A site for Amateur Radio Operators, by Amateur Radio Operators.





1051- 1085 of 10943 News Items
Arduino Repeater Controller
Technical Reference/Arduino
This blog article introduces an updated repeater controller project utilizing the Arduino UNO. It includes a CW identifier, and the ID message can be customized using hex codes. The author offers a Windows command line program for easier message coding and provides a link for download. The controller features three adjustable timers for IDer, Timer-out, and Squelch-tail. The article also mentions the use of an audio switch to control audio levels between the receiver and transmitter. Detailed instructions and code files are available on the author's website for both version 1 and version 2 of the Arduino repeater controller. The project aims to enhance repeater functionality and audio management in ham radio operations.
Stingray Marine Transceiver
Technical Reference/HF Radios
Recently, at the Ballarat Hamfest, the author acquired an old Marine transceiver for just $10, charmed by its sturdy construction and waterproofing. Made by Findlay Communications in Sydney, this crystal-controlled transceiver had been dormant but was reinvigorated with minor fixes. A manual was sourced, and further repairs were made, including an ingenious crystal oscillator replacement using an Si5351a controlled by an Arduino. The refurbished radio, complete with a fresh coat of paint and added customizations, is now operational for 160m AM and 30m SSB. A successful and cost-effective restoration.
Hurricane Otis: Amateur Radio Active

Amateur Radio has been activated to serve during Hurricane Otis. In an e-mail, WX4NHC Amateur Radio Assistant Coordinator Julio Ripoll, WD4R, wrote:

WX4NHC has been activated today Wednesday October 25th for Hurricane Otis in the east Pacific affecting Mexico. 

WX4NHC will be monitoring the Hurricane Watch Net frequency 14.325 MHz and 7.268 MHz depending on propagation. 
We will also be on the VoI...
Wireless Society of Southern Maine RACES
The WSSM Emergency Communications Team serves the Cumberland County Emergency Management Agency (CCEMA), and the community in general, by providing emergency communications assistance, conducting programs and training, promoting radio knowledge, fraternalism, and individual operating efficiency, and to conduct activities as to advance the general interest and welfare of Amateur Radio as a viable and efficient means of communications support.
RF Choke with Bifilar Windings
Antennas/Feed Lines/Choke
This article presents an RF Choke featuring an 11-bifilar turn winding of #14 house wire on a Fair-rite FT240-31 toroid. The choke is enclosed in a 3D-printed case from Thingiverse, though this may pose thermal concerns at higher power levels. With SWR concerns up to 30MHz, the author plans to employ two series chokes at the rig input for improved performance. This choke offers versatility for portable use, with potential mismatch resolution using an antenna tuner. Further testing is anticipated upon the arrival of new cables.
PCM Kestrel HF Transceiver
Technical Reference/Homebrew
This article describes an upgrade to the Kestrel transceiver, replacing its LCD display with a 0.91-inch OLED screen for improved sound quality. VFO boards from Denys VK3ZYZ were integrated, particularly a Nano VFO board. The author shares details about the setup and the resulting enhancements, along with images of the modified components. The transceiver is now optimized for various frequencies and operates at a power output of approximately 120 W pep. More information about the boards can be found on the provided website.
DX EXPLORER - Step Into The Amateur Radio World
Ham Radio/Blogs/Europe
DX Explorer is a blog tailored to amateur radio enthusiasts, with a special focus on DIY radio equipment. Geared towards beginners, the author shares their learning journey, emphasizing that the thrill of discovery and growth is the essence of this engaging hobby.
Ham Radio And the Art of Bushcraft
Operating Modes/Portable Operations
This article explores the marriage of amateur radio and bushcraft, advocating the pleasure of setting up a portable station in nature rather than operating from the confines of a vehicle. The Parks on the Air (POTA) programme is highlighted as a catalyst for outdoor radio activities. The author shares his experiences and techniques, from transporting equipment into the wilderness to setting up shelters and antennas. Knot tying skills and the use of frogs are emphasized for efficiency, and a unique method for launching wire antennas is described. The article emphasizes the synergy between amateur radio and bushcraft skills, enhancing the enjoyment of radio operations in wilderness environments.
International SWL DX Contest 2023
DX Resources/Contest/Contest Rules
The international SWL Contest is oen to SWL all over the world. You can use a real radio receiver or a kiwi or web SDR. We have many sponsors who will give nice gift for best listeners of AM radios on SW and MW.
Playground Amateur Radio Club
Ham Radio/Clubs/North America/USA/Florida
The Playground Amateur Radio Club has be in service to the Northwest Florida Panhandle since 1951. The team in Fort Walton Beach Florida sponsors and hosts multiple events, contests, Hamfests, Swapmeets, meetings, nets and technical instruction and assistance.
MUF(3000)F2 Plots
Propagation/MUF Indicators
This page reports the last six daily MUF(3000)F2 plots recorded at Rome observatory by the AIS-INGV ionosonde. Provided Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV) Italy.
Top Amateur Radio Websites - Issue 2337
VHF UHF Duo band Yagi Antemma, Simple 2-tone generator, Portable J-Pole Antenna, QRP Z Match Antenna Tuner Project, DK3WN SatBlog, How to Activate a SOTA Peak, EA1CS - DX Info, LU1DSO Radio Club Olavarria,
ARRL Audio News October 20, 2023

ARRL Audio News October 20, 2023

Hurricane Watch Net Activates for Hurricanes Tammy and Norma

The Hurricane Watch Net (HWN) is activating for Hurricanes Tammy and Norma. In an e-mail sent on the morning of Friday, October 20, 2023, HWN Net Manager Bobby Graves, KB5HAV, wrote: 

This morning, we have 2 Hurricanes threatening landfall.  

