Systems Restored at ARRL Headquarters in Newington, Connecticut
Updated 4 PM EDT, Wednesday, 7/19/2023 All services are back online. We thank you for your patience during recent intermittent outages.
Updated 9 AM EDT, Wednesday, 7/19/2023
Members may continue to experience a disruption in some online services as an intermittent system outage impacts ARRL headquarters. Members can continue to access the ARRL website, digital editions of ARRL magazines, and mana...
Slow-Scan TV Experiment With ARRL Planned for Amateur Radio on the International Space Station
Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS), in collaboration with ARRL The National Association for Amateur Radio®, plans to carry out a special slow-scan TV (SSTV) experiment from the ISS on Wednesday, July 26, 2023. During the event, the Columbus Module Repeater, transmitting at 437.800 MHz, will carry a message to be received by teachers attending the ARRL Teachers Institute o...
FT-818ND Operating Manual
Radio Equipment/HF Transceivers/Yaesu FT-818 English operating manual of the Yaesu FT-818 HF VHF UHF portable transceiver
ARRL HQ Experiencing Internet Outage, Many Systems Remain Online
Updated 12:17 PM EDT, 7/18/2023
Members may continue to experience a disruption in some services as an intermittent system outage impacts ARRL HQ. Members can continue to access the ARRL website, digital editions of ARRL magazines, and manage their accounts online. We will continue to post updates. Thank you for your patience.
Updated 10:51 AM EDT, 7/18/2023 Full connectivity has been restored to ...
NZ Amateur Beacons
DX Resources/Beacons/Beacon Lists A list of HF VHF UHF Beacon list from New Zealand. All beacons from 20m to 3cm
Top Amateur Radio Websites - Issue 2326
Low Bands Battle Creek Antenna, 20m Coil-Shortened Dipole, 160m Inverted Delta Loop, 1296 MHz Bi-Quad Antenna, 20-30m Vertical Antenna, ICOM IC 7851 Reception comparison,
ARRL CEO David Minster, NA2AA, Interviewed on W1DED in Maine YouTube Channel
ARRL CEO David Minster, NA2AA, was interviewed on the W1DED in Maine YouTube channel. In the nearly hour-long chat with host Kevin Thomas, Minster shares quite a bit about things going on at ARRL. He talks about the culture within the organization, the impact social media has on amateur radio, and how he approaches listening to members. The pair also covers the results of the recent ARRL dues s...
Job Posting: FCC Recruiting Field Agents
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is looking for qualified applicants for Field Agents in four local offices across the United States. From the FCC posting: The FCC has openings for Field Agents in the following FCC Field Offices: New York, Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles & San Francisco.
Operates and understands all technical equipment typically used in the Field including RF spectrum an...
DuinoVox USB interface
Technical Reference/Arduino Cheap and easy to build digital modes USB interface for Ham Radio. The DuinoVOX Arduino powered digital modes USB interface for ham radio.
Cb Radio Ads
Internet and Radio/Classifieds For sale used unwanted HAM and CB Radios for sale in your area. Post your unwanted radio items to others for free.
WIFI Remote FUCHS ATU for EndFed Antenna
Technical Reference/Arduino The Fuchs Antenna tuner with a resonant circuit as a coupler. The Fuch Antenna Tuner is providing a high-efficiency compare to a 49:1 transformer using ferrite . The Fuchs tuner is a resonating L/C circuit to step-up the impedance from 50 Ohm to the required 3k. The ATU is able to perform automatic tuning with the addition of a tiny Aduino Nano and a SWR bridge.
EA1CS - DX Info
DX Resources/Newsletters DX News and DX Info by EA1CS
ARRL Audio News July 14, 2023
ARRL Audio News July 14, 2023
ARRL DXCC Honor Roll Awardee Gets Press in Arizona
On July 12, 2023 Bob Wertz, NF7E, was recognized by Flagstaff (Arizona) Business News for earning the ARRL DXCC Honor Roll. The final contact was made with the 3Y0J Bouvet Island DXpedition off the coast of Antarctica via Morse code. Wertz said making the contact was “very difficult” because the distance was more than 9,000 miles. It ended his 47-year quest to contact all 340 independent DXCC en...
Simple 2-tone generator
Technical Reference/Test Equipment/Signal Generator A simple 2-tone-generator for testing the linearity of SSB transmitters. This device is as simple as useful. With 2 transistors and an oscilloscope, it is fairly easy to test the linearity of your SSB transmitter. The 2-tone-method is a standardized test method that can be used to determine the maximum output and the amplification characteristics of a sideband transmitter.
