A site for Amateur Radio Operators, by Amateur Radio Operators.





2101- 2135 of 10028 News Items
Radio hams to operate from hot air balloon
Belgium's UBA reports on August 10 ON6ZT/AM will be operating on 145.550 MHz FM from a hot air balloon
FCC Hiring for High Frequency Direction Finding Center

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has started accepting applications for a Telecommunications Specialist at its High Frequency Direction Finding Center (HFDFC) in Columbia, Maryland.

HFDFC supports the FCC Over-the-Air spectrum observation capabilities, and provides direct support to the public safety community and other federal partners by locating interference sources on HF radio sp...

A cheap VHF UHF Yagi
Antennas/VHF UHF
Elements are aluminum TIG soldering rods 4.0mm of diameter, almost 1m long, these objects are light, thin and flexible based on the RZ9CJ Design
FCC Hiring for Telecommunications Specialist

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has started accepting applications for a Telecommunications Specialist. This position is located in Columbia, Maryland, at the FCC, Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau, Operations and Emergency Management Division, High Frequency Direction Finding Center (HFDFC).

The duties for the incumbent are described at and inc...

Software/DX Cluster
DXSPOTS is a Telnet connection program. It allows radio amateurs with a lot of DX traffic to know instantly the status of the bands and to know which DX are currently on the air. Following the Packet-Clusters where data was transmitted on VHF/UHF via dedicated relays and sometimes on HF at a very low speed (300Bds on HF), the Internet has taken over and is now transmitting DX information via the computers in most shacks. Translated with (free version)
The SARL premier contest in August
The aim of the SARL HF Contests is for participants to contact as many amateurs in Southern Africa as possible on the 20, 40 and 80 m amateur bands using phone, RTTY and CW
Scandinavian activity contests 2022 cancelled
The SAC Contest Committee has unanimously decided to cancel this year's two sections of the Contest. Our decision has been made due to the ongoing war in the region and in consideration of the IARU declaration about friendship between people
The Villages Amateur Radio Club is sponsoring a free HAM radio license course for beginners starting Sept. 19
You will learn what HAM Radio is all about, how to operate and the rules of the airwaves in a friendly positive learning environment
EME DXpedition to Angola
Bernie, ZS4TX, announced on that he is planning a 2m EME DXpedition to Angola between August 12-16th
Ofcom finds RT in breach of due impartiality rules
Ofcom has today found that RT’s news and current affairs coverage in the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine breached due impartiality rules on 29 occasions in four days
Radio ham retires after 50 years with company
The Salisbury Journal reports radio amateur Len Tryhorn G7GKD will be retiring from The Tintometer Ltd company after 50 years of service
Amateur Radio and Consumer satellites
Andy G0SFJ has published his presentation about 'Amateur and Consumer satellites', which he made recently to a workshop on Space Policy
Grant: Build and install a robust WinLink Network across Alabama – Fixed stations
Amateur Radio Digital Communications announcement: The Health Care Amateur Radio Club (HCARC) is a multi-disciplinary membership group of amateur operators that work and or volunteer at area healthcare and served agencies across Alabama
DARPA satellites to monitor Ionosphere
IARU Region 1 reports the DARPA Ouija program plans to use satellites to monitor the ionosphere
Candlewood Amateur Radio Association
Candlewood Amateur Radio Association
DXPSK and SMARTPSK are freeware Windows PSK31 software tools capable to send and recive even multiple tracks of PSK31 signals. SMARTPSK is the improved version of DXPSK capable to display up to 25 tracks.
Top Amateur Radio Websites - Issue 2222
VHF UHF BiQuad, WA3RNC QRP Kit Online Store, Cantenna Calculator, W6LVP Loop Antennas, AppCAD, IK6BAK QSL Archive, VU4W - Andaman Islands DXPedition, VU4W log online,
Ireland in IARU HF Championship
Apart from a temporary issue with log submission on the ARRL web-site at the conclusion of last weekend's contest, the IARU HF Championship turned out to be a success in terms of increased participation and number of submitted logs
Dublin Maker Festival
The South Dublin Radio Club will be at the 'Dublin Maker' festival, Merrion Square, Dublin on Saturday the 23rd of July. 'Dublin Maker' is a free-to-attend, family-friendly, community-run event that celebrates the inventiveness, creativity, and resourcefulness of the 'Maker' movement
Control EMI, don’t dump AM receivers
A Radio World article by Pooja Nair calls on makers of electric vehicles to devote sufficient resources to mitigating Electromagnetic Interference
A RemoteQth Cable Adapter for Prosistel Rotator
Operating Modes/Remote Operations
If you are a RemoteQth server user, and own a Prosistel rotor, you will have to deal with the problem of remoting your rotor. The solution suggested by RemoteQth is to build the K3NG interface that allows you to control any types of rotor.
40th Annual AMSAT Space Symposium and General Meeting announced
AMSAT announces the 40th Annual AMSAT Space Symposium and General Meeting will be held on Friday through Saturday, October 21 - 22, 2022 in Bloomington, Minnesota
Jim, W6PQL, will once again be active as CT8/W6PQL from Pico Island (HM58rn) between July 14th and September 6th
The ZS2 QSO Party this afternoon
The ZS2 QSO Party is a fun activity to promote contacts between radio amateurs in the Eastern Cape and radio amateurs in Southern African countries
Cinema film has CW message
The recently released and praised biographical film 'Explorer' of Sir Ran Fiennes life has a fair number of clips of HF radio operations, with his late Wife, Ginny, and Laurence (Flo) GM4DMA now KL7L included
Interference causes EV makers to drop AM radio
Radio World reports the Electromagnetic Interference generated by Electric Vehicles is causing some EV automakers to drop AM (medium wave) radio
Grant: Scholarships for Hampton University students
Amateur Radio Digital Communications say: Hampton University is a comprehensive institution of higher education, dedicated to the promotion of learning, building of character and preparation of promising students for positions of leadership and service
TF1A will be operating portable on QO-100
The IRA report Ari Johannesson TF1A plans to operate portable using the QO-100 geostationary satellite amateur radio transponder from various locations in Iceland over the summer months
Iceland provides practical training for new radio hams
The national amateur radio society of Iceland, the IRA, held an 'open day' on Saturday, July 16, to help those who had just passed their ham radio exam
QSO Today - Frank Roman, KC8VKA
Frank Roman, KC8VKA, was born in Puerto Rico, grew up in Cleveland, Ohio, enlisted in the Navy, and served in Vietnam
ARRL Audio News July 15, 2022

