A site for Amateur Radio Operators, by Amateur Radio Operators.





1331- 1365 of 10756 News Items
ADIF Processor Map QSOs with Google Earth
Operating Aids/Maps
The ADIF Processor is an online application that visualizes amateur radio contacts from an ADIF log file using Google Earth. SOTA CSV log files can also be used. As well as allowing you to view and explore your contacts in Google Earth, you will be able to see a Markdown or text table of contacts, use the output ADIF file which contains data, accurate contact distances and fields populated from comments in the input file. Print QSL labels. One of the benefits of using the ADIF Processor before uploading/storing your ADIF file is detecting errors in callsigns and activity references (e.g. POTA or SOTA references).
ARRL Audio News April 21, 2023

ARRL Audio News April 21, 2023

General Coverage Receiver LW MW SW
Technical Reference/Receivers
This is a compact three transistor regenerative general coverage receiver with fixed feedback. The sensitivity and selectivity is relative good, especially on the LF and MW bands, as can be expected with this simple design.
Lake Area Amateur Radio Klub
Welcome to the home page for the Lake Area Amateur Radio Klub (K5LRK) located in southern Denton county, Texas
IC-7300 Arduino Based Antenna Switch
Technical Reference/Arduino
An Arduino Based Antenna Switch For The IC-7300 that monitors the band voltage from the rear accessory socket on the IC-7300. Two RF antenna relays are used to switch to the appropriate output.
E51CIK E51WEG South Cook Islands
DX Resources/DX Peditions/2023 DXpeditions
Rarotonga, South Cook Islands. DX Pedition April 2023
DX0NE Spratly Island
DX Resources/DX Peditions/2023 DXpeditions
DX0NE Spratly Isl 2023 Apr 20, 2023 May 9 QSL via IZ8CCW
Yaesu FT-857D Menu Settings for SOTA
Radio Equipment/HF Transceivers/Yaesu FT-857
Yaesu FT-857D Menu Settings a preferred configuration for a typical SOTA activation.
Top Amateur Radio Websites - Issue 2315
How to find out if your choke works, 3Y0J Bouvet DXpedition Web Site, The Weird Antenna Wire End Effect, 3Y0J Log Online, End-Fed Half-Wave Antenna for 20m 40m 80m, Z Match with Toroid, Sound Card Packet, Phased Array Antennas, UK Scanner Frequencies, 40 dB Tap Attenuator,
ARSA Announces 2023 Award Winner

The Amateur Radio Software Award (ARSA) Committee has announced that GridTracker, a project led by Stephen Loomis, N0TTL, and the team, has been selected as the recipient of the 4th annual Amateur Radio Software Award.

The award recognizes software projects that enhance amateur radio and promote innovation, freedom, and openness in amateur radio software development.

The committee...

W3BSA Venture Crew 80
Sponsored by First Christian Church and Mount Vernon Amateur Radio Club
Bird Wattmeter Slug Calibration
Technical Reference/SWR Meters
How to repair and calibrate a used Bird model 43 wattmeter.
FCC Bandplan
FCC Frequency Bandplan a good starting point to have a basic frequency list. This page contains Available Band Plans and frequency lists.
VU7W Lakshadweep Islands
DX Resources/DX Peditions/2023 DXpeditions
Yuris YL2GM will visit Lakshadweep Islands and do one-man operation on the air as VU7W from April 15 to 29, 2023
National Voice of America Museum of Broadcasting Open during 2023 Dayton Hamvention®

The National Voice of America Museum of Broadcasting, in conjunction with the West Chester Amateur Radio Association, announced their expanded hours during the 2023 Dayton Hamvention®.

The museum will be open Thursday, May 18, from 1:00 PM to 9:00 PM; Friday, May 19, from 1:00 PM to 9:00 PM; Saturday, May 20, from 12:00 PM to 9:00 PM, and Sunday, May 21, from 12:00 PM to 5:00 PM.

Admission is $10...

