K1IW Amateur Repeater and Broadcast Transmitters Database
Operating Modes/Repeaters/USA Use this form to generate a list of amateur repeaters and broadcast transmitters to your specifications.
The database covers the fifty U.S. states, the District of Columbia, and the ten Canadian provinces.
i1-21171s blog
SWL and amateur radio by IZ1CRR
Software/Propagation Ray-trace radio signals through a realistic three-dimensional ionosphere using Proplab-Pro. This software has been used by the military, researchers, universities and amateur radio operators around the world to assist in determining radio propagation conditions and radio signal behavior. It is one of the most respected and well established software packages for radio engineers and enthusiasts, being actively updated for over 28 years.
GB3BS Bristol 70cms Repeater Group
Amateur radio uhf repeater covering the bristol area - callsign gb3bs
Who Invented Radio
Operating Aids/History The Answer to the question, who invented radio, probably depends on where you are from. You may answer Popov or Marconi. They had a very different views about radio
Top Amateur Radio Websites - Issue 2233
A cheap VHF UHF Yagi, Multi-Band 4 Foot Magnetic Loop with Gamma Match, K8NDS Magnetic Loops, DXPSK, DXSPOTS, Yaesu FT 857 Filters Repair, Remote Morse Keyer,
Iowa City Amateur Radio Club
A nonprofit corporation registered in the State of Iowa
Magnetic Loop Antennas for 40-80-160m
Antennas/Magnetic Loop This magnetic loop DIY site is ment to be an introduction into making DX high quality magnetic loop antennas that will beat any dipole
ARRL Audio News October 7, 2022
ARRL Director Emeritus Dr. Thomas W. Comstock, N5TC, SK
ARRL Director Emeritus Dr. Thomas W. Comstock, N5TC, passed away on September 22, 2022. He was 91 years old.
Comstock graduated from Texas A&M University in 1952 and was commissioned as a lieutenant in the US Air Force. One of his four domestic assignments was with the Texas A&M ROTC program in College Station, Texas. While there, Comstock received his master's degree and PhD. He retired from th...
Gerald J. Ramie, KI6LGY, Receives IEEE Award
ARRL Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Committee member Gerald J. Ramie, KI6LGY, received the Laurence G. Cumming Award for Outstanding Service on August 4, 2022. Presented by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) EMC Society, the award recognized Ramie for promoting meaningful EMC immunity testing for utility control products over the last decade.
Ramie's work began in ...
Proposals Sought For Amateur Radio Crew Contacts From The International Space Station
Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) is seeking formal and informal education institutions and organizations, individually or working together, to host an amateur radio contact with a crew member onboard the International Space Station (ISS) in 2023.Organizations that want to participate will need to submit a proposal no later than November 13, 2022. ARISS is looking for pro...
Amateur Radio Satellite Status
Operating Modes/Satellites Status of active Satellites on Amateur Radio Frequencies
Where to look for bacar 10 signals on 8 october
The Balloon Carrying Amateur Radio or BACAR is planned to launch at 07:00 CAT on Saturday 8 October from the model aircraft airfield at Trichardt near Secunda
December YOTA Month
IARU Region 1 Youth Working Group reports during the month of December, several youngsters under the age of 26 will become active with YOTA suffixes in their callsigns
The Art and Design of Ham Radio
he Art and Design of Ham RadioThe Art and Design of Ham Radio
Support ARRL When You Shop Amazon’s Holiday Deals Oct. 11 - 12
Amazon's Prime Early Access Sale is set for October 11 and 12, 2022, and offers tons of deals ahead of Black Friday. The second Amazon Prime Day event will feature exclusive discounts across all categories for Amazon Prime members. As you browse great deals, you can support ARRL when you shop at AmazonSmile and choose American Radio Relay League Inc. (ARRL) as your charity of choice.
When you jo...
Stacking, Phasing and Matching Yagi Antennas
Antennas/Theory This is a synopsis of a talk presented to the Sydney VHF DX GROUP by VK2ZAB on how, when and why is convenient to build a Yagi antenna stack.
IC-706 mk2 Modifications
Radio Equipment/HF Transceivers/Icom IC-706 The 5 MHZ and MARS Mod, transmitter power max modification
AMSAT-UK Colloquium talks to be live-streamed
The talks given at the AMSAT-UK International Space Colloquium will be streamed live to a global audience over the weekend of October 8-9, 2022
BBC News: EIRSAT-1 CubeSat
The amateur radio satellite EIRSAT-1 features in a BBC News report, the launch window is now planned for mid-January to mid-February from the Kourou spaceport in South America
Internet Archive looking for Amateur Radio material
Thanks to funding from the ARDC Foundation the Internet Archive is building an online Digital Library of Amateur Radio and Communications (DLARC), they are asking amateurs for material
Antarctica ISS school contact
On Friday, October 7, 2022, from 15:14 GMT there will be a amateur radio contact from Antarctica with the International Space Station (ISS)
RSGB 2022 Convention livestream
This year the RSGB is producing its first hybrid Convention
Scout Jamboree On The Air
This year's JOTA takes place October 14-16 and enables Scouts around the world to use amateur radio to contact each other
Hurricane Ian: Amateur radio used in rescue
Fox News reports a Maryland firefighter used his ham radio to send rescuers to Florida's Sanibel Island
A big dangerous sunspot
One of the biggest sunspots in years has just rotated over the sun's northeastern limb
Tony's 10 metre band report
Conditions on Ten metres at the moment are phenomenal. There were over 3500 reported contacts on Saturday and 3600+ on Sunday
Australia's ACMA proposals on Class Licensing and high power – WIA working on response
A Working Group has hit the ground running to develop the Wireless Institute of Australia's response to the ACMA's proposal on Class Licensing and high power operation by Advanced amateurs
Doreen Bogdan-Martin, KD2JTX, is Elected as Next ITU Secretary General
The International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the United Nations specialized agency for information and communication technologies, has announced the election of Doreen Bogdan-Martin of the United States of America as the next ITU Secretary-General. Bogdan-Martin will assume office on January 1, 2023. She is radio amateur; call sign KD2JTX. The election took place during ITU's Plenipotentiary...
Club Grant Application Period Open Until November 4
The ARRL Foundation Club Grant Program opened a second grant proposal period which began September 7, 2022, and runs until November 4, 2022, at 7 PM Eastern Time. Radio clubs can apply now, and information about the program can be found on the ARRL website at www.arrl.org/club-grant-program.
Following the first proposal period that ran earlier this year, 128 clubs applied for grants with a varie...
Satellite Frequency List
Operating Modes/Satellites All Satellites Frequency List Update.
A complete list of satellite frequencies available in several formats, including info on Satellite Uplink and Downlink frequencies Beacon, operative Mode, Callsign and Weather sat functionality.
Port City ARC
Meets 1st Wednesday monthly Sept. thru June. 100+ members, repeater W1WQM 145.150 / PL 127.3
A Cobwebb antenna homebrew
Antennas/CobWeb A homebrew cobwebb antenna for HF bands covering from 10 to 20 meters band.
World Time Zone
Operating Aids/Time World Time Zone is an online quick reference chart that displays the world time zones in detail. DST is also indicated by yellow markers on the map. UTC difference is marked with different colors, and if you point and click will show up area details