10921- 10941 of 10941 News Items |
XieGu Tech
Manufacturers/Transceivers XieGu Tech manufactures quality amateur radio transceivers and amplifiers designed by BG8HT. Xiegu focus is portable and self contained transceivers perfect for your next SOTA, hiking trip or travel experience.
From Windom Antenna to Multiband OCFD
Operating Aids/History The Windom antenna, one of the oldest antennas developed for amateur use, has had a complicated history, one as interesting as the theory of the antenna itself.
VP8PJ DX Pedition to South Orkney
DX Resources/DX Peditions/2020 DXpeditions VP8PJ by The Perseverance DX Group will activate the South Orkney Islands IOTA AN-008 from approximately Feb. 21, 2020 through March 5, 2020
E44RU log online
DX Resources/Logs Online log for E44RU DXpedition to Palestine 2020
70 MHz 4m Slim Jin Antenna with Ladder Line
Antennas/4M An experimental slim jim antenna for 70MHz band made with a wireman slotted line.
IC-R20 by Icom. Wideband Receiver Professional radioreceiver, allow double receiver, from HF to Microwave, digital recorde, DTCS, Memories and 11 hours countinuous reception.
Top Amateur Radio Websites - Issue 1939
Micro24 Cigarette Pack SSB QRP Transceiver for 20m , Moxon Antenna for 7 MHz, 9 Circle RX antenna, A Moxon Antenna for Satellites, Top Band Receive Loop Antenna, A Cheap Portable Mast Support, NanoVNA, Homebrew a High Performance SSB RTX for 14 MHz, NanoVNA Saver , The Micro20 III Pocket Size SSB RTX for 20m
Red Pitaya STEMlab 122.88-16 SDR Kit Basic
SDR Kit Designed for HF+50MHz and RF applications that requires DAQ systems with high precision.
Top Amateur Radio Websites - Issue 1940
80 Meter Shortened Ground Plain Antenna, LogHX freeware logger software, Antenna Calculation Software , Arduino ACCU Keyer , The Arrow Antenna Portable VHF antenna, Anytone Tech Web Site, Frequency counter project, OQRS Hints and Tips Explained, One-turn loop inductance Online Calculator, BKLog - log book and contest program
The Best Amateur Radio Links of 2019
Some of the best amateur radio links we reviewed during the 2019
The SOTABEAMS bandpass filter
New 2 metre filter stops interference
IOTA news from OPDX
Weekly IOTA News - compiled by Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW, editor of the Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin
DXCC Country/Entity Report
According to the Amateur Radio Cluster Network for the week of Sunday, 5th/January, through Sunday, 12th/January there were 213 countries active
Amateur Radio Satellite talk in Basingstoke
Noel Matthews G8GTZ will give an introduction to the geostationary satellite QO-100 at the Makerspace in Basingstoke at 7pm on Tuesday, Jan 14, this is a free open evening all are welcome
Sign up now for Morse Classes in Essex
Morse code classes resume at Danbury Village Hall, Essex, at 7pm on Thursday, January 16, complete beginners are most welcome
Ham radio email reflector for the South-West
The RSGB Region 11 Volunteer Team have set up an email reflector to help facilitate cooperation between local radio amateurs and clubs in South Gloucestershire, Somerset, Dorset, Devon and Cornwall
AMSAT-DL announces a new QO-100 down converter V3d
The first version of the AMSAT-DL down converter was built in early 2019, enabling many stations to become active on QO-100 for the first time. Since then, a lot of operating experience and new insights have been gained, which have flowed into the new board V3d
The sun swallows a comet
Yesterday, the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory discovered the first comet of the new decade. Hours later it was gone, destroyed by the sun
Further changes to some BBC local radio medium wave services
In my blog posted in the summer of 2017, I explained the BBC’s plans for local radio and the reasons for the closure of some of our medium wave transmitters - which happened in January last year. This was the first stage of putting into action a plan that the BBC originally
Terrible, tragic news from Rotuma
Antoine, 3D2AG, who has been active from Rotuma since December 21st, has reported that his 11-year-old son (eldest) drowned on January 9th. His son accompanied him on his latest trip to Rotuma
The Space Weather Woman
Satellites Charge as Fast Solar Wind Approaches - The latest space weather forecast from Dr Tamitha Skov WX6SWW
The SARL Wednesday 80m Club Sprint
The first leg of the Wednesday 80m Club Sprint will be held from 17:00 to 18:00 UTC on 15 January
Selecting the right type of antenna
There are very many different types of antenna to choose from: dipoles inverted Vs, single band, multiband, doublets, verticals beams trapped dipoles, and many more. On top of this many can be home made or factory made. The choice is huge