A site for Amateur Radio Operators, by Amateur Radio Operators.





10921- 10941 of 10941 News Items
New tropo records on 2m and 70cm
Congratulations to Ian, GM3SEK who set a new 70cm world record distance on tropo on 28 December 2019 by working D41CV at a distance of 4,565km. That put him in the unique position of holding both EME and tropo records on that band as, back on 12 March 1989, he worked ZL3AAD at 18,970km. On 1 January 2020, Callum, GM0EWX on the Isle of Skye managed to work D41CV on 2m FT8. This now extends the 144MHz IARU Region 1 tropo record to 4,776km.
Australian Bushfires Causing Major Telecommunication Outages, Hams Asked to Remain Alert
Wireless Institute of Australia (WIA) President Greg Kelly, VK2GPK, says the bushfires in Australia have caused or are expected to cause significant disruption of telecommunication services in the states of Victoria and New South Wales. “The scope and range of these impacts is unknown at this stage but are predicted to cover all internet and phone (fixed and mobile) and other commercial radio s...
Strong Earthquake Shakes Puerto Rico, ARES Standing By
A strong magnitude 6.4 earthquake hit Puerto Rico early on January 7 on the heels of a smaller magnitude 5.8 tremor a day earlier. The Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority reported widespread power outages after generating plants automatically activated protective shutdown systems following the earthquake. Puerto Rico Governor Wanda Vazquez Garced urged citizens to remain calm.
Norway Experiences Unexpected Ground Current “Shockwave” reports that on January 6, unexpected electrical currents were detected in the soil of northern Norway starting at around 1930 UTC.“It seemed to be some kind of shockwave,” said Rob Stammes, who monitors ground currents at the Polarlightcenter geophysical observatory in Lofoten. “My instruments detected a sudden, strong variation in both ground currents and our local magnetic f...
Earthquakes Compromised Power Generation Capacity, Puerto Rico Section Manager Says
ARRL Puerto Rico Section Manager Oscar Resto, KP4RF, says small tremors continue on the island in the wake of the 6.4 magnitude earthquake that struck the southwestern part of the island on January 7. A magnitude 5.8 quake struck a day earlier. The Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority (PREPA) reported widespread power outages after generating plants automatically activated protective shutdown s...
A J-Pole for 2-meters and 70-cm
An Easy Dual-Band VHF/UHF vertical Antenna made with a TV twin lead and coax cable
6-Band Windom antenna
Theory and construction of a novel trapless center-loaded off-center-fed (cl-ocf) dipole or windom antenna for the 80, 40, 30, 20, 15 and 10m hf amateur radio (ham) bands
How to make an end-fed antenna work
Here is a sure fire way to make end-fed halfwave antennas fed with a 50 ohm coupler work - without long radials, grounds, chokes, voodoo.
A magnetic loop antenna for HF
Able to cover all frequencies between 3.5 and about 10 MHz, the loop described here is directional, does not require a radial system, and stands just 1.8 metres tall. Most parts needed can be purchased at a hardware shop. The antenna can be put together in an afternoon and requires only hand tools to assemble. It should cost less than sixty dollars to build. by Peter Parker VK3YE ex VK1PK
Trapped dipole for 40-80-160 meters
Build a space efficient trapped dipole antenna for 40-80-160 meter bands using RG-58 and PVC pipe by W8NX
W5GI Mystery Antenna
W5GI Mystery Antenna is a multi-band wire antenna that performs exceptionally well even though it confounds antenna modeling software. This antenna covers 80 to 6 meters with low feed point impedance and will work with most radios, with or without an antenna tuner. It is approximately 100 feet long, can handle the legal limit, and is easy and inexpensive to build. It is similar to a G5RV but a much better performer especially on 20 meters.
Homebrew your own inductors
Cannot find the inductors you need for an antenna, a tuner or amplifier ? Build your own it is easy! Article by W3JIP
40 Meters Wire Yagi Antenna
A wire yagi antenna model, easy to build, made using inverted vee elements and requiring just one support by ve3vn
Building Helical Antennas - Seattle Wireless
Photos and comments on building an helical antenna for wifi
Solar Terrestrial Activity Report
Solar data with current solar status, forecast and propagation report
IPS - HF Systems MUF maps and prediction charts
These pages provide general propagation advice for HF communicators. Information available includes inferred global propagation conditions, real time HF fadeout coverage charts, regional ionospheric vertical MUF maps and Hourly Area Prediction charts for Astralia and Asia, Europe and North America
N0NBH Solar Terrestrial Data
Add Solar-Terrestrial data to your website, by adding a simple html code to your pages by Paul L Herrman
Geophysical Alert Message wwv.txt
Broadcast via WWV and WWVH at 18 and 45 minutes past the hour. This message is updated every 3 hours. Reports current Solar-terrestrial indinces, Solar Flux, A-index, K-Index, forecast for space weather storms. Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Environment Center
Basics of Radio Wave Propagation
Exaustive introduction to radio wave propagation, includes a very detailed glossary on common propagation terms, composed by AE4TM.
Solar Cycle 24
Current status, prediction, solar weather for the solar cycle 24 by VE3EN
DR2W - DX Propagation
DX Propagation by DR2W! High resolution SNR maps in pseudo color. Propagation based on the actual sunspot number.
VHF Propagation Maps
Experimental maps that show real-time VHF propagation derived from analyzing data gathered from the APRS-IS network.
On-Line HF Propagation Prediction
*One single page* gives you an immediate overview of current shortwave propagation conditions at your location.
DX.QSL.NET Propagation
This page contains dynamically updated propagation information.
Printable SWL QSL log template
Free printable template for QSL log reports. Mainly for shortwave listening. Pdf file by Mike Chambers
Personal (b)log by a SWL in north Italy
The DX Podcast
A podcast devoted to long-distance radio reception on the AM broadcast band. AM, or Medium Wave (MW), signals can travel thousands of miles.
Family Radio
Family Radio (WYFR) - Oakland California, U.S.A.
Prime Time Shortwave
The latest shortwave broadcast schedules with listings by time, country and frequency plus a DX program guide.
A Flemish association of shortwave listeners
English shortwave broadcast schedules
English shortwave broadcast schedules homepage for Prime Time Shortwave
Grounding is key to good reception
Guidelines to groundings.
EiBi Schedules
Regularly update shortwave schedules of all international broadcasters listed by time or frequency; for free.
Whats On Short-Wave right now?
Find out what station is broadcasting in what language on what frequency. View schedules by frequency, language or station.
Omega electronics
Omega Electronics International is the source for Ameritron linear amplifiers as well as other amateur related products and repair service


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