Automatic antenna switch with Arduino Nano
Technical Reference/Arduino
Arduino Nano board based antenna coax antenna switch intended for use with ICOM CI-V protocol. When is used alone with transceiver without PC control (CAT software, any logging software with CAT functionality), the CI-V transceive option in TRX setup shall be set to ON.
ARRL Audio News April 14, 2023

ARRL Audio News April 14, 2023

This Week: World Amateur Radio Day Special Event

World Amateur Radio Day (WARD) is April 18, 2023, and will celebrate the IARU's 98th anniversary. On this day in 1925,the IARU was formed in Paris, France. American Radio Relay League® (ARRL) Co-Founder Hiram Percy Maxim was its first president.

This year's theme is Human Security for All (HS4A). The day is being celebrated with a 2-week operating event occurring April 11 - 25.

Dave Sumner, K1ZZ,...

Congresswoman Debbie Lesko Speaks At DeVry University Hamfest

U.S. Congresswoman Debbie Lesko (AZ-08) recently visited a hamfest and met with Amateur Radio operators at DeVry University campus in Phoenix, Arizona, on April 8.

Congresswoman Lesko’s visit was a highlight of the event, as she is a major supporter of Amateur Radio. Lesko arrived early and spoke with many Amateur Radio attendees and ARRL leadership representatives. She toured the emergency comm...

Andover Radio Amateur Club
Is for those who wish to explore the globe by radio and experiment with electronics.
IW6MKI Uba I6YOT Mimma
A surf between radio history, home made and the sea.
Basic K3NG Winkeyer
Technical Reference/Keyers
This keyer being intended to be used mainly in conjunction with contest software. This keyer is based on an Arduino Nano and the Keyer software by K3NG. It has been designed with very basic features, and it is intended to work with logging software.
UHF VHF Crossed Satellite Yagi Antenna
This home made antenna provides around 10.5dBd gain on 70cm, and 6.5dBd gain on 2m, which is more than adequate to work the FM satellites with a handheld dual band radio
T30UN Log Online
DX Resources/Logs
T30UN Log Online for Tarawa Island Kiribati DXPedition in April 2023 provided by club log
4W1A Timor Leste
DX Resources/DX Peditions/2023 DXpeditions
4W1A DX Pedition to Timor Leste 10 April 2023 thru 22 April 2023
4W1A Online Log
DX Resources/Logs
Timor-Leste DXPedition 4W1A Log online service provided by club log
Elecraft K4 Transceiver
Radio Equipment/HF Transceivers/Elecraft K4
Official Elecraft K4 Transceiver page at Elecraft web site with technical specifications, news, manuals and software updates for the K4, HF High performance direct sampling SDR Radio transceiver by Elecraft
W4ULH Florence Amateur Radio Club
Ham Radio/Clubs/North America/USA/South Carolina
FARC Florence Amateur Radio Club
Homebrew HexBeam Antenna
The Hex Beam page by W1GQL page, a document dedicated to home brewing hex beam antenna with dimensions, info on spreaders, wires to use, spacing tips, feed line information, mast to use, multi-band version and antenna height
Top Amateur Radio Websites - Issue 2314
Magnetic Loop 600 KHz-4MHz, Build the K1FM-Loop, VARA, 30m Half -Size Rotary Dipole, A switched Capacitor Audio Filter, CubeSat 101,, Scout Activities - Amateur radio, CubeSats and FUNcube
IARU Societies Logos
Internet and Radio/Pictures
A collection of IARU Member Society Logos, hanging your mouse over each logo you will see country, prefix, zones, continent & time zone
NASA Names Three Hams for Artemis II Moon Mission Crew

NASA and the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) announced the four astronauts who will venture around the moon on Artemis II. This will be the first crewed mission on NASA's path to establishing long-term moon science and exploration development. The agencies revealed the crew members on Monday, April 3, 2023, during an event at Ellington Field near NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas. Three...

Hamword Wordle over Winlink
Internet and Radio/Radio Gateways
Hamword is a Winlink-based game that mimics the popular five-letter word guessing game, Wordle. The goal of this game is to give hams a way to practice their Winlink skills while having some fun guessing an unknown five-letter word. The only thing you need to play the game is an amateur radio license and an operational Winlink account.
ARRL Audio News April 7, 2023

ARRL Audio News April 7, 2023

K3LV Lebanon Valley Society of Radio Amateurs
LVSRA has been affiliated with the American Radio Relay League since 1930 and was incorporated in 1977 for the purpose of information exchange, to promote radio knowledge. Lebanon County Pennsylvania


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