A site for Amateur Radio Operators, by Amateur Radio Operators.





2311- 2345 of 10520 News Items
Mountain Amateur Radio Club Field Day event coming up
If you’d like to learn more about what hams or licensed amateur radio operators do for fun, you can visit members of the local group at their annual Field Day event on Saturday and Sunday, June 25 and 26, 2022, scheduled this year at Wasuma Elementary School in Ahwahnee
ARISS contact is scheduled with students at IstitutoTecnicoIndustrile 'Alessandro Rossi', Vicenza, Veneto, Italy
The amateur radio ground station for this contact is in Vicenza, Veneto, Italy. Amateur radio operators will use call sign I3IRV to establish and maintain the ISS connection. The downlink frequency for this contact is 145.800 MHz
Commercial drones set for take-off under new Ofcom plans
Ofcom is helping pave the way for a revolution in commercial services delivered by drones, under a new licensing regime proposed today
Public invited to ham radio club's field day
The Madison County Amateur Radio Club will participate in a national emergency communications preparedness exercise June 25-26
Interference: FCC pursuing 'largest fine of its kind'
The Moscow-Pullman (ID/WA) Daily News reports on FCC action following interference to the radio communication of aircraft involved in firefighting
FCC Proposes Record $34,000 Fine for Alleged Interference and Unauthorized Transmissions During Idaho Wildfire

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has proposed a $34,000 fine against Jason Frawley of Lewiston, Idaho, for allegedly interfering with radio operations of the U.S. Forest Service during firefighting activities for the Johnson Creek Fire near Elk River in July 2021. The FCC issued a Notice of Apparent Liability for Forfeiture (NAL) on June 8, 2022 to Frawley. The FCC states in the NAL ...

