A site for Amateur Radio Operators, by Amateur Radio Operators.





2241- 2275 of 10756 News Items
Satan turns hard drive cable into antenna to defeat air-gapped security
It seems like [Mordechai Guri]’s lab at Ben-Gurion University is the place where air-gapped computers go to die, or at least to give up their secrets
AM30FEDIEA+: 30 years of FEDI-EA
Federación Digital EA (FEDI-EA) celebrates thirty years since its founding (1992-2022) this July, specifically on the 25th
144/430 MHz bands to be used for PMR during 2024 Olympics
France's National Frequency Agency ANFR has announced the amateur radio 144 and 430 MHz bands will be used for PMR voice comms, 1240 MHz for PMSE and 2.3 GHz for video links during the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games
QSO Today Dave Mackey, K1KA
Dave Mackey, K1KA, like many amateurs of his generation, was influenced by broadcast radio, broadcast hosts like Jean Shephard, and the magic of radio in the late 50’s and 60’s
ARRL Audio News July 22, 2022

Central Kansas Amateur Radio Club Salina, Kansas USA
K8NDS Magnetic Loops
Antennas/Magnetic Loop
Fractional Wave Loops antennas are a sort of magnetic loop antennas that differs in several aspects from the standard ones. Author is now SK however in his page he posted several examples and interesting links
Instagram, TikTok and YouTube teenagers’ top three news sources
Teenagers in the UK are turning away from traditional news channels and are instead looking to Instagram, TikTok and YouTube to keep up to date, Ofcom has found
QST now offering a column for radio clubs
ARRL invites you to be part of 'Club Station,' the newest column in QST. This column is a space for radio clubs to share the different ways in which they're successful to help other clubs grow
The Sandton ARC Power Hour Tech Talk
This talk is perfect for all Amateurs or Elmers who want to learn more about logging and the modern logging tools or share their knowledge and experience
Solar Tsunami and CME
The CME's arrival today could spark minor to moderate geomagnetic storms with auroras at high latitudes
Amateur radio operators are vital unsung heroes
Amateur radio operators have a long and storied history across the globe and are often referred to as 'ham' radio operators
Multi-Band 4 Foot Magnetic Loop with Gamma Match
Antennas/Magnetic Loop
This antenna works on 17, 20, and 30 meters, with the best bandwidth on 20 meters. The bandwidth on 17 and 30 is quite small but usable. There is a 20 KHz bandwidth on 20 meters.
HARA donates radio history
Old pieces of radio history that had a home in Highland County for several years now rest in a West Virginia museum due to the efforts of the Highland Amateur Radio Association (HARA)
Brazil: Proposed regulatory changes mandate LOTW
LABRE, Brazil's national amateur radio society, report ANATEL's proposed regulatory changes mandate the use of ARRL's Logbook of the World in order to upgrade
ACMA disavows false endorsement of QRM Guru Story
The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) has issued an official statement, saying that '. . the ACMA has not endorsed a third-party interference management tool called QRM Guru. Any claims about the ACMA endorsing any third-party interference management tool are false.'
Remote Morse Keyer
Operating Modes/Remote Operations
SW Keyer for remote operations. This is a simple tool based on the Morse Code Iambic and Semi-Automatic Keyer from the Morse-Code-Tools projects. You can use your key, bug or Iambic Paddle stright connected to your personal computer without a hardware morse keyer.
Ham radio and the birth of radio astronomy
Penticton Herald newspaper article on the birth of radio astronomy and the role played by radio amateur Grote Reber W9GFZ
Radio hams to operate from hot air balloon
Belgium's UBA reports on August 10 ON6ZT/AM will be operating on 145.550 MHz FM from a hot air balloon
FCC Hiring for High Frequency Direction Finding Center

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has started accepting applications for a Telecommunications Specialist at its High Frequency Direction Finding Center (HFDFC) in Columbia, Maryland.

HFDFC supports the FCC Over-the-Air spectrum observation capabilities, and provides direct support to the public safety community and other federal partners by locating interference sources on HF radio sp...

A cheap VHF UHF Yagi
Antennas/VHF UHF
Elements are aluminum TIG soldering rods 4.0mm of diameter, almost 1m long, these objects are light, thin and flexible based on the RZ9CJ Design
FCC Hiring for Telecommunications Specialist

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has started accepting applications for a Telecommunications Specialist. This position is located in Columbia, Maryland, at the FCC, Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau, Operations and Emergency Management Division, High Frequency Direction Finding Center (HFDFC).

The duties for the incumbent are described at and inc...

Software/DX Cluster
DXSPOTS is a Telnet connection program. It allows radio amateurs with a lot of DX traffic to know instantly the status of the bands and to know which DX are currently on the air. Following the Packet-Clusters where data was transmitted on VHF/UHF via dedicated relays and sometimes on HF at a very low speed (300Bds on HF), the Internet has taken over and is now transmitting DX information via the computers in most shacks. Translated with (free version)
The SARL premier contest in August
The aim of the SARL HF Contests is for participants to contact as many amateurs in Southern Africa as possible on the 20, 40 and 80 m amateur bands using phone, RTTY and CW
Scandinavian activity contests 2022 cancelled
The SAC Contest Committee has unanimously decided to cancel this year's two sections of the Contest. Our decision has been made due to the ongoing war in the region and in consideration of the IARU declaration about friendship between people
The Villages Amateur Radio Club is sponsoring a free HAM radio license course for beginners starting Sept. 19
You will learn what HAM Radio is all about, how to operate and the rules of the airwaves in a friendly positive learning environment
EME DXpedition to Angola
Bernie, ZS4TX, announced on that he is planning a 2m EME DXpedition to Angola between August 12-16th
Ofcom finds RT in breach of due impartiality rules
Ofcom has today found that RT’s news and current affairs coverage in the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine breached due impartiality rules on 29 occasions in four days
Radio ham retires after 50 years with company
The Salisbury Journal reports radio amateur Len Tryhorn G7GKD will be retiring from The Tintometer Ltd company after 50 years of service
Amateur Radio and Consumer satellites
Andy G0SFJ has published his presentation about 'Amateur and Consumer satellites', which he made recently to a workshop on Space Policy
Grant: Build and install a robust WinLink Network across Alabama – Fixed stations
Amateur Radio Digital Communications announcement: The Health Care Amateur Radio Club (HCARC) is a multi-disciplinary membership group of amateur operators that work and or volunteer at area healthcare and served agencies across Alabama
DARPA satellites to monitor Ionosphere
IARU Region 1 reports the DARPA Ouija program plans to use satellites to monitor the ionosphere
Candlewood Amateur Radio Association
Candlewood Amateur Radio Association
DXPSK and SMARTPSK are freeware Windows PSK31 software tools capable to send and recive even multiple tracks of PSK31 signals. SMARTPSK is the improved version of DXPSK capable to display up to 25 tracks.
Top Amateur Radio Websites - Issue 2222
VHF UHF BiQuad, WA3RNC QRP Kit Online Store, Cantenna Calculator, W6LVP Loop Antennas, AppCAD, IK6BAK QSL Archive, VU4W - Andaman Islands DXPedition, VU4W log online,


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