A site for Amateur Radio Operators, by Amateur Radio Operators.





10501- 10535 of 10554 News Items
ARRL Audio News - November 22, 2019
ARRL Audio News - November 22, 2019
ARRL Audio News - December 6, 2019
ARRL Audio News - December 6, 2019
ARRL Audio News - December 13, 2019
ARRL Audio News - December 13, 2019
ARRL Audio News - December 20, 2019
ARRL Audio News - December 20, 2019
ARRL Audio News - January 10, 2020
ARRL Audio News - January 10, 2020
ARRL West Central Florida Section Celebrating its 20th Anniversary this Year

The ARRL West Central Florida Section is marking its 20th anniversary this year. The Section newsletter, the WCF Presser, includes information on celebratory activities. A K4WCF special event in January will activate all 10 of the Section’s counties, with additional K4WCF special events later in the year. The West Central Florida Section website also has a new look for the 20th anniversary cele...

John Litz, NZ6Q, Appointed as San Joaquin Valley Section Manager

John Litz, NZ6Q, has been appointed as the ARRL San Joaquin Valley Section Manager to succeed Dan Pruitt, AE6SX, who died on December 27. Litz will complete the remaining term of office that runs through June 30, 2021. ARRL Radiosport and Field Services Manager Bart Jahnke, W9JJ, made the appointment, effective immediately, after consulting with Pacific Division Director Jim Tiemstra, K6JAT, an...

Free ARRL Events App Now Available for Apple iOS and Android Devices

The K7RA Solar Update

A single new Cycle 25 sunspot appeared over the past week, January 1 through January 8. NOAA did not record or number the new spot until January 2, but indicated it (sunspot region 2755) began on January 1.

Then another new Cycle 25 spot emerged on Thursday, January 9, with a daily sunspot number of 14. I was excited to see post “Solar Cycle 25 Continues to Inte...

2019 ARRL Periodicals Available on DVD and via Download

The Latest Episode of ARRL Audio News is Now Available

Listen to the new episode of ARRL Audio News on your iOS or Android podcast app, or online at Audio News is also retransmitted on a number of FM repeaters. Click here and then scroll down to see the list.

The February Edition of Digital QST is Now Available!

The February issue of Digital QST is now available for viewing on your desktop or laptop. Click here to view the issue. It is also available for reading on your Apple, Android, or Kindle Fire device.

  • Build an affordable D-STAR Hotspot
  • Learn about CAT
  • Ham-friendly homes and a hidden wire antenna
  • See the craftsmanship of the Combo Key
  • Take a look back to May 1970

                …and much more!    



Nominations Solicited for Six ARRL Awards

ARRL is inviting nominations for awards that recognize educational and technological pursuits in amateur radio. Nominations are also open for the League’s premier award to honor a young licensee.

  • The Hiram Percy Maxim Award recognizes a radio amateur and ARRL member younger than age 21, whose accomplishments and contributions are of the most exemplary nature within the framework of amateur radi...

Puerto Rico Volunteers Deployed to Red Cross, ARRL Sending Equipment

Puerto Rico Section Manager Oscar Resto, KP4RF, reports that several Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) volunteers have been deployed to earthquake-ravaged regions of the island at the request of the American Red Cross. Initial operations got under way in the town of Yauco, where the Red Cross has a central warehouse for the earthquake relief effort. Operations are on VHF and UHF, although ...

Well-Known DXer and DXCC Card Checker Peter Glasmacher, DK5DC, SK

 Well-known DXer and DXCC card checker Peter Glasmacher, DK5DC/AA6HM, of Werl, Germany, died unexpectedly on January 12. An ARRL member, he was 68. Glasmacher served as the editor of the monthly DX column “DXtra” in CQ DL, the official journal of the Deutscher Amateur Radio Club (DARC), to which Glasmacher also belonged. Glasmacher was a familiar face at Ham Radio, held each June in Friedrichsh...

Leadership Elections to Highlight January 17 – 18 ARRL Annual Board Meeting

Tragic Drowning Cuts Short DXpedition to Rotuma

Sultan of Oman Qaboos Bin Said, A41AA, SK

The Sultan of Oman Qaboos Bin Said, A41AA, died on January 10. He was 79. The Diwan of the Royal Court has declared 3 days of mourning, with the flag flown at half-mast for the next 40 days. The sultan was the patron and sponsor of the Royal Omani Amateur Radio Society (ROARS) and its A47RS club station. He had been the Sultan of Oman since 1970. 