Careers for Hams: ARRL is Hiring
ARRL The National Association for Amateur Radio® has open positions for full-time employment in both technical and non-technical areas of the association. Among the qualifications for each position is a desire for experienced radio amateurs, individuals who will thrive in a collaborative results-driven environment, and a commitment to advancing ARRL’s mission.
“It’s so rewarding to work for an ...
How to Activate a SOTA Peak
DX Resources/SOTA This documentation effort is intended to outline some of the primary steps to take in activating a SOTA Peak. It includes some of the planning steps, the activation, and post-activation steps. This outline is designed to serve as a general guideline for SOTA Activators
Portable J-Pole Antenna
Antennas/J-Pole The Pocket Portable J-Pole Antenna, a neat little project that will prove useful for portable operation or improving your HT in the fringe areas.
Top Amateur Radio Websites - Issue 2325
ADIF Processor Map QSOs with Google Earth, General Coverage Receiver LW MW SW, IC-7300 Arduino Based Antenna Switch, Yaesu FT-857D Menu Settings for SOTA, Bird Wattmeter Slug Calibration , DX0NE Spratly Island, VU7W Lakshadweep Islands,
Techs: Now is the Time to Upgrade to General!
A new question pool took effect on July 1, 2023, for General-class license exams. ARRL has released new editions of its popular study resources including the 10th edition of The ARRL General Class License Manual and the 7th edition of ARRL's General Q&A.
ARRL has also updated its free online review and practice resource, ARRL Exam Review for Ham Radio.
"ARRL Volunteer Examiners (VEs) are already ...
Commercial Interests Petition FCC for High Power Allocation on Shortwave Spectrum
Ellis County Amateur Radio Club
The Ellis County Amateur Radio Club is in Ellis County, located in North Central Texas just south of Dallas.
Orange conty radio amateurs
ARRL Special Services Club,
Orange County, North Carolina
DK3WN SatBlog
Ham Radio/Blogs/Special Interest A multi editor blog about ham radio satellites operations
LU1DSO Radio Club Olavarria
Ham Radio/Clubs/South America/Argentina Radio Club Olavarria LU1DSO website
Address: Necochea 1389, Olavarria, Buenos Aires Argentina
QRP Z Match Antenna Tuner Project
Antennas/Tuners A Home made antenna tuner for QRP transceivers. This small tuner is the ideal for portable operations with random length wires or whenever you have not a resonant antenna.
VHF UHF Duo band Yagi Antemma
Antennas/VHF UHF Duoband Yagi 2m/70cm with 4 Elements on 2 m and 5 Elements on 70 cm and one Feed point. The 4-El.-Ultralight-Yagi for 2m can be used on 70cm with an SWR of 1,5 without any changes.
SSB-Transceiver for 14 MHz
Technical Reference/QRP Projects A lean design SSB-Transceiver for 14 MHz, Simple SSB Transceiver for 14MHz VFO controlled, 5W PEP
ARRL Audio News July 7, 2023
ARRL Audio News July 7, 2023
Dual Championships on HF July 8-9, 2023
The International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) HF World Championships begin at 1200 UTC on Saturday, July 8, 2023, and run through 1159 UTC on Sunday, July 9.
A station operating as IARU Headquarters will be operated from ARRL The National Association for Amateur Radio® in the US, from Newington, Connecticut. ARRL is the IARU International Secretariat, having served as the “headquarters” of the IA...
N0AKA Amateur Radio Station
Tom's amateur radio web site provides information about Ham radio in the heartland of America. Nebraska and Iowa, USA
Virtual Radar from a Digital TV Dongle
Operating Modes/Aircraft scatter Track aircraft by reprogramming an inexpensive digital TV USB stick to receive Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast signals.
A Magic Ground Mobile Antenna
Operating Modes/Mobile Experimenting and testing vertical antenna for HF bands on mobile operations.
Call for Nominations for ARRL Director and Vice Director
Attention to full ARRL members in the Atlantic, Dakota, Delta, Great Lakes, and Midwest Divisions. You have the opportunity to choose a Director and a Vice Director to represent you for a 3-year term beginning January 1, 2024. ARRL The National Association for Amateur Radio® is governed by its Board of Directors. A voting Director is chosen by ballot by the full (licensed) ARRL members in each ...
Frequency Accuracy and Stability of WWV and WWVH
Operating Aids/Time Measuring the Frequency Accuracy and Stability of WWV and WWVH by Michael A. Lombardi. An examination of just how accurate these frequency standard stations are.