Ulrich L. Rohde, N1UL, to Receive Engineering Achievement Award

ARRL The National Association for Amateur Radio® is pleased to recognize Dr. Ulrich L. Rohde, N1UL, as the 2022 recipient of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Photonics Society Engineering Achievement Award. The award is for outstanding engineering achievement in the field of optoelectronic signal generation and optical measurement equipment for next-generation intell...

The 2021 ARRL Technical Innovation Award Honors Wojciech Kaczmarski, SP5WWP

The 2021 ARRL Technical Innovation Award honors Wojciech Kaczmarski, SP5WWP, for developing a new digital radio communication protocol, M17, for the good of amateur radio.

M17 is a new open-source and patent-free digital radio protocol with a goal to provide a fully sustainable option for digital radios in the future.

ARRL member Ed Wilson, N2XDD, the Community Manager of the M17 Project, accept...

Listen to ARRL Audio News for July 15, 2022

The latest edition of ARRL Audio News podcast for July 15, 2022 is available for listening now. This week's edition includes a story about a donated digital Geochron to ARRL, an announcement that Dr. Ulrich L. Rohde, N1UL, is the 2022 recipient of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Photonics Society Engineering Achievement Award, informaton about ARRL's upcoming partic...

ARRL Seeking Public Relations & Outreach Manager

ARRL  The National Association for Amateur Radio® is seeking a Public Relations & Outreach Manager for employment at its headquarters in Newington, Connecticut.

The manager will be responsible for increasing the awareness and value of the Amateur Radio Service to the public at large, for promoting the value of ARRL and the contributions of its member-volunteers, and for developing outreach oppor...


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