Germany Special Event Recognizes Anniversary of SDR Development

The Deutscher Amateur Radio Club (DARC) this year is honoring 35 years of software-defined radio (SDR) technology with special call sign and special DOK.

“In order to acknowledge the high importance of digital signal processing for communications technology in general, and amateur radio in particular, a special event station DL35SDR will be active from the greater Munich area throughout 2020,” ...

Global Learn Day on the Air Aims to Shrink World One Contact at a Time
Global Learn Day on the Air (GLDOTA) is an extension of Global Learn Day, which celebrates learning and encourages everyone to recognize the importance of education. GLDOTA will start at 0001 UTC on October 5 and continue through 2359 UTC on October 8. Individual radio amateurs and clubs are encouraged to exchange contacts with each other and to include children in this learning activity. Each contact during GLDOTA is a celebration, reducing the distance between us as we shrink the planet one contact at a time, the event announcement said. Suggested frequencies are 3.803, 7.187, 14.287, and 21.387 MHz. Contacts via satellite and with the International Space Station are also valid.
VP6D Ducie Island 2018 DXpedition to Offer Near Real-Time Contact Posting
The VP6D Ducie Island 2018 DXpedition, on schedule to begin October 20, has announced that it will use DXA to post contacts on a near real-time basis. Bob Schmieder, KK6EK, of Cordell Expeditions, offered the use of DXA, and we gladly accepted, the DXpedition said in a news update this week. Within 60 seconds of your contact with VP6D, the browser page is automatically updated to show your call sign; this confirms that your contact is in the log (DXA reads the VP6D log). This process eliminates the need for duplicate contacts on the same band/mode and minimizes the confusion caused by pirates or other DXpeditions operating at the same time.
Investigation into International Space Station Leak Continues
NASA has issued a statement regarding a leak affecting the International Space Station (ISS). On August 29, a mysterious 2-millimeter hole was discovered on a Soyuz capsule docked to the ISS, resulting in a pressure leak. The Soyuz capsule last carried to the ISS cosmonaut Sergey Prokopyev, and astronauts Serena Auñón-Chancellor, KG5TMT, and Alexander Gerst, KF5ONO. It is scheduled to return them to Earth in December. The hole, which appeared to have been drilled, was repaired by the crew. Roscosmos said this week that the hole was not drilled by accident, opening the possibility of sabotage. Roscosmos Director General Dmitry Rogozin earlier ruled out a manufacturing defect. [This] indicates that this is an isolated issue which does not categorically affect future production, the NASA statement said. This conclusion does not necessarily mean the hole was created intentionally or with mal-intent.
Black Swan 18 Exercise to Test US Government/Amateur Radio Interoperability on 60 Meters
Black Swan 18 is a communications exercise aiming to test how well responders, emergency management agencies, and non-government organizations (NGOs) activate, operate, and complete communication missions, specifically in terms of the volume, accuracy, and speed of radio traffic. The scenario for the October 4 10 Black Swan 18 will be a series of winter storms and associated events. ARRL Field Organization teams have been invited to adapt this activity as the basis of their annual Simulated Emergency Test (SET). Operational periods by participating organizations should not exceed 48 hours. In a high-impact disaster, response will need to include many organizations bringing their unique expertise and resources to bear in a coordinated fashion, the Black Swan 18 announcement explains. Black Swan 18 will test this ability to operate across geography and among complementary organizations. Cooperating forces include the Ohio Military Reserve (2nd Battalion), the ARRL Ohio and Iowa sections, and Air Force MARS.
ARRL, FCC Discussing Issue of Uncertified Imported VHF/UHF Transceivers
ARRL has taken a minor exception to the wording of a September 24 FCC Enforcement Advisory pertaining to the importation, marketing and sale of VHF and UHF transceivers and is in discussion with FCC personnel to resolve the matter. The Enforcement Advisory was in response to the importation into the US of certain radio products that are not FCC certified for use in any radio service, but identified as Amateur Radio equipment. While much of this equipment is actually usable on Amateur bands, the radios are also capable of operation on non-amateur frequencies allocated to radio services that require the use of equipment that has been FCC-certified, ARRL said. Such equipment is being marketed principally to the general public via mass e-marketers and not to Amateur Radio licensees. ARRL said the upshot is that the general public has been purchasing these radios in large quantities, and they are being used on the air by unlicensed individuals.
Northern Florida ARES Teams Handle Hurricane Duty
