A site for Amateur Radio Operators, by Amateur Radio Operators.





1226- 1260 of 10028 News Items
Home made multiband MOXON
Multi band Moxon Yagi Antenna for 10,15,20 meters band with just one feed line. Drawing and project with dimensions
Top Amateur Radio Websites - Issue 2312
A More Efficient Magnetic Loop Antenna, The GAWANT Antenna, A Simple Spectrum Analyzer , Antenna too short! Inductivity matching with coil match., MFJ-434 Voice Keyer, All About Scouting - Radio Scout, A Foxhunting Jamboree, TN8K Congo 2023
Radio Station WWV
Shortwave Radio/Broadcasters/Time Signal Radios
NIST radio station WWV broadcasts time and frequency information 24 hours per day, 7 days per week to millions of listeners worldwide. WWV is located near Fort Collins, Colorado, about 100 kilometers north of Denver. The broadcast information includes time announcements, standard time intervals, standard frequencies, UT1 time corrections, a BCD time code, and geophysical alerts
Solar Panel and Ham Radio
Technical Reference/Radio Frequency Interference
If you are having problems with RFI from Solar Panels this document from QST provides useful advice. According to this article it is possible to prevent and mitigate RF interferences, with your amateur radio equipment, by suppressing the RF either in the shack and to the solar power infrastructure.
The Infamous Attic Dipole
An attic wire antenna with several modifications during the time. Began as a simple coax fed doublet antenna, and upgraded to a multi-band hf fan dipole, till the G5RV all deployed in an attic.
ARRL Audio News March 24, 2023

ARRL Audio News March 24, 2023

Shortened 40 meter Vertical for POTA SOTA
Build A Shortened 40 Meter Vertical antenna For POTA / SOTA Activations. A project for a portable wire antenna for 40 meters band suitable for POTA or SOTA operations.
Phone Service Restored at ARRL Headquarters - March 22, 2023

Update: Wedneday, March 22, 2023 @ 12:41 PM Eastern Time:

Telephone service was quickly restored at ARRL Headquarters. Incoming and outgoing phone calls are working. Thank you for your understanding.

Wedneday, March 22, 2023 @ 10:00 AM Eastern Time:

ARRL Headquarters is currently experiencing a telephone outage. Incoming and outgoing phone calls have been disrupted. We are currently working with o...

Amateur Radio Included in FEMA Guide for National Emergency Preparedness

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has released a final version (March 2023) of the National Incident Management System (NIMS) Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Functional Guidance. The guidance, which provides a framework for communications resources within incident management, officially includes support from amateur radio operators. The expanded Communications Unit ...

CT Governor Proclaims April 16 – 22 Amateur Radio Recognition Week

CY0S Log Online
DX Resources/Logs
Online Log CY0S Sable island DX Pedition 2023
Drive-On Antenna Mast For POTA
Antennas/Masts and mounts
This antenna mast mount uses two Reese hitch extensions that are welded on to a piece of 2 inch square tube. It comes apart in two pieces. The vertical pipe on the left is welded on to a 2 inch piece of square tube that fits into the Reese hitch extension.
RF Toroid Calculator
Antennas/Antenna Calculators
This RF Toroid Calculator provides graphical calculator used to determine the inductance and other parameters of ferrite and powdered-iron toroids. It simplifies the process of selecting the appropriate toroid for use in radio frequency (RF) circuits
Stop RFI from Solar PV Systems
Technical Reference/Radio Frequency Interference
Stop EMI RFI Interference in Off Grid Solar PV Systems, in this article the author provides hints on tracking down the EMI or RFI source, shielding and grounding in order to eliminate interferences on the whole HF and VHF ham radio bands
Top Amateur Radio Websites - Issue 2311
Spiral Dipole Antenna for 40m, End fed half wave antenna 40/30/20m, Six Meter Yagi, Microvert Antenna for 40m by ON7IR, 70MHz transverter, A 7 elements 144MHz yagi antenna, Morse key and buzzer project for Scouts, ARRL - Radio Scouting
9X5RU Rwanda
DX Resources/DX Peditions/2023 DXpeditions
DX expedition to Rwanda by RUDXT March 20, 2023 - April 3, 2023
ARRL Audio News March 17, 2023

ARRL Audio News March 17, 2023

Tornado Season and Amateur Radio

Tornado season is fast approaching, and amateur radio operators will again play a key role in helping the National Weather Service (NWS) issue accurate and timely warnings. In fact, March through May is considered the most active period for tornadoes to develop.

The NWS reports there have already been 255 preliminary filtered reported tornadoes and 213 confirmed tornadoes in the United States in...

Shortwave Radio/Broadcasters/Time Signal Radios
JJY is a time signal transmitter operated by the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) in Japan. It broadcasts on two frequencies, 40 kHz and 60 kHz, and is used for time synchronization in Japan.
Dayton Amateur Radio Leader Ron Cramer, KD8ENJ, Silent Key

Ron Cramer, KD8ENJ, of Dayton, Ohio, passed away on Saturday, March 11, 2023. He was Vice President of the Dayton Amateur Radio Association (DARA) and previously served as its President.

