A site for Amateur Radio Operators, by Amateur Radio Operators.





1366- 1400 of 10028 News Items
Amateur Satellite FalconSAT-3 Nears Reentry

Many amateur radio operators and satellite watchers have been predicting the date and time of reentry for FalconSAT-3 (FS-3). While all reentry predictions are something of a guessing game due to the large number of variables affecting the upper atmosphere, it is certain that the end for FS-3 will be coming very soon, possibly the week of January 16 - 21, 2023.

Radio Amateur Satellite Corporatio...

Winter Field Day 2023

Winter Field Day (WFD), sponsored by the Winter Field Day Association, is coming again. This year, the dates are January 28 and 29. Radio clubs around the country are activating for this event. Complete rules can be found on the WFD website, at Home - Winter Field Day. Combining this with ARRL's yearlong event, Volunteers On the Air, is a great way to make contacts that count for both activitie...

29th Annual Dayton Contest Dinner is May 20, 2023

The North Coast Contesters will host the 29th Annual Dayton Contest Dinner at the Hope Hotel, located at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio, on Saturday night, May 20, 2023, at 6:30 PM. Master of Ceremonies will be John Dorr, K1AR, and the 2023 Keynote Speaker is Bryant Rascoll, KG5HVO. Rascoll, of Montgomery, Alabama, was the 2018 recipient of the Bill Pasternak Memorial Amateur R...

Proposals Sought to Host 2026 World Radiosport Team Championship -- WRTC

The World Radiosport Team Championship Sanctioning Committee (WRTC-SC) is accepting proposals for hosting the 2026 WRTC event. The World Radiosport Team Championship is an on-site amateur radio competition, usually held every 4 years.

Previous WRTCs have been held in Seattle, San Francisco, Slovenia, Finland, Brazil, Russia, Boston, and Germany. WRTC 2022, delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, ...

70 MHz Transverter
Technical Reference/Transverters
This page gives a brief description of a 70 MHz transverter that has been published in the Danish amateur radio magazine "OZ." This way hams outside Denmark may also benefit from the design.
How to call CQ as an HF QRP station
Operating Modes/QRP
Tutorial, How to call CQ as an HF QRP station in SSB/Phone. Calling CQ Basics, Calling CQ QRP or Portable
A JFET preamplifer for 50 MHz
Technical Reference/Preamplifiers
The circuit is simple, designed with a low component count and an inherent simplicity in order to keep the cost of building the preamplifier low, and to assure low noise operation.
SAFARI 40-30m vertical Antenna
Antennas/40M/40 meter Vertical Antennas
Roach pole vertical antenna for 40 and 30 meters band featuring good performance on short skips contacts compared to wire dipole
WA6TST Barstow Amateur Radio Club - B.A.R.C

Wirral & District Amateur Radio Club
Small Loop Antenna for the 80m to 10m
This article describes the development of two tunable antennas each consisting of three interconnected small loops and capable of providing excellent DX performance. The aerials are home-constructed, and located in a very small garden with a minimum of visual impact on the neighbours and are low enough in height to avoid the attention of UK planning authorities.
Emergency repeater network supporting ventura county
A Simple Hybrid Software Defined Radio
Technical Reference/Software Defined Radio
This Hybrid SDR is a combination of a current technology analog radio techniques, used with a direct conversion software defined radio to create a single conversion "hybrid" radio that is usable over a wide range of frequencies
Top Amateur Radio Websites - Issue 2303
1:49 unun for end fed half wave antennas, Understanding computer-generated RFI, Unpredictable Aspects of 160 meter Propagation, Current Space Weather Parameters, Robust PACKET at SigIDWiki, Kenwood TS-590 Driver, HamAward, 5V7RU Log Online,
TN8K Congo 2023
DX Resources/DX Peditions/2023 DXpeditions
Dates: Arrival: January 6th , Departure : January 21th 2023 Call sign: TN8K Operators - Petr OK1BOA, Petr OK1FCJ, Palo OK1CRM, Pavel OK1GK , Ruda OK2ZA, Ludek OK2ZC, Karel OK2ZI, David OK6DJ Bands: 160-6m + QO-100
The GAWANT Antenna
The GAWANT Antenna, or Shinagawa Antenna is an half-wave vertical end-fed in a FT817-friendly package
ARRL Audio News January 13, 2023

ARRL Audio News for January 13, 2023

Orlando HamCation Presents Its 2023 Award Winners

Just a month ahead of its big event in Florida, Orlando HamCation® has announced the 2023 HamCation Award winners.

Ken Lyons, KN4MDJ (left), is a 2023 Carole Perry Educator of the Year Award winner. Photo courtesy of HamCation.

Ken Lyons, KN4MDJ, and Jim Storms, AB8YK, are the 2023 recipients of the Carole Perry Educator of the Year Award. The award is given to individuals who have made outstandi...