  • In the Atlantic, we have Tammy which strengthened into a Cat 1 Hurricane overnight. 
  • In the Eastern Pacific, we have Hurricane Norma. Once a Cat 4 Hurricane...

Using Amateur Radio to Play Chess

Playing chess using amateur radio? The concept may have begun in 1912 when a group of college students from Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) wanted to challenge chess players at The Ohio State University (OSU). Though the official origin is still debated, clippings from a 1912 issue of The Case Tech, one of CWRU's former student newspapers, reveal that the challenge was made when the CWRU...

Modified Ground Plane Antenna Adds Second Band
This article explains the trick of how to shorten and lengthen pairs of radials to make a 2-band ground plane antenna. Included is a "Table of Multi-Band Possibilities" covering the range of 6 to 40 meters.
Half-Size 6 meter J-antenna
Antennas/6M/6 meter J-Pole Antenna
How to use a little known J-antenna characteristic to reduce a conventional 14 foot antenna to 7 feet. Perfect 50 Ohm match, same gain, no radials.
Amateur Radio Supports 2023 Chicago Marathon

On October 8, 2023, more than 140 amateur radio operators from five Midwest states assisted 2,000 volunteer medical personnel at the Bank of America Chicago Marathon. This is the 15th consecutive year that amateur radio operators have helped coordinate medical responses and arrange for medical resupplies. About 49,000 runners entered this year’s event.



The city-wide marathon uses six main repe...

A POTA Book for Park Activators and Hunters

ARRL  The National Association for Amateur Radio® has a new book to help radio amateurs enjoy one of the fastest growing communities within the hobby. Participants in Parks on the Air® (POTA) have built one of the most vibrant on-air communities in contemporary ham radio. Park hunters comb the airwaves for activators operating from the lawns of sprawling public mansions, stoops at urban histori...

HB9CV Online Antenna Calculator
Antennas/Antenna Calculators
Online HB9CV antenna calculator, accept as input the desired resonating frequency and provides dimensions for spacing and length of each element, including boom and radiator diameter.
ARRL Website to be Unavailable Monday, October 23, 2023, for Scheduled Maintenance

The ARRL  The National Association for Amateur Radio® website,, will be unavailable on Monday, October 23, 2023, due to scheduled maintenance. Those needing assistance with joining ARRL or renewing their existing memberships, as well as anyone interested in ordering products offered by ARRL, are invited to call the ARRL Member Services team at 888-277-5289 (toll-free US) or 860-594-020...

Digital Modes with Yaesu FT-817
Radio Equipment/HF Transceivers/Yaesu FT-817
Setting up the Yaesu FT-817 and Signalink for data mode communication. Hardware and software required for data mode communication, connect and configure FT-817 and Signalink
Exciting site vith many Links & HamStuff
Yagi Uda Antenna Online Calculator
Antennas/Antenna Calculators
A basic YAGI UDA online antenna calculator, accept as input frequency, number of elements, diameter of parasitic element and boom diameter. This online calculator will generate a basic design data including each element length and spacing.
Club de Radioexperimentadores de Cd. Juarez
Amateur radio club, based in Chihuahua Texas, Club de Radioexperimentadores de Cd. Juarez CRECJ
Make your own 40/80 Dipole
Make your own dipole for 40 and 80 meters band, assembling standard product parts like 40 meter traps, the 1:1 balun and insulators
Top Amateur Radio Websites - Issue 2336
SSB-Transceiver for 14 MHz, Bent-end dipole antennas, Virtual Radar from a Digital TV Dongle, Angle of OCF L-Dipole Antennas, A Universal Programming Cable for Radios, A Magic Ground Mobile Antenna, Frequency Accuracy and Stability of WWV and WWVH
JJ0LUU+JJ0LXF /1 weblog

BktTimeSyncPhone synchronizes the PC time using the smartphone GPS connected via Bluetooth. Great for use with digital modes like FT8, JT65, JT9, JS8Call and others, especially when you do not have internet connections. To run this program, you need to install BktTimeSyncServer on your PC and the BktTimeSyncAndroid app on your smartphone. The program works with all versions of Windows 32 or 64 bit and requires Java version 8 or higher. The app requires an Android smartphone version 4.4 or higher.
ARRL Audio News October 13, 2023

ARRL Audio News October 13, 2023

Local Amateur Community Rallies to Support Collegiate Club for QSO Party

By Todd Emmert, W9TWE

Indiana State University Amateur Radio Club, W9ISU, had a successful ARRL Collegiate QSO Party, held October 7 - 8, thanks to the support of local hams.

The club has faced challenges in recent months, including being displaced due to campus renovations and having minimal student involvement; they didn't even have a multimode, multiband transceiver. In an effort to boost inte...

ARRL Online Auction Now Open

Want to get some cool stuff at a great price and help amateur radio at the same time? Bid and to show support for ARRL education programming during the 18th Annual ARRL Online Auction. The auction is open now, and bidding began on Friday, October 13 at 10 AM EDT, and continues through Thursday, October 19 at 10 PM EDT.

RT Systems, Inc. is sponsoring this year's auction, which will feature QST Pr...

Jamboree-on-the-Air is on October 20 - 22, 2023

Jamboree-on-the-Air (JOTA), the largest Scouting event in the world, takes place on the third weekend of October (10/20 - 10/22).

This annual global operating event allows Scouts to use amateur radio to connect with hams around the world. The event is supported by many local amateur radio clubs and individual operators. JOTA starts Friday and ends Sunday, but there are no offi­cial hours of oper...

Zero Beaters Amateur Radio Club Dutzow, MO
Derby and district amateur radio society


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