A site for Amateur Radio Operators, by Amateur Radio Operators.





1506- 1540 of 10601 News Items
40 dB Tap Attenuator
Technical Reference/Attenuators
A 40 dB tap attenuator taht need only dissipate 2.3 watts, while delivering the same 0.02 watts to the input sensor.
N7GDE The Radio Amateurs of Skagit County
The Radio Amateurs of Skagit County is a service organization. Dedicated to promote amateur radio, provide communications support for other organizations, and encourage visitors interested in Ham Radio
3Y0J Bouvet DXpedition Web Site
DX Resources/DX Peditions/2023 DXpeditions
DX Pedition to the Bouvet Island official web site featuring all latest news and updates from the most remote uninhabited place on Earth
CubeSats and FUNcube
Operating Modes/Satellites/CubeSats
RSGB page dedicated to CubeSats and FunCube satellites used by radioamateurs
7P8WW Lesotho
DX Resources/DX Peditions/2023 DXpeditions
Lesotho DX Pedition January 26 - February 4, 2023
The Q900 SDR is a compact and versatile all band, all mode transceiver, designed for amateur radio use. It covers a wide range of frequencies from 160 meters to 70 centimeters, and supports multiple modes of operation such as SSB, CW, AM, FM, and digital. It has a compact design and intuitive interface
NASA Cubsat Blog
Operating Modes/Satellites/CubeSats
A blog that provides news and updates about CubeSats, as well as information about CubeSat-related events and projects.
The CubeSat Database
Operating Modes/Satellites/CubeSats
A website that provides information about CubeSats, including the CubeSats' mission, frequencies, and status.
CubeSat 101
Operating Modes/Satellites/CubeSats
A free PDF from NASA about cubesat. Basic Concepts and Processes for First-Time CubeSat Developers. A great introduction document dedicated to Cubseat developers.
Shopping and Services/Microwave
This is a website that sells CubeSat components and kits, including solar panels, batteries, and radios.
The CubeSat Simulator
Operating Modes/Satellites/CubeSats
This website provides a free, web-based CubeSat simulation tool for testing and evaluating CubeSat designs.
Operating Modes/Satellites/CubeSats
This website provides information and resources for CubeSat developers, including a directory of CubeSat projects and a forum for discussing CubeSat-related topics. The CubeSat standard facilitates frequent and affordable access to space with launch opportunities available on most launch vehicles.
Operating Modes/Satellites/CubeSats
This website provides kits, parts, and resources for building and launching CubeSats for amateur radio use.
Top Amateur Radio Websites - Issue 2305
What is Horn Antenna, Award Secretary, The Wanted Alive, TL8AA TL8ZZ DX Pedition, BUREAU_ALL_QRZ_COM for Logger32, T33T Log Online, Connecticut CW Club,
ARRL Audio News January 27, 2023

ARRL Audio News January 27, 2023

Missouri S&T Amateur Radio Club to Celebrate 100 Years

The Missouri S&T Amateur Radio Club, W0EEE, at Missouri University of Science and Technology (Missouri S&T), is gearing up for an early celebration of their 100 years. Club President Morgan Lyons, KI5SXY, said the station first went on the air in 1923 as the M.S.M Radio Club, broadcasting basketball games from the Jackling Gym on the grounds of the Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy (MSM)....

W4SHL Shelby County Amateur Radio Club
W4SHL amateur radio club in Shelby County
Scout Activities - Amateur radio
Ham Radio/Clubs/Scouting
Radio Scouting at the Scout Association England UK. What to expect and What you will learn, Fun facts, Handy hints
Mobile App Available to Navigate 2023 Orlando HamCation

Orlando HamCation® is February 10 - 12, 2023, and hosts the ARRL Southeastern Division Convention. In partnership with HamCation, ARRL's free mobile app is available to help attendees navigate the large event, which is held at the Central Florida Fairgrounds and Expo Park.

The free ARRL Events app is now available and already includes HamCation's full program, so attendees can browse and schedul...

Yaesu Radios Donated to ARRL to Inspire Visitors and Young Hams

There are two new Yaesu transceivers in use at ARRL Headquarters in Newington, Connecticut. They arrived via a generous donation from Yaesu USA.

The Yaesu FTDX101MP transceiver is a welcome addition to Studio 1 in W1AW, the Hiram Percy Maxim Memorial Station.

The company has donated an FTDX101MP and FTDX10, both HF/50 MHz transceivers. In arranging the donation, Yaesu Vice President, Sales and Cr...

