/Morse Code Decoders
Use this helpful tool to translate between Morse code and text. To begin, please enter words or Morse code in the Input box and press Translate. This online tool let you translate and encode Morse code into text and vice versa text into Morse code, allowing also to play with different wpm, the resulting translated code.


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