A site for Amateur Radio Operators, by Amateur Radio Operators.





6406- 6440 of 10428 News Items
Science confirms: Earth has more than one 'moon'
Two massive clouds of dust in orbit around the Earth have been discussed for years and finally proven to exist
Monthly performance of 8J17CALL for December, 2020-January, 2021
Please be advised that monthly performance of 8J17CALL, 7-CALL 30th Anniversary Special station for December, 2020-January, 2021 (23rd December, 2020 to 22nd January, 2021) are as follows
Austrian Telecommunications Act - Radio hams respond
Austria's national amateur radio society ÖVSV has published its opinion of the draft of the amendment to the Telecommunications Act 2020 (TKG 2020)
Danish special event
The Amateur Radio Club OZ3EDR celebrates the 50th year of Hjalmar Roesen's/OZ3ZJ chairmansip with the callsign OZ50SOUND until the end of the year
3D printer makes ham antenna portable
You don't normally think of a 3D printer as a necessity for an antenna project. However, if you are interested in making a handy portable antenna, you might want to melt some plastic
Finnish Amateur Radio League SRAL celebrate 100 years
The Finnish Amateur Radio League, SRAL, was founded one hundred years ago in 1921 and today caters for around three and a half thousand members
Is there any good year for DAB?
Christer Hederström says in this recent Radio World article that DAB supporters have 'exaggerated' DAB success
Ham Radio forms a planet-sized space weather sensor network
EOS reports for researchers who monitor the effects of solar activity on Earth’s atmosphere, telecommunications, and electrical utilities, amateur radio signals a golden age of crowdsourced science
Amateur radio in GISuser
GISuser magazine asks is it time for Ham Radio to acknowledge the Hacker Community?
RadFxSat-2/Fox-1E Designated AMSAT-OSCAR 109 as Troubleshooting Continues

The RadFxSat-2/Fox-1E CubeSat has been designated as AMSAT-OSCAR 109 (AO-109). The satellite, which carries a telemetry beacon and a linear transponder, along with radiation effects experiments, is a joint mission of AMSAT and the Institute for Space and Defense Electronics at Vanderbilt University. While the telemetry beacon on 435.750 MHz has not yet been heard, the transponder is partially o...

3D Printed Accessories for the FT-817 and KX2
Technical Reference/3D Printed Projects
DC plug adaptor using an XT60 connector. 18650 Lithium battery 3 cell carrier, Three band end fed half wave antenna, XT60 chassis mounted flange.
3D Ham Radio Antenna models Thingiverse
Technical Reference/3D Printed Projects
Ham Radio 3D Models published on Thingiverse, includes several parts for homebrewing amateur radio antennas, like spreaders, isolators a and mounts, wire antenna winders, adapters and many other accessories useful to antenna homebrewers.
New quantum receiver the first to detect entire radio frequency spectrum
A new quantum sensor can analyze the full spectrum of radio frequency and real-world signals, unleashing new potentials for soldier communications, spectrum awareness and electronic warfare
New plans for seamless broadband switching
Broadband and landline customers would benefit from quicker, simpler and more reliable switching, under plans to introduce a new one touch process
61 radio hams now use CW in SA
SARL News reports there are plans to hold a bi-annual census of amateur radio CW users in South Africa
Rev Bruce Holland VK2ZAD
The Central Coast Amateur Radio Club has been made aware that long term club member Rev Bruce Holland VK2ZAD has become Silent Key on the 27th of January 2021, Aged 93 years. Vale Bruce. VK2ZAD. SK
Scout ham radio training
Assistant scout leaders David Godell KG5VLY and Scott deMasi KC5NKW taught their troop amateur radio
What is keeping the NA1SS amateur station off the air?
Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) and its partners are troubleshooting what is keeping the NA1SS amateur station off the air
South Dublin Radio Club Tuesday Night Lecture on Ham Radio Logging
South Dublin Radio Club continues its Tuesday night lecture series via Zoom and on Tuesday next February 9th at 2000, SDRC club member Keith EI5KO will give a presentation on "Ham Radio Logging" focused on current developments regarding logging formats and the use of related online resources
QSO Today with Bob Allphin K4UEE
Bob Allphin, K4UEE, will be a speaker in the next QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo Bob Allphin, K4UEE, will be a speaker in the next QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo
Radio hams operate from parking lot
WXOW TV news carried a report about an amateur radio station that was set up in the broadcaster's parking lot in the Mississippi Valley, Wisconsin
Radio ham wins Congressional App Challenge
High-school student Sean Donelan KM6NGN won the 2020 Congressional App Challenge (CAC) for California's 11th District for his NetHam App
How far you can turn the dial when transmitting SSB ?
It is important radio amateurs keep their transmissions completely in-band, IARU Region 1 provides some guidance for the 5 MHz (60m) WRC-15 band
It’s Time for School Club Roundup, February Edition

Audio Repeater
Software/Virtual Audio Software
Audio Repeater is a windows application tha allows you to transfer, transmit, sounds from an input audio endpoint or device to an output one Playback. Audio transfer can be performed in any PCM audio format supported by Windows. KS version communicates directly with audio driver, bypassing all additional Windows audio processing
Top Amateur Radio Websites - Issue 2105
Automatic HF Antenna Tuner with Arduino, Choking balun for 160-30 meter band, Welcome to Amateur Radio for Newcomers, Understanding Antenna Polarization, G3LIV Data Interfaces, Improve your Antennas for Low Solar Activity, Ferrite Shop, Interactive Smith chart, APRSdroid to a Baofeng Cable , HF Arduino VNA,
Using power-line noise to map Sporadic E
Radio amateur Chris Fallen KL3WX contributed to a research paper that looks at using broadband radio noise from Power - Lines to map and track dense Sporadic E structures
Ofcom revokes CGTN's licence to broadcast in the UK
Ofcom has withdrawn the licence for CGTN to broadcast in the UK, after its investigation concluded that the licence is wrongfully held by Star China Media Limited
EURAO sponsors the first EU-DX Contest
Designed and organized by the European DX Contest Club (EUDXCC), the aim of this ' EuropeanUnion Dx Contest' is to be a world-wide competition which gives a relevant role to the European Union countries and regions
NewsWest for Sunday 7th February 2021 is the New Amateurs Edition, where we welcome and acknowledge newcomers to the hobby, and congratulate those who have upgraded their license or obtained new callsigns
ARRL Audio News - February 5, 2021
ARRL Audio News - February 5, 2021
Shelby Amateur Radio Clubs VHF Emergency Net