Over the past week, Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) teams in the ARRL Northern Florida Section went on alert and some activated to support emergency communication before and during Hurricane Michael. Miller Norton, W4EMN, the Communications Watch Officer at the Duval County Emergency Operations Center (EOC) in Jacksonville, Florida, was monitoring SARnet a UHF-linked repeater network in Florida when he heard an urgent call for help that needed to be sent to the State EOC in Tallahassee. All other forms of communication were out, but Norton was able to relay the message to via Amateur Radio. He also passed along messages and requests from the Jackson County EOC to the American Red Cross. Norton said officials in Tallahassee and Jackson County were both incredibly grateful for the way the SARnet system functioned during the weather emergency. Jackson County Emergency Coordinator Ricky Whittington, KD4AST, deployed to the county EOC in Marianna. We took a direct hit by the center of the storm at 140 MPH, he told Clay County ARES Assistant Emergency Coordinator (AEC) and Public Information Officer Scott Roberts, KK4ECR. [The] county maintenance building across the road from the EOC was picked up and slammed into the north side and over the roof of the EOC just prior to the eye passing over.
IARU Region 1 Volunteers and Partners Getting Behind WRC-19 50 MHz Agenda Item
International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) volunteers are continuing their work toward a favorable outcome for World Radio Conference 2019 (WRC-19) Agenda Item 1.1, which seeks a 6-meter allocation for the Amateur Radio Service in Region 1 in the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Radio Regulations Table of Frequency Allocations. The effort is aimed at aligning the band with the 50 MHz allocations in ITU Regions 2 and 3. In a news release, IARU Region 1 (IARU R1) President Don Beattie, G3BJ, described extensive work in various forums and the ITU aimed at gaining support for a 6-meter band in Region 1, rather than the current country-by-country allocations. IARU has represented the global voice of Amateur Radio in these meetings, arguing that new applications in Amateur Radio require significant bandwidth at 50 MHz and has set out a proposed utilization of the band which supports its claim, Beattie said. He added that the IARU has also engaged in extensive work on sharing studies using propagation models recognized by the ITU and the European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations (CEPT).
via the ARRL: Dwayne Allen, WY7FD, Resigns as Rocky Mountain Division Director
In a letter to ARRL President Rick Roderick, K5UR, on Friday, October 19th, Dwayne Allen, WY7FD, resigned as Director of the Rocky Mountain Division due to time constraints and competing duties with work and family. As such, the Secretary of the Corporation has declared the position vacant. In accordance with Article 7 of the Articles of Association, Vice Director Jeff Ryan, K0RM, will assume the Director position immediately.
via the ARRL: South African Radio Amateurs Poised to Support Communication as Wildfires Rage
An intense heat wave and gale-force winds in the Western Cape region of South Africa have resulted in devastating runaway fires, threatening the towns of George and Karatara in the Southern Cape area since October 24. An Amateur Radio Joint Operational Center (JOC) was established on October 29, and radio amateurs were put on standby when parts of George experienced telephone and power outages in the Knysna area. Several new fires were also reported due to lightning. At one point, those living in the affected areas were ordered to prepare for evacuation, although that order was later rescinded. Radio amateurs in the Southern Cape have been asked to make their stations available to support emergency communication, should commercial systems fail. Johan Terblanche, ZS1I, in Mossel Bay, who administers the Amateur Radio Emergency Data Network (AREDN), reports that the Amateur Radio JOC is currently active on the AREDN Mossel Bay Mesh Network, Echolink, AllStar, Twitter, and Zello. The Amateur Radio JOC will remain active until all fires are brought under control. The death toll as a result of fires in the Southern Cape area now stands at 7, and more than 800 have been evacuated. Disaster relief operations continue. Thanks to John Terblanche, ZS1I A
New Beta Version of WSJT-X is Now Available, Mock FT8 Contest Set
A new WSJT-X "release candidate," version 2.0.0-rc4, now is available, and the version 2.0 Quick Start Guide has been revised and extended. The developers urge anyone upgrading to the new version to read the release notes thoroughly, since the upgrade requires users to change operator settings, so the software may not work "out of the box" when upgrading from previous versions.
Maritime Mobile Service Network Operators Assist Vessel with Ill Crew Member
Amateur Radio operators associated with the Maritime Mobile Service Network (MMSN) played a significant part in summoning medical assistance on November 9 for a crew member suffering chest pains on board the 48-foot sailing vessel Marie Elena, some 300 miles east of Bermuda.
WSJT-X 2.0 Full Release Now Available; FT8 Enthusiasts Urged to Upgrade Now
