A site for Amateur Radio Operators, by Amateur Radio Operators.





141- 175 of 10028 News Items
iCWoIP Official Site
CWoip (CW over internet protocol) Full Duplex morse code audio with high fidelity sound. ... - Listed in Internet and Radio/Other Resources
W1AW to QSY on 17 Meters for CW

Beginning on Friday, September 6, 2024, Maxim Memorial Station W1AW will begin using a new 17-meter frequency for its scheduled CW transmissions due to increased activity near the current bulletin frequency. In order to reduce the possibility of interference, W1AW will move to 18077.5 kHz.

Andy Milluzzi, KK4LWR, Appointed Vice Director of ARRL Southeastern Division

Andrew “Andy” Milluzzi, Ph.D., KK4LWR, has been appointed Vice Director of the ARRL Southeastern Division. ARRL President Rick Roderick, K5UR, appointed Milluzzi to the remainder of the term ending in December 2025 following the recent death of former Vice Director Jeff Beals, WA4AW (SK).

Milluzzi works for Walt Disney Imagineering as a Senior Ride Control Systems Engineer. He earned his Ph.D. a...

N5J Online Log
Log Online for N5J Jarvis Island DXPedition 2024 provided by clublog - Listed in DX Resources/Logs
Carter Craigie, N3AO, Silent Key

Carter Craigie, N3AO, passed away on August 1, 2024, at age 86. Licensed since 1981, he was an ARRL Life Member and Maxim Society Member. He was married to past ARRL President Kay Craigie, N3KN, for 49 years.

Carter’s public service communications included appointments as Eastern Pennsylvania Section Traffic Manager and ARES Emergency Coordinator for Chester County, Pennsylvania. After moving to...

Lightning Protection of an Amateur Radio Station
Ham radio enthusiasts must prioritize lightning protection for their stations and homes to mitigate ... - Listed in Technical Reference/Lightning Protection
Hurricane Debby Updates

Monday, August 5, 2024 AM Update:

Hurricane Debby made landfall in Florida’s Big Bend coastal area just after 11:00 PM on Sunday night as a Category 1 Hurricane, near Steinhatchee, Florida, just 9 miles southeast of where Category 3 Idalia made landfall on August 30, 2023. 

Amateur Radio Emergency Service® (ARES®) nets have been activated and will continue to monitor the situation. The amateur ra...

HoIP Phonebook
Online phonebook of Hams Over IP. List of all registered HoIP Extensions, but even ... - Listed in Internet and Radio/Directories
TFilter FIR Filter design tool
TFilter is a free online tool for designing linear phase, optimal, equiripple finite impulse ... - Listed in Software/Filter Design
Top Amateur Radio Websites - Issue 2431
80-160 Meter Antenna For Small Garden, 40-80-160m Dipole Antenna Project, Audio Speech Compressor Curcuit, Noise Canceling Condenser Microphone, The Maritime Amateur, Oxley Region Amateur Radio Club , Unicom Radio,
How-To Easily Measure Unwanted RF
This article addresses the issue of unwanted RF in amateur radio setups and introduces ... - Listed in Technical Reference/Radio Frequency Interference
ARRL Audio News August 2, 2024

ARRL Audio News August 2, 2024

ARRL Teachers Institute on Wireless Technology Adds Third Level

ARRL continues to develop the highly successful ARRL Teachers Institute on Wireless Technology. Much as is done with new equipment in the amateur radio hobby, a prototype is being tinkered with this week: TI3. The third phase of the program is centered around space. Teachers who have each been through the previous versions of the program are at ARRL Headquarters in Newington, Connecticut, to te...

Generational Legacy Carried on in ARRL Teachers Institute

As ARRL continues to empower teachers to bring amateur radio and radio technology into their classrooms through the ARRL Teachers Institute on Wireless Technology, many generous donors have stepped up to enable the work.

Parents can make all the difference in someone’s success. David Ginsberg, N3BKV, knows that well. His parents, Hy and Mimi Ginsberg, supported his passions, “Whether it was my m...

Homebrew Buddipole Variant
This document outlines the construction of a homebrew Buddipole antenna variant, designed for portable ... - Listed in Antennas/Dipole
Diplomatic Stations Schedules and Frequencies
This Website include a section that describes the active HF radio networks of foreign ... - Listed in Shortwave Radio/Schedules
Top 5 Homebrewed HF Antennas for Portable Ham Radio Operations

Charly Tango International DX-Group
Charly Tango International DX-Group in Germany keeping up the heritage of Pit who founded ... - Listed in CB Radio/Clubs
N5J Jarvis Island DX Pedition
DX Pedition to Jarvis Island 2024 Aug 7-19 2024 - Listed in DX Resources/DX Peditions/2024 DXpeditions
Elevation Maps
Online interactive elevationmap can help radio amateurs by predicting signal propagation, optimizing antenna placement, ... - Listed in Operating Aids/Maps
108 Alfa Tango 101 - My personal CB Radio and 11m DX homepage. - Listed in CB Radio/Personal Pages
W1YCA is the call sign of the York County Amateur Radio Club located in ... - Listed in Ham Radio/Clubs/North America/USA/Maine
NCPACKET is a club whose mission is to create a social media network in ... - Listed in Ham Radio/Clubs/North America/USA/North Carolina
Raleigh Amateur Radio Society
RARS: Raleigh Amateur Radio Society meets monthly and has several regularly scheduled non-meetings. ... - Listed in Ham Radio/Clubs/North America/USA/North Carolina
NinoTNC N9600A
Kit TNC for HF and VHF packet radio. 300 through 9600 baud. ... - Listed in Manufacturers/Digital and Packet Radio/TNC
RTL-SDR Pan-adapter using HDSDR with the IC-751A
The RTL-SDR tuner dongle is a popular tool for amateur radio enthusiasts, transforming a ... - Listed in Radio Equipment/HF Transceivers
Farnsworth Timing Calculator
This page calculate and compared visual the difference between the farnsworth timing speed and ... - Listed in Operating Modes/Morse code/Learning Morse Code
SWList iOS App, provides access to the EiBi list for discovering and identifying shortwave ... - Listed in Shortwave Radio/Schedules
Arduino Morse Code
This is a basic Arduino project for decoding Morse code. This is an ... - Listed in Technical Reference/Arduino/Morse Code
MorseDuino CW Decoder Kit
M2 CW decoder Kit, is an Arduino based morse code decoder, kit produced and ... - Listed in Manufacturers/Arduino
How does an Antenna work? - Video
The video delves into the fascinating science behind antennas, which are crucial for receiving ... - Listed in Antennas/Theory
The Effectiveness of Ferrites - Video
The video delves into the significance of interference reduction in ham radio setups by ... - Listed in Technical Reference/Radio Frequency Interference
Foruno Marine Equipment
FURUNO provides advanced marine communication systems for merchant, fishing, and recreational vessels, including radar, ... - Listed in Shopping and Services/Marine Radio
Hams Over IP
Hams over IP (HOIP) is a VoIP comunication service provided by amateur radio community ... - Listed in Internet and Radio/Other Resources
Ted Rappaport, N9NB, Elected to IEEE Vehicular Technology Society Hall of Fame

Professor Theodore “Ted” S. Rappaport, Ph.D., N9NB, has been elected to the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Vehicular Technology Society’s (VTS) Hall of Fame. The IEEE VTS Hall of Fame recognizes individuals whose truly outstanding leadership and contributions have had a significant impact on the technologies represented by the fields of interest of the IEEE VTS. The VT...


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