Magnetic Loop 600 KHz-4MHz
Antennas/Magnetic Loop
The antenna is built on a cross-shaped frame with spar width (and height) of 48 inches, providing a height of 52 inches and a width of 49 inches. This antenna costs only about $45 to construct and can be built in just a few hours using simple hand tools. The best part is that the performance on 160M and 80M is excellent
30m Half -Size Rotary Dipole
A rotary dipole antenna for 30 meters band. Each arm is about 12.5 ft and is constructed from telescoping fibreglass flag/fishing poles and short lengths of aluminium tubing. Two short lengths of glass-fibre rod were used to insulate the arms from the supporting hardware.
A switched Capacitor Audio Filter
Technical Reference/Audio
Here is a rather nice audio filter for use with Ham Radio gear. It features switchable operation as a -32 dB per octave low pass or notch filter having a 200Hz-2500Hz tunable cutoff frequency, buffered input and output, switch selectable filter bypass function, and good stability. T
Software/Weak Signal
VARA HF is a soundcard modem that can be found on the HF bands exchanging traffic (Winlink). VARA implements an High Speed Data Mode and comes in 2 separate programs VARA FM and VARA HF. VARA is a High Performance HF modem based on OFDM modulation. VARA Modem, brings state of the art Military grade technology to new and existing HF data. Introduces a new standard of technology available for Amateur and Commercial use. Designed for operation within a SSB Bandwidth of 2400 Hz.
Rhein Ruhr DX Association
Build the K1FM-Loop
Antennas/Magnetic Loop
The latest version of the K1FM-Loop is electrically similar to the previous one, but it is designed around off-the-shelf parts or, more generically, items you can readily order online. This antenna relies heavily on 3D printing.
Top Amateur Radio Websites - Issue 2304
Telescoping PVC mast, Morse CW, HAM Radio DIY Projects by DL8ABH, CTR2-Mini Radio Controller, It's Ham Radio, W5BCS Bryan Amateur Radio Club, Arkansas Diamond Amateur Radio Club, The United States Awards Net, N4POW Powhatan Area Radio Club, W9ZL Fox Cities Amateur Radio Club,
Remote solution for TS590s
Radio Equipment/HF Transceivers/Kenwood TS-590S
How to use a small USB DJ controller to remote control the Kenwood TS-590s
ARRL Audio News January 20, 2023

ARRL Audio News for January 20, 2023

Amateur Satellite FalconSAT-3 Nears Reentry

Many amateur radio operators and satellite watchers have been predicting the date and time of reentry for FalconSAT-3 (FS-3). While all reentry predictions are something of a guessing game due to the large number of variables affecting the upper atmosphere, it is certain that the end for FS-3 will be coming very soon, possibly the week of January 16 - 21, 2023.

Radio Amateur Satellite Corporatio...

Winter Field Day 2023

Winter Field Day (WFD), sponsored by the Winter Field Day Association, is coming again. This year, the dates are January 28 and 29. Radio clubs around the country are activating for this event. Complete rules can be found on the WFD website, at Home - Winter Field Day. Combining this with ARRL's yearlong event, Volunteers On the Air, is a great way to make contacts that count for both activitie...

29th Annual Dayton Contest Dinner is May 20, 2023

The North Coast Contesters will host the 29th Annual Dayton Contest Dinner at the Hope Hotel, located at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio, on Saturday night, May 20, 2023, at 6:30 PM. Master of Ceremonies will be John Dorr, K1AR, and the 2023 Keynote Speaker is Bryant Rascoll, KG5HVO. Rascoll, of Montgomery, Alabama, was the 2018 recipient of the Bill Pasternak Memorial Amateur R...

Proposals Sought to Host 2026 World Radiosport Team Championship -- WRTC

The World Radiosport Team Championship Sanctioning Committee (WRTC-SC) is accepting proposals for hosting the 2026 WRTC event. The World Radiosport Team Championship is an on-site amateur radio competition, usually held every 4 years.

Previous WRTCs have been held in Seattle, San Francisco, Slovenia, Finland, Brazil, Russia, Boston, and Germany. WRTC 2022, delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, ...

70 MHz Transverter
Technical Reference/Transverters
This page gives a brief description of a 70 MHz transverter that has been published in the Danish amateur radio magazine "OZ." This way hams outside Denmark may also benefit from the design.
How to call CQ as an HF QRP station
Operating Modes/QRP
Tutorial, How to call CQ as an HF QRP station in SSB/Phone. Calling CQ Basics, Calling CQ QRP or Portable


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