The WSJT-X 2.0 software suite has been released, and developer Joe Taylor, K1JT, is urging FT8 and MSK144 users to upgrade to what will become the new standard, because the FT8 and MSK144 protocols have been enhanced in a way that is not backward compatible with older versions of the program. That includes any version 1.9 releases. "The new protocols become the worldwide standards starting on December 10, 2018, and all users should upgrade to WSJT-X 2.0 by January 1, 2019," Taylor said on the WSJT-X home page. "After that date, only the new FT8 and MSK144 should be used on the air." Users are encouraged to read the new Quick Start Guide for WSJT-X. Gary Hinson, ZL2IFB, has released an FT8 Operating Guide.
Broadcasters Intruding on Exclusive Amateur Radio Frequencies
The International Amateur Radio Union Region 1 (IARU-R1) Monitoring System (IARUMS) reports that Radio Hargeisa in Somaliland has returned to 7,120 kHz after a break of several weeks, while Radio Eritrea has been reported on 7,140 and 7,180 kHz. Radio Sudan has been transmitting on 7,205 kHz with excessive splatter, IARUMS said. German telecommunications authorities have filed official complaints. IARUMS has also reported digital signals attributed to the Israeli Navy on 7,107 and 7,150 kHz. In addition, a Russian military F1B signal was observed in mid-November on 7,179 kHz. A Russian over-the-horizon radar has returned to 20 meters on 14,335 – 14,348 kHz. It was monitored on November 22. Earlier this fall, IARUMS reported digital signals from the Polish military daily on 7,001.8 kHz where Amateur Radio has a worldwide primary allocation. Telecommunications officials in Germany filed a complaint.
US Senate Confirms Geoffrey Starks and Brendan Carr to Full FCC Terms
The US Senate has confirmed Geoffrey Starks and Brendan Carr to full 5-year terms as FCC commissioners. Starks, who most recently had served as assistant chief of the FCC Enforcement Bureau, fills the seat vacated last spring by Mignon Clyburn. Both are Democrats. Republican nominees have a 3 – 2 advantage on the Commission. Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel is the other Democrat on the FCC. "I congratulate Geoffrey on his Senate confirmation," FCC Chairman Ajit Pai said in a statement. "During his confirmation hearing, I was excited to hear him highlight the need to expand rural broadband and the power of telemedicine. I look forward to working with him and having a fellow Kansan on the Commission." Carr, a Republican originally nominated by President Donald Trump to fill the seat left vacant by the departure of former FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler, was confirmed last August. He now has been confirmed for a full 5-year term. Carr previously served as FCC general counsel.
FCC Outlines Impact on its Operations of Potential Funding Lapse
The FCC said in a January 2 Public Notice that in the event of a continued partial lapse in federal government funding, it will suspend "most operations" at mid-day on Thursday, January 3. Some systems that have gone dark in prior government shutdowns will remain operational this time, however. That includes the FCC website, although it will not be updated except for matters related to spectrum auction activities and those necessary for the protection of life and property until normal operations resume. The FCC Daily Digest will continue to appear. The Electronic Comment Filing System (ECFS), the Universal Licensing System (ULS), the Electronic Document Management System (EDOCS), and the Commission Online Registration System (CORES) will remain available, but no support will be provided except that necessary for spectrum auction activity. Processing of Amateur Radio applications will come to a halt, however, said ARRL Volunteer Examiner Coordinator (VEC) Assistant Manager Amanda Grimaldi, N1NHL. Also down will be the Consumer Complaint Center and the Experimental Licensing System, among several others Still available will be the Network Outage Reporting System (NORS), the Disaster Information Reporting System (DIRS), the Public Safety Support Center (PSSC), the Licensing Management System (LMS), the Consolidated Database System (CDBS), the Auctions Public Reporting System (PRS), the Auction Application System, and the Auction Bidding System. "All other Commission electronic filing and database systems will be unavailable to the public until normal agency operations resume," the FCC said.
via the ARRL: December YOTA Month Activity Records More Than 80,000 Contacts
More than 80,000 contacts went into logs at YOTA suffix stations and others participating in December Youngsters on the Air (YOTA) Month, with most operations in International Amateur Radio Union Region 1 (IARU-R1). The final tally included 46,989 on SSB, another 28,064 on CW, some 3,814 on FT8, and the rest on various other modes. "This year, as many as 44 participating stations made 82,938 QSOs in December, proving once again that neither the weather nor the holidays can keep a radio amateur away from the station," Gergana Ruseva, LZ1ZYL, said in the 2018 YOTA Month report.


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