Cramer was General Chairman of Dayton Hamvention®, the world's largest annual gathering of radio amateurs, from 2017 to 2018. In 2017, he was among the Hamvention leadership and team who helped successfully relo...

BG2FX Amateur Radios
Manufacturers/Software Defined Radio
Yu produces miniaturized amateur radio transceivers for portable usage. Yu designed and sold the FX-2, FX-4a, and FX-9A. Other products includes the FX-4C, an 80 m through 10 m transceiver that fits in the palm of your hand.
Countries with CEPT Licence
Ham Radio/Licensing
A document that includes a list of all countries implementing CEPT licence, with detailed information on licence types like standard CEPT, CEPT Novice and HAREC. A full list of frequencies, and call signs schemas to be used by foreign operators, compiled by Hans Schwarz, DK5JI
JBOT QRP linear amplifier
Technical Reference/QRP Projects
JBOT stands for Just a Bunch of Transistors. It is a simple, stable and easy to build 5 watts linear amplifier build out of a bunch of ordinary low power NPN transistors.
ARRL Headquarters will be Closed on Tuesday, March 14

Due to anticipated severe winter weather, ARRL Headquarters will be closed on Tuesday, March 14, 2023, for the safety of our staff. The Headquarters lobby & store, and W1AW will be closed to visitors on Tuesday. We anticipate reopening on Wednesday, March 15, at 8 AM Eastern.

ARRL reminds members and prospective members to access information and services online at

The Teachers Guide to Amateur Radio Instruction
By Peter Kemp, KZ1Z
Shortwave Radio/Broadcasters/Time Signal Radios
DCF77 is a time signal transmitter operated by the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB). It broadcasts on a frequency of 77.5 kHz and is widely used for time synchronization in Europe.
RF Inductor Calculator
Antennas/Antenna Calculators
This air-core solenoid style RF inductor calculator calculates the inductance, wire size, number of turns, and other parameters for an air-core solenoid inductor used in radio frequency (RF) circuits, based on user input of frequency, desired inductance value, and physical dimensions.
Top Amateur Radio Websites - Issue 2310
KD5RVX MicroVert Antenna, Capacitive Antenna by DL7JV, FT8WW Crozet DXPedition, Can Antenna Calculator, Antenna too long! Capacitive couple with transformation to TRX., Microvert antenna calculator, FT5/W Crozet 2022,
2023 Ulrich L. Rohde Award Call for Papers

The Software Defined Radio Academy (SDRA) has issued a call for papers for the 2023 Ulrich L. Rohde Award. This award, named after Dr. Ulrich L. Rohde, N1UL, was created in 2022 and is presented to those who have completed innovative research in the field of software-defined radio (SDR). It's a paper award that requires a written submission by applicants. There are first - second - and third -p...

HF DXView Propagation Map
DX Resources/DX Maps
This map shows real-time radio propagation from stations operating on 11 bands between 1.8 and 54 MHz in the amateur radio service. The display shows world-wide activity from the last 15 minutes and is automatically updated about every minute. Data for the map is gathered from several online sources: WSPRnet, Reverse Beacon Network (CW, FT4, FT8), PskReporter, and DX Cluster.
Homebrew HF Radio Made Easy: The uBITX v6 RTX Kit
The uBITX v6 is a compact and versatile single board transceiver that covers the entire HF range with minimal controls. It features an Arduino Nano controller, Si5351 oscillator, and a double conversion superhet architecture. Simple to build and align, it offers up to 10 watts pep on lower HF bands.
ARRL International DX Contest a Success

Last weekend (March 4 - 5, 2023) was the phone segment of the ARRL International DX Contest.

Although the deadline to submit logs is 2359Z on March 12, preliminary numbers already show an increase in submissions compared to the same period last year. Conditions were favorable for much of the world, and many operators took to social media to talk about their wins.

Italian ham Chris Diemoz, IX1CKN,...

Morse Code Practice Oscillator
Technical Reference/Morse Code Oscillator
In this project, we blend old school and new school tech to create a Morse code oscillator that you can use to practice keying Morse code. We start by milling out a double-sided board on the Bantam Tools Desktop PCB Milling Machine, then we solder on a series of components, and finally test our skills of yesteryear communication
ARRL Audio News March 10, 2023

ARRL Audio News March 10, 2023

MSF radio time signal
Shortwave Radio/Broadcasters/Time Signal Radios
The MSF radio signal is a dedicated standard-frequency and time broadcast that provides an accurate and reliable source of UK civil time. It is available 24 hours a day across the whole of the UK and beyond. The signal operates on a frequency of 60 kHz and carries a time and date code that can be received and decoded by a wide range of readily-available radio-controlled clocks.


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