A site for Amateur Radio Operators, by Amateur Radio Operators.





2066- 2100 of 10601 News Items
Radio hams experiment with cutting edge technology
The Daily Herald reports there are more than 750,000 licensed Amateur Radio operators in the U.S. and the number is growing every day
Cambridge Amateur Radio Club makes contact with ISS
CTV News reports Ontario's Cambridge Amateur Radio Club recently rode the radio waves out of this world when they connected with the International Space Station (ISS)
WinRFCalc offers a free of charge RF toolbox with many interesting RF calculators and analysers that can be downloaded, offering the following capabilities...
Camping Portable antenna overview
Operating Modes/Mobile/RV & Camping
An overview of different antenna setups for camping. The author reviews different setups depending on the period of permanence and sourrounding enviroenment situations.
Universal PC Headset Interface
Technical Reference/Headsets and Speakers
This is a simple interface that will let you use your pc-multimedia headset on your ham rig. It’s a small plastic box with two sockets for the headset jacks.
Two South African Radio League contests next weekend
The fourth leg of the Saturday 40 m Club Contest will be run from 14:00 to 15:00 UTC on Saturday 27 August and will give you a chance to work more grid squares for your ZS Worked All Grid Squares Award
Scheduled ARISS contacts
Hospital School Program in partnership with Seacrest Studios at Monroe Carell Jr. Children's Hospital at Vanderbilt, Nashville, TN., direct via N4FR
9Y60TT - Trinidad and Tobago independence anniversary
Trinidad and Tobago celebrates the 60th Independence Anniversary, the Diamond Jubilee on August 31, 2022
Norway: Poor attendance at NRRL AGM
Norway's national amateur radio society NRRL report at its recent AGM there weren't many online attendees and even fewer attended in-person
EDR's OZ magazine available
The August 2022 edition of OZ magazine published by Denmark's national amateur radio society EDR is available as a free PDF
Meet the 13-year-old restoring old Soviet tech in Georgia
Mariam Ben Nakhi is not your usual teenager. Unlike most 13-year-old girls, she has a passion for fixing phones and computers. After school, Mariam can be found tinkering away in her family’s workshop in Tbilisi
GB3EN The North London Television Group
Formed in 1998 with the aim of encouraging Amateur Television (ATV) activity in the North London/Lea Valley area, and specifically to establish an Amateur Television repeater in North London.
Elecraft K2 Preselector Modification
Radio Equipment/HF Transceivers/Elecraft K2
Although most Preselectors are designed with an internal T/R relay, theoretically enabling direct insertion between the transceiver and the antenna, there is a problem when running CW, especially when running full QSK. The switching time of the internal relay is too slow to follow full QSK. The best way to avoid this problem altogether is to insert the Preselector directly into the transceiver’s RX antenna line, thus avoiding entirely the need to switch the Preselector in and out.
Introducing IC-905 first VHF/UHF/SHF Transceiver

Top Amateur Radio Websites - Issue 2227
DXCenter DX Cluster, Bandpass Filter Calculator, FT8 Chat, Arduino Flex Controller, Contest Log Analyzer, N3TUQ DX Maps, ICOM IC756 Fan Modification,
Can you host a Flight Aware receiver
The CIO of Cemair (a radio amateur) has contacted the SARL for assistance with a project
1240 MHz band: Switzerland's USKA attends meeting
Switzerland's USKA took part in the three day CEPT ECC-SE40 meeting at Swiss communications regulator OFCOM
Ham radio operators honored by state, county leaders
Lt. Gov. Randy McNally and state Rep. John Ragan, both Oak Ridge Republicans, attended the Anderson County Commission meeting Monday night to present Senate Joint Resolution No. 1646, honoring amateur radio operators and their service across the state
QSO Today Joe Long, WA2EJT
Joe Long, WA2EJT, has been a frequent contributor to ham radio magazines for decades including 73 and Electric Radio magazine
ARRL Audio News August 19, 2022

ARRL Welcomes Director of Information Technology

ARRL  The National Association for Amateur Radio® has announced the hiring of Steve Berry, N1EZ, into the new position of Director of Information Technology. He's from Bedford, New Hampshire, and has been a radio amateur for 45 years.

Berry began his 35-year IT career in software development within a wide range of environments, from firmware to Unix device drivers and application development. W...

VE6LK Fan Dipole
Antennas/Fan Dipole
Multiband dipole antenna working on 80-40-20-15m, a 3 element antenna, 15m being a 3rd harmonic of 40.
Streaming revolution stretches TV generation gap
Younger adults now watch almost seven times less scheduled TV than those aged 65 and over, Ofcom has found, as the generation gap in media habits reaches a record high
Brazilian radio show features amateur radio
LABRE was invited to talk about amateur radio and DXing in one of the programs of the series 'One Hundred Years in 100 Programs' and which celebrates the 100 years of radio in Brazil
IRROTA - Iowa Railroads on the Air
The Freeman Journal reports on the radio amateurs taking part in Iowa Railroads on the Air special event
Short Antenna for 40-30-20 Meters Band
This page describes an entirely simple, One-Knob matchbox that will match this antenna efficiently on 40, 30 and 20m, using a simple circuit that can be switched between series-resonant and parallel-resonant with just one banana jumper
Lighthouse Activities
The 25th International Lighthouse Lightship Weekend (ILLW) event will take place throughout the upcoming weekend
New: SolderSmoke YouTube Playlists
In an effort to make the SolderSmoke YouTube channel more useful, and to help me reach the goal of 4,000 viewing hours (which I need in order to get YouTube to pay me!) I recently put PlayLists on my YouTube channel
Geomagnetic Storm Watch (G3)
NOAA forecasters have issued a geomagnetic storm watch for Aug. 18th and 19th when a series of CMEs is expected to graze Earth's magnetic field
EME conference proceedings made available
The UK Microwave Group (UKuG) has made available on their site the proceedings from the Cambridge Moonbounce (EME) conference
Bicycle Mobile competition at ham radio event
VERON report a 144 MHz bicycle mobile competition will take place during this year's DNAT amateur radio event
Algerian broadcaster causing interference to radio amateurs
DARC report the broadcast station Télédiffusion d'Algerie has been causing interference to the 21 MHz primary amateur radio band
Volunteer Monitor Program Report for July 2022

The Volunteer Monitor (VM) Program is a joint initiative between ARRL and the FCC to enhance compliance in the Amateur Radio Service. This is the July 2022 activity report of the VM Program.

Notices for unlicensed operation on 2-meter amateur frequencies were sent to two logging companies in Kettle Falls, Washington.

Commendations were issued to amateurs in Poughkeepsie, New York, for work in con...

Williamson Co - Amateur Radio Emergency Service
Williamson Co. Amateur Radio Emergency Radio Service
VHF APRS Propagation Map
Operating Modes/APRS
VHF – Based on realtime APRS reports. This map shows real-time radio propagation from stations operated near 144 MHz. It uses data gathered by Automatic Packet Reporting System-Internet Service (APRS-IS) from packet stations in the amateur radio service. The map shows activity from the past hour. Paths are smoothed to create a color-coded footprint indicating the distance VHF signals are likely to be traveling.


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