10886- 10894 of 10894 News Items |
EiBi Schedules
Regularly update shortwave schedules of all international broadcasters listed by time or frequency; for free.
Whats On Short-Wave right now?
Find out what station is broadcasting in what language on what frequency. View schedules by frequency, language or station.
Omega electronics
Omega Electronics International is the source for Ameritron linear amplifiers as well as other amateur related products and repair service
Philco ServiceMan
Schematics and general info like service manuals for philco radios
SAMs Photofacts - Service Manuals and Schematics
Sams Photofact downloads - Schematics and Service Manuals for Radios, Amplifiers, More
Checkmate-king2 Military Radios
Dedicated to the preservation of vintage military radio gear from 1939-1965
Boatanchors on the air
Here you can find Boatanchors on the air.
Antique Radio Page
The antique radio page is the best place to start if you want to learn about antique radios. this award-winning site features a huge image gallery with hundreds of antique radios (tube, transistor, and crystal sets), useful articles, reviews of out-of-print radio reference books, and the amazing arp directory where you can search and find antique radios on the web!
Vintage Radio Photographs and Images
Photographs of vintage radios and vintage radio parts, morse keyers
BoatAnchor Manual Archive - BAMA
The manuals in this archive are available to all who enjoy working on and restoring old tube type amateur radio equipment and short wave receivers. Hundreds of boatanchor manuals
Combat Radio
Buy old manuals, military radios, kits, receivers online shop
Beacons on 50Mhz
World wide six meters beacon list
FT4TA Tromelin Island 2014
Official web site of the FT4TA DX Pedition to Tromelin Island, include info, log online, qsl info and blog
W6RK County Hunting Spots
County Hunting Spots in the Web
DXCC List with your beam headings
You can have your persolal DXCC country list with correct beam heading calculated on you grid square location by ok2pbq
DXCC map
Large JPG dxcc map with ham prefixes and CQ zones
Cluster spot filter service and webcluster, receive your filtered spots via email or icq.
CE0Y/PG5M Easter Island
Easter Island SA001 holiday style dx-pedition from November 23-28, 2014
DX Summit by OH2AQ
DX Summit Web Cluster, built up and operated by the members of OH9W OH2AQ Radio Club.
FT4TA Online-Log
Tromelin FT4TA log online, search log powered by ClubLog
LU4HB Ham Radio Web Site
Amateur radio information, news and articles from Argentina
New York City Long Island Section
ARRL division New York
San Diego REMCOM
Amateur Radio/Emergency Medical Communications
Grey Line Map
Earth view, with satellite data provided by The Living Earth.
Ham Test Online
Online computer-based training for the amateur radio written exams
Lone Star Amateur Radio Association
Lone Star Amateur Radio Association
K2JJI Tryon Amateur Radio Club
Listen to the K2JJI repeater (146.70- PL 100.00 Hz) located on Fulton Co. NY. Coverage of grids near and around FN23/FN22.
Blue Mountains Amateur Radio Club
Blue Mountains Amateur Radio Club located in the Blue Mountains west of Sydney. Resources and Information for members and all radio amateurs.
ARRL US amateur radio bands
Download this color US ham radio band-plan in PDF format edited by ARRL
The Yagi Antenna - Presentation
Antennas/Theory A presentation of the Yagi Antennas, and other interesting tid-bits by Brian Mileshosky.
This document explains basic concepts of Yagi-Uda antenna theory, influence of reflector and directors on global antenna gain and directivity of radio waves. A simple tape measure antenna project is also included.
Build a twin-lead Lindenblad Antenna for 70cm and 2m
Antennas/Lindenblad This document contains the detailed instructions to build a homemade lindenblad antenna using a twin-lead as dipole elements. This document contains 9 pages and includes a detailed construction sequence and some drawings to build this antenna for UHF and VHF ham radio bands
The Lindenblad Antenna - Presentation
Antennas/Lindenblad This is a presentation used at OVARC on the LindenBlad antenna construction. The presentation cover several topics about this antenna, from the basic antenna design, to the guide on how to contruct a custom lindenblad antenna for the 2 meters band and and 70 centimenters band.
How to program Motorola APX P25
Technical Reference/Programming Radio How to program Motorola APX Series P25 Two-Way Radios for use with the OpenSPOT 2. This document covers some important steps to be followed to upload the correct codeplug to mMtorola P25 radios
Interactive Ham Radio Locator Map
Operating Aids/Grid Squares This grid locator map uses Google map apis to find your QTH locator by simply clicking on the map. You can either enter your QTH locator and find the calculated distance and bearing between your QTH and another grid square.
XieGu Tech
Manufacturers/Transceivers XieGu Tech manufactures quality amateur radio transceivers and amplifiers designed by BG8HT. Xiegu focus is portable and self contained transceivers perfect for your next SOTA, hiking trip or travel experience.