Northern Lights Radio Society
Organization of Upper Midwest amateur radio operators who are active in weak signal (SSB/CW) work on the VHF, UHF, and Microwave bands
Arduino Flex Controller
Technical Reference/Arduino
Arduino Flex Controller can be used with the new Flex 6000 Signature rigs. It is a DIY project and in these pages you will find all the informations you need to build and program your own. It is a perfect companion when used next to the official SmartSDR program but it can be used in stand-alone mode, without a PC.
Consultation: National radio multiplex licence renewals
Ofcom is today consulting on the renewal of the UK’s two national commercial radio multiplexes. These multiplexes, operated by Digital One Limited and Sound Digital Limited, carry national commercial DAB services
ARRL ARDC Club Grants Program Q and A
This is the video of the ARRL Club Grants Webinar that aired June 9 2022
Canada: Ham radio youth movement
CTV News in London, Ontario, reports Rob Noakes VE3PCP has started an amateur radio international youth movement
Two Brits arrested in Albania as police accuse them of spying after seizing radio gear
Two Britons have been arrested by Albanian spooks and accused of spying after border police found radio transmitters in their luggage
FT8 Chat
Internet and Radio/Chat
Online web chat dedicated to FT8 users. FT8 DX Cluster is included in the central part. This is a widget part of the DXCenter suite tools.
France: Ham radio contest group TM5W in newspaper
French newspaper The Montagne reported on the activities of the TM5W amateur radio group during the VHF/UHF/uW contest on June 4-5
The Venus cloud discontinuity
Something big is happening in the atmosphere of Venus. A massive wall of acid clouds is racing around the second planet, possibly spinning up Venus's entire atmosphere
Amateur radio construction popular in Indonesia
400 amateurs attended a meeting of Indonesia's Amateur Radio Homebrewers Club held on Sunday, June 5
Belgium: Military use of 50 MHz frequencies
IARU Region 1 reports on the planned use of two frequencies in the amateur radio 50 MHz band by the Belgian Military on June 18
Fair Lawn (NJ) Amateur Radio Club to participate in Emergency Communications Drill
Members of the Fair Lawn (NJ) Amateur Radio Club will be participating in the national Amateur Radio Field Day exercise, beginning Saturday, June 25th at 2PM and ending Sunday, June 26th at 1PM. The venue will be Memorial Park, Avenue of Heroes/Berdan Avenue in Fair Lawn. The event is open to everyone
Quarter Century Wireless Association, Inc. (QCWA) provides donation to support ARISS
Amateur Radio on the International Space Station, Inc. (ARISS-USA) is very pleased to announce that the Quarter Century Wireless Association, Inc.(QCWA) has made a highly notable contribution--$4,500—to support the ARISS program
GM0LRA Lorn Radio Amateur Club
Magane local repeater GB3HI
Contest Log Analyzer
Software/Log Analysis
The complete software suite to Edit, Analyze, Generate Statistics, View multiple logs simultaneously, Map QSOs, Import and Export to Cabrillo or ADIF files. The Contest Log Analyzer has been developed as a complete database management application, where you can create separate Databases, containing several Logs, a convenient way to save, in one place only, all your log files that accumulate over the years. It runs on Mac and Windows, and it is a commercial product.
WIA directors trip self funded
NOT WELL SPOTTED was the line in last week's WIA news where Vice President Lee Moyle's item on Dayton and how he and fellow Director Chris met with other National Societies WAS self-funded and NOT by the WIA. You'd be surprised at how many queries on this arrived at the WIA news desk
Youth on the Air Camp 2022
The camp for young amateur radio operators in North, Central, and South America will operate special event station W8Y throughout the camp from June 12-17 and will stream the opening and closing ceremonies on YouTube
Next Fox hunt is coming up
The Sandton ARC say they know you could not make the last social and Fox hunt event and that you are waiting patiently for the next one! So here is the information
Amateur Radio Club gears-up for Field Day
The New Providence Amateur Radio Club will be participating in the national 24-hour emergency preparedness exercise known as 'Field Day' on the weekend of June 25-26
Connacht Regional Newsletter
The Connacht Regional Newsletter is inclusive and unbiased primarily written for the local Clubs in the West of Ireland
The Weinheim VHF Conference
The Weinheim VHF Conference has been organized by committed radio amateurs on a non-profit basis and on a voluntary basis since 1956. It sees itself in its tradition as a meeting place for everyone who is interested in radio technology and electronics
DXCenter DX Cluster
DX Resources/DX Maps
Online world map with live updates from the DX Cluster network, displaying new spots on the maps as they appear. Filtering options are available including bands, source continent and dx continent.
3D2RRR Log Online
DX Resources/Logs
Online log for 3D2RRR dx pedition to Rotuma
DX Resources/DX Maps
DX Cluster spots represented in a google map, for 10m 6m 2m bands taken from the VE7CC DX Cluster. Some filtering options are available.
RAC Amateur of the Year 2021: Hiroshi Takahashi, VA7LET
Hiroshi Takahashi, VA7LET, has made a significant contribution to the Amateur Radio community in Vancouver, British Columbia
ICQPodcast Episode 378 - Gateways On The Air 2022
In this episode, Martin Butler (M1MRB) is joined by Martin Rothwell (M0SGL), Frank Howell (K4FMH), Bill Barnes (WC3B) and Leslie Butterfield (G0CIB) to discuss the latest Amateur / Ham Radio news
IRTS panel of newsreaders
The Irish Radio Transmitters Society (IRTS) are currently trying to coordinate the weekly Sunday morning 40m and 80m news bulletins and form a panel of newsreaders as to make sure that there is always someone available to read each bulletin and, most importantly, to spread the workload evenly among the newsreaders
Grant for Amateur Radio group
KWHI News reports the Lee County Amateur Radio Emergency Services have received a substantial grant to purchase radio equipment
Netherlands: 433 MHz Low Power Device users
The Netherlands regulator, Agentschap Telecom (AT), has issued a clarifications of the rules concerning license-exempt Lower Power Device LPD users and radio amateurs in 433.050-434.790 MHz


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