2171- 2205 of 10756 News Items |
Homebrew an OCF Off-Center Fed Dipole Antenna
Antennas/OCF This type of antenna is a popular antenna design as the performance is very good across the HF bands and requires little or no tuning. It’s a dipole fed off center with a 4:1 balun at the offset feed point. The antenna shown covers 80, 40, 20 and 10 meters. The formula can also be used to adjust the overall length to cover more or fewer bands and the resulting overall length. 160-10m, 80-10m or 40-10 meters depending on your available space. Other bands will require a tuner.
Poldhu ARC Open Day
The Poldhu Amateur Radio Club is holding an Open Day on Saturday, the 6 August from 10am
Eruption proved continuing importance of shortwave
When the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai submarine volcano exploded earlier this year, bringing down communications to and from Tonga, RNZ Pacific reverted to shortwave to reach the isolated island nation
Free PDF G3XBM Project Scrapbook
If you need inspiration for your next project you might find it in this free PDF
Connacht Amateur Radio Newsletter
The August edition of the free 25 page Connacht Radio News features articles on 3D-Printing for amateur radio and the Nano VNA
Speakers and Presentations wanted
We are adding presentations and speakers to our Expo website as they come in. So far they are great! We are still looking for additional speakers and presentations in all areas of amateur radio
ISS astronaut's favourite ham radio contact
NASA astronaut Kjell Lindgren KO5MOS, who is on the International Space Station, describes his amateur radio contact with 8-year-old Isabella from Kent, UK, as his favourite so far
Miniature CI-V for Icom Radios
Technical Reference/Sound Card Radio Interfacing With some fantasy the circuit can be easily assembled on a small scrap of pre-perf board,and then fitted in the DB9 serial connector shell.
The interface requires two NPN transistors and few more passive components.
ARRL Audio News July 29, 2022
The Pop-Up Vertical 2.0
Antennas/End-Fed Basically, this antenna is a 23-foot wire fed through a 4:1 un-un transformer. This antenna can be easily used in portable operation, for operating all bands from 40-10 meters.
Johnnie Walker to join Boom Radio to celebrate the pirates
Johnnie Walker is to host a show as part of a range of special programmes on Boom Radio on Sunday 14 August in celebration of the era of the offshore pirate stations
Austria: International Youth Day
ÖVSV reports that on International Youth Day, August 12, young people in Austria will be permitted to send a greetings message via amateur radio
QSL cards and award for receiving SWSU satellites
On July 21 ten amateur radio CubeSats built by students at the Southwestern State University were deployed from the ISS. QSL cards and a diploma are available for receiving the SSTV, APRS and Voice messages
Sangamon Valley Radio Club to sponsor radio orienteering activities
Radio orienteering, also known as amateur radio direction finding (ARDF), is an international sport in which participants use handheld directional radio receivers, a compass, a map, and radio direction finding skills to search for transmitters operating in the 2-meter and 80-meter bands
Handheld SSB transceiver for 20m
Technical Reference/QRP Projects A mid-power portable/handheld SSB transceiver for 14MHz
Tennessee Contest Group
The Tennessee Contest Group (a.k.a. TCG) is a group of Amateur Radio operators (hams) who enjoy operating in competitive radio sporting events or contests.
Field Day Inverted L
Antennas/Wire Inverted L antenna, even if not completely freestanding, it only requires one line to be lauched into a tree to support the end of the horizontal wire. This project is done with a 31-foot Jackite pole for a support and uses six 15-foot radials and one 33-foot radial.
Radio Caroline Fundraiser
The annual Four Day Fundraiser will run on Radio Caroline and Caroline Flashback until midnight, UK time, on Monday, August 15th, and on Radio Caroline North, live from MV Ross Revenge, until closedown on Sunday, August 14th
Isle of Man
The Point of Ayre Lighthouse is an active 19th-century lighthouse, sited at the Point of Ayre at the northeastern end of the Isle of Man
NASA Administrator statement on Chinese space debris
NASA Administrator Bill Nelson released this statement regarding debris from the Chinese Long March 5B rocket
New Zealand: WLAN use in the 6 GHz Band
New Zealand has now made 5925–6425 MHz available for Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) following similar action in the UK and Australia
ARISS contact is scheduled with scouts at the Swiss National Scout Jamboree in the Goms Valley, Urlichen Switzerland
The downlink frequency for this contact is 145.800 MHZ and may be heard by listeners that are within the ISS-footprint that also encompasses the relay ground station
Radio broadcasting still crucial in Sarawak
The Borneo Post reports on the importance of radio broadcasting in Sarawak
Two new bands for Canadian amateurs
RAC reports On July 28, 2022, Innovation Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) released an update to a very important document for Canadian Radio Amateurs: 'RBR-4 – Standards for the Operation of Radio Stations in the Amateur Radio Service'
CAT Interface for Yaesu FT-817 and FT-100
Radio Equipment/HF Transceivers/Yaesu FT-100 A Rig control CAT interface schematic suitable for both the Yaesu FT-817 and FT-100 transceivers.
SARL website
The SARL (South African Radio League) IT team would like to thank you for your patience while we sorted out some gremlins in the system
EU WRC23 agenda items consultation and RNSS/23cm band study
The Chair of IARU Region 1 Spectrum and Regulatory Liaison Committee, Barry Lewis G4SJH, reports on the response to the EU WRC-23 consultation and the CEPT RNSS/23cm band study
REF statement regarding 2024 Olympic Games
On July 22 France's National Frequency Agency ANFR announced the amateur radio 144/430/1240/2300 MHz bands would be used by the 2024 Olympic Games. REF has now issued a statement
QSO Today - Eric Anderson, AF7YQ
Eric Anderson, AF7YQ's ham radio interest led him to advanced degrees from MIT and to become Chief Architect and Camera software manager at Apple’s Advanced Technology Group
Software/Software Defined Radio SDR++ is a cross-platform and open source SDR software with the aim of being bloat free and simple to use.
Multi VFO, Wide hardware support (both through SoapySDR and dedicated modules), SIMD accelerated DSP
Cross-platform (Windows, Linux, OSX and BSD), Full waterfall update when possible. Makes browsing signals easier and more pleasant, Modular design (easily write your own plugins)
Top Amateur Radio Websites - Issue 2224
Spy Numbers Recordings, SWR-Display, I5HGM KiwiSDR, KI7NEW Morse Code Trainer, Arduino Morse Code Trainer, 3D Printed Twin Paddle Cw Key, Attenuator control
Space traffic is boosting noctilucent clouds
Never before have so many rockets been launched. 2021 broke the all-time record, and 2022 looks to do it again
Portable 7-band End-Fed Half-Wave (EFHW) antenna
Stephan Schmid HB9EAJ has made available a PDF (in English) describing his portable 7-band End-Fed Half-Wave (EFHW) antenna
Ofcom Amateur Radio Callsign Database
The latest version of the Ofcom amateur radio callsign database is always available on their Open Data page
NASA announces astronaut Shane Kimbrough to retire
NASA’s Shane Kimbrough is retiring after 22 years, including 18 years as an astronaut. His last day with the agency is Sunday, July 31