A site for Amateur Radio Operators, by Amateur Radio Operators.





2171- 2205 of 10520 News Items
EMF – Resources for Tutors and Clubs
Essex Ham have made available training material related to the Syllabus v1.5 changes which take effect soon
Sable Island CY0S DXpedition new dates
Here is the latest update on the March 20-29th, 2023 Sable Island CY0S DXpedition
QSO Today - Will Ravenel, AI4VE
Will Ravenel, AI4VE, like many of us, returned to amateur radio after raising a family
Switzerland: Ofcom formalize home construction exemption
The USKA say the essence of amateur radio is that you can also operate transmitters you have built yourself
20m 30m 40m Bandpass Filters
Technical Reference/Filters
Homemade LC Bandpass Filters for 20M, 30M, 40M In multi-station environments like special events, field day, portable operating, is very important to protect receivers from excessively strong signals. Bandpass filters help to protect your transceivers.
Surya Satellite-1 expected to launch October
Indonesia's ORARI reports Surya Satellite-1, which has an APRS digipeater, is is being shipped to the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) in Tsukuba, Japan on June 29, for launch to the ISS in October 2022
Amateur radio group holds 90th Hamfest
The Rochester Beacon reports the Rochester Amateur Radio Association recently held its 90th Hamfest at the Hilton Exempt Club venue, drawing scores of ham aficionados
ARRL Audio News July 8, 2022

ANjo Antennen
Manufacturers/Antennas/VHF UHF Microwave
Amateur radio antenna manufacturer produces mainly VHF UHF beam antennas based in Germany
Yaesu FT-710 New product Announcement
The new FT-710 AESS is a compact design yet provides 100W output, utilizing the advanced digital RF technology introduced in the FTDX101 and FTDX10 series.
Hackaday: LORA satellite ground station
Chris Lott WD4OLP writes about a DIY low-cost LORA satellite ground station on Hackaday
ARRL Foundation Announces 2022 Scholarship Awards

The ARRL Foundation Board of Directors has approved the recipients of the 2022 ARRL Foundation Scholarships as recommended by the Scholarship Committee. Foundation Scholarships totaling $921,250 will be awarded to 139 deserving radio amateurs pursuing higher education. Individual scholarship awards range from $500 to $25,000.

Applications for 2023 ARRL Foundation Scholarships are expected to ope...

FCC Legacy CORES System to be Retired

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) will retire the Legacy version of its COmmission REgistration System (CORES) on July 15, 2022. CORES is the FCC's public-facing database that enables and tracks certain types of FCC and FCC applicant actions, including amateur radio applications and licenses. Its implementation has enabled routine amateur applications and licenses to be issued overnig...

Hawaii Hurricane Emergency Communications Drill Set for July 16, 2022

Makani 'Ino is Hawaiian for "big wind" and the name of Hawaii's Amateur Radio Emergency Service® (ARES®) upcoming hurricane emergency communications drill. The drill will assess the ability of amateur radio operators to establish emergency radio communications in the event of a severe infrastructure failure due to hurricane-like conditions.

In addition to testing two-way radio communications, th...

W4OT - The Vero Beach Amateur Radio Club WBARC
Homepage of the vero beach amateur radio club, w4ot
VA6AM Contesting Accessories
Custom built high and low power power band pass Filters, low band triplexers, triplexers and diplexers
SteppIR UrbanBeam Review
Radio Equipment/HF YAGI Antennas
A review of the SteppIR UrbanBeam antenna a two element Yagi antenna working 40-6 meters. The UrbanBeam is a good choice for those thare are limited by lot size, regulations, city regulations.
Raising awareness of ham radio
The Hans India report on an amateur radio awareness program at the Adikavi Nannaya University College of Engineering organised by the Academy of Ham Radio
Hackaday: Homemade 28 MHz antenna made from foil
Following a Freedom of Information request about the age of radio amateurs Ofcom said they do not hold Date-of-Birth information for many radio amateurs but released what information they do have
Ham radio podcast
In his latest podcast, producer Roger Wood W1FSY delves into his favorite hobby - Amateur Radio - with an invitation for others to join him
Proposed new ham radio regulations in Slovakia
QSL Manager Nick, UA3DX, informs us that members of the International Amateur Radio Contest DX Club (ARCDXC - United Nations) will once again be active as C7A during the month of March for the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) which is a specialized agency of the United Nations
Press story about ham radio in Japan
This year is a very special for the ham radio family all over the world. Special activity will take place during these days using the special callsigns 4X73(XX) and 4Z73(XX)
IARU Administrative Council meets
The 54th meeting of the IARU Administrative Council (AC) was held in person at the Seehotel, Friedrichshafen, Germany, on Monday June, 20th, 2022 and Tuesday, June 21st, 2022
BU2AI and BU2AO Taipei City, Taiwan
Coax Dipole for 2 meters band
A homebrew 2m 144.2 MHz vertical 1/2 wave Coaxial Dipole antenna project for your home QTH, SOTA, portable field operations/WICEN exercises or the emergency 2m Go-box. Elsewhere in amateur radio circles this antenna is known as a 2m Flower Pot Antenna
DX Resources/Logs Search Services
The program was developed for radioamateurs who participate in the RDA and RAFA diploma program. The program sends your current coordinates to the server and receives your current RDA, locator and RAFA in response. Information update - every 10 or 60 seconds.
Harwell Amateur Radio Society, Oxfordshire England
40m center loaded vertical antenna
A 5 metre center loaded vertical for 40m combined with a 4 wire ground plane.
Controlled Antenna Switch
Technical Reference/Antenna Switch
A four position HF antenna switch with PC control
ARRL Audio News July 1, 2022

ARRL Headquarters is Closed on Monday, July 4, for Independence Day

ARRL  The National Association for Amateur Radio® will be closed on Monday, July 4, for the Independence Day holiday. There will be no W1AW bulletin or code practice transmissions. ARRL Headquarters will reopen on Tuesday, July 5, at 8 a.m. EDT.

The Baton Rouge Amateur Radio Club will operate a special event station, W5KID, from the USS KIDD Veterans Museum in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, on July 4....

ARRL Field Day 2022: 500,000 Contacts Already Reported

2022 ARRL Field Day wrapped up nearly a week ago, and ARRL Headquarters has already received over 2,400 entries submitted via the online Field Day Entry web application. Early analysis reveals that most of the entrants participated as Class D -- home stations, and Class E -- home stations using emergency power.

As of June 29, the breakdown of Field Day entries by Class showed 2,723 total entries...

ARRL Represented at International Amateur Radio Exhibition in Germany

2022 Ham Radio, the International Amateur Radio Exhibition, held last weekend (June 24 - 26) in Friedrichshafen, Germany, drew enthusiastic crowds and amateur radio enthusiasts from 52 countries.

Messe Friedrichshafen Managing Director Klaus Wellmann and Project Manager Petra Rathgeber said the event attracted 10,200 participants. While attendance was down (14,300 in 2019) because of COVID, visi...

Kenwood TS-990S Review
Radio Equipment/HF Transceivers/Kenwood TS-990
A syntethic review of the Kenwood TS 990S. The author was previosly a FTdx101d owner and he opted for the Kenwood transceivers.
EPS Antennas
Manufacturers/Antennas/VHF UHF Microwave
Amateur radio antenna manufacturer, HF VHF UHF antennas, and amateur radio accessories dealer based in Lingen Germany


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