HAARP Thanks Amateur Radio Operators for Help with Latest Experiment

On Tuesday, December 27, 2022, the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) conducted its latest ionospheric experiment of bouncing radio signals off an asteroid passing near Earth's orbit (see the ARRL News story from December 23, 2022).

A frosty landscape surrounds antennas at the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program site in Gakona, Alaska, on December 20, 2022. [JR Anc...

MFJ-434 Voice Keyer
Radio Equipment/Voice Keyers
Let this microprocessor controlled MFJ Contest Voice KeyerTM call CQ, send your call and do contest exchanges for you in your own natural voice
Arnaldo de Jesús Coro Antich, CO2KK, Silent Key

Arnaldo de Jesús Coro Antich, CO2KK, passed away January 8, 2023. Coro was born on July 2, 1942. He was a founding member, since 1966, of the Federation of Radio Amateurs of Cuba [Federacion de Radioaficionados de Cuba].

"At the age of 12, [Coro] joined what was then the Radio Club de Cuba, the association that brought together radio amateurs in the capital in the late 1950s," included a report ...

WA3COM Washington Amateur Communications

A Foxhunting Jamboree
Operating Modes/Radio Direction Finding
Fox Hunting for Scouts. Jamboree can be an opportunity to promote ARDF among Scouts all around the world.
All About Scouting - Radio Scout
Ham Radio/Radio Scouting
Online free HAM Radio course for Scouts, Guides, Rovers, Rangers
A Simple Spectrum Analyzer
Technical Reference/Spectrum Analyzers
This is a swept-filter spectrum analyzer. Basically, RF and swept oscillator signals are fed to a mixer and the output of the mixer is passed through a highly selective crystal filter.
WSJT-X 2.6.0 New version available to download
WSJT-X 2.6.0 has been officially released and implements new features supporting the ARRL International Digital Contest and several new improvements.
A More Efficient Magnetic Loop Antenna
Antennas/Magnetic Loop
The idea behind this antenna was to use multiple conductors in parallel to reduce the resistance losses in the antenna , and thereby improve the efficiency.For a given magnetic loop antenna, doubling the number of conductors from one to two will typically increase efficiency by about a factor of two. There is a limit, and beyond three or four conductors further increases are small, and may not be worth the bother.
Top Amateur Radio Websites - Issue 2302
Measuring HF Balun Performance, Understanding Antenna Gain in a Few Minutes, Icom External Keypad Connector Cable, Kenwood TS2000 vs TS590S, JUNIOR-2 ARDF receiver, History of the Radio, SWR analysis of a G5RV antenna, P29RO Log Online,
Antenna too short! Inductivity matching with coil match.
Antennas/Antenna Calculators
Wire antenna calculator with inductivity matching coil where length shorter lambda/4
ARRL - Radio Scouting
Ham Radio/Radio Scouting
A web page dedicated to amaterur radio scouting. Scouting and Ham Radio — From Yesterday, Toward Tomorrow. Radio Merit Badge, Morse Code Interpreter Strip, Jamboree on the air
ARRL Audio News January 6, 2023

ARRL Volunteers On the Air Event is Underway

ARRL's yearlong operating event, Volunteers On the Air, or VOTA, began January 1, 2023. The event is organized as part of ARRL's 2023 theme, "Year of the Volunteers," which recognizes the contributions of ARRL member volunteers, and offers opportunities to become more active and involved in amateur radio and ARRL.

VOTA encourages participants to make contacts with ARRL members and volunteers, ea...

Bud Kozloff, W1NSK, Appointed as ARRL Connecticut Section Manager

Bud Kozloff, W1NSK, has been appointed as the ARRL Connecticut Section Manager starting on January 1, 2023.

Kozloff, who lives in Redding, Connecticut, is currently the president of the Candlewood Amateur Radio Association and a member of the Yankee Clipper Contest Club. He was appointed by ARRL Field Services Manager Mike Walters, W8ZY, after consulting with New England Division Director Fred K...

Amateur Radio Operations at the US Military Academies

The Service Academies Radio Group (SARG) was recently formed for alumni and amateur radio operators who are interested in the five U.S military academies.

William Curry, W5CQ, founder and net control operator for the SARG Net, said two months ago there was a new interest in forming a group and net. He noticed that only one military academy, West Point, W2KGY, was still operating a club station. ...

More Amateur Radio Astronauts Head for the International Space Station

Three of the four new astronauts on February's planned launch of the SpaceX Crew-6 mission to the International Space Station (ISS) are amateur radio operators.

The four crew members that comprise the SpaceX Crew-6 mission pose for a photo during a training session on the crew access arm at the Kennedy Space Center's Launch Pad 39A in Florida. From left are, Mission Specialist Andrey Fedyaev, Pi...


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