A site for Amateur Radio Operators, by Amateur Radio Operators.





10501- 10535 of 10756 News Items
Conejo Valley Amateur Radio Club
The Conejo Valley Amateur Radio Club (CVARC) is a 501(c)3 organization incorporated as a non-profit in the State of California, and established for the benefit of the amateur radio community.
W9AIU Egyptian Radio Club
Formed by a small group of young hams meeting in Herb Wilhelm's, W9APX, dry cleaning shop in East St. Louis, Illinois.
Tri-County Amateur Radio Club VA3TRI
Website for radio Amateurs in the Hastings, Peterborough, and Northumberland Counties of East Central Ontario, Canada. Propagation information as well as antenna designs and home brew projects and Club News. Many links to Amateur Radio information
The Amateur Radio Flea Market
Treffpunkt Amateurfunk (German)
SZ2PRO Exemplary Ham Radio Club
SZ2PRO - Exemplary Radio-amateur Club Greece
The Grand Strand Amateur Radio Club GSARC
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina Amateur Radio Club,
The half-wave dipole, your first antenna
Construction tips of a basic wire antenna, the half wave dipole. Inverted V dipoles and effects of inverted v on radiation pattern.
CQ 160 Meter CW Contest
The CW mode is held the final full weekend of January. The Phone mode is held the final full weekend of February.
AM QSO Party in Europe this weekend
This coming weekend is the AM QSO PARTY in Europe. Have you dusted off that homebrew or vintage equipment, or set up your modern transceiver for AM? Well do it now, don't delay!
Timor-Leste DXpedition
Members of the Lagunaria DX Group are planning a DXpedition to Timor-Leste sometime in October-November
Falkland Island ham radio licences
The Falkland Islands communications regulator is requesting that people revalidate their lifetime amateur radio licences
Tutor survey: Entry into Amateur Radio
Essex Ham conducted an online survey to gather some basic data regarding 'entry-level' into amateur radio
5 MHz licence renewed
In New Zeakand, several members have inquired about the status of the 5 MHz (60 metre) trial licence that was due to expire on 24 January 2020
4m (70MHz) returns to Germany for 2020
As of yesterday (22/1/2020) - use of the 70.150-70.200 MHz part of 4m is allowed again in Germany until the end of 2020 (all conditions are the same as last year). This was announced in the periodic document released today on the BNetzA website
VK3MO, An inspiring Australian Amateur Radio operator
Ukrainian Amateur Radio League official web site
3900 Club
The 3900 Club began in the 1960's as a Sunday morning net of a dozen ham radio operators in, and around, the Sioux City, Iowa, area. The club was formally organized in September, 1969.
Washington County Amateur Radio Club
The Washington County Amateur Radio Club was formed on June 26, 2014. Anyone with an interest in Amateur Radio is welcome to join us.
Brandon Amateur Radio Society
The Brandon Amateur Radio Society serves the ham radio community in eastern Hillsborough County Florida.
US Ham Band Chart
A pdf format US band chart, by ARRL
DX Resources/DX Peditions/2020 DXpeditions
2020 Jan 6 - 2020 Feb 29 By DJ4KW as V31YN and DK9GG as V31GW; 160-10m; CW FT8 SSB; see Web for full QSL and operational details QSL via LoTW.
TI9A Isla del Coco Chatham Bay DX-pedition
DX Resources/DX Peditions/2020 DXpeditions
February 2, - February 8, 2020 by Dima RA9USU, Jorge TI2JV, Andy UA3AB and Mats RM2D Chatham Bay, Isla del Coco, Costa Rica EJ65LN
NASA, SpaceX complete final major flight test of crew spacecraft
NASA and SpaceX completed a launch escape demonstration of the company’s Crew Dragon spacecraft and Falcon 9 rocket Sunday. This was the final major flight test of the spacecraft before it begins carrying astronauts to the International Space Station under NASA’s Commercial Crew Program
Ancient Australian crystals unlock history of Earth's first magnetic field
Tiny crystals in Australia are helping scientists unlock the ancient history of our planet's first magnetic field, which disappeared hundreds of millions of years ago. And the crystals show that this field was a lot more powerful than anyone believed. That, in turn, could help answer a question about why life emerged on Earth
Ham Radio HF - The Small Garden Problem
Peter Waters G3OJV has produced a series of videos taking a look at the small garden problems relating to HF operation
6th Anniversary of first Skills Night
On Monday, January 20, 2014 the first of the hugely popular monthly amateur radio Skills Nights took place at Danbury in Essex
Amateur radio conference in Munich
The program of the large, traditional amateur radio conference in Munich has been published. The DARC district of Upper Bavaria is holding the conference together with the Munich University of Applied Sciences
ARISS Opens Window for ISS Ham Radio Contact Proposals on February 1

ARES Volunteers Establish “Plan B” Communication Network in Puerto Rico

Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES®) volunteers in Puerto Rico continued over the weekend to report for daily duty at an American Red Cross (ARC) distribution center in Mayagüez and at ARC Headquarters in San Juan. The two sites are at the ready to provide a “Plan B” communication backbone in the event the seismic situation worsens. A magnitude 6.4 earthquake struck southwestern Puerto Rico ...

Spanish Radio Amateurs May Exchange Current Call Signs for Permanent 2 × 1 Call Signs

ITU Development Sector Publication Highlights Amateur Radio’s Role in Emergency Communication

Amateur radio is featured in the publication, ITU Guidelines for national emergency telecommunication plans, published by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Development Sector (ITU-D). The publication notes that radio amateurs have supported communication in emergency situations on a voluntary basis since the dawn of radio.

“They are experts in radio communications and have the equi...

ARRL Events App is Available for Apple iOS and Android Devices

AMSAT Says its GOLF-TEE Initiative has Met a Major Milestone

Operating Practice - ON4WW
A must read guide for all new and old operators. This document was originally written with the prime focus on DXing and pileup behavior. Suggestions by proofreaders have been implemented; the document is not as narrowly focused anymore as originally intended. It contains hints, tips and tricks for newcomers as well as old-timers. Additionally there are VHF/UHF operational matters, DX Cluster ethics, COPS, Conflict Situations and more.
ARRL DX Bullettins
ARRL W1AW Bulletins are spread via internet and on the airwaves, in a variety of modes SSB, FM voice, CW, RTTY, MFSK16, and PSK31. W1AW publishes general interest bullettins as well as propagation reports,satellite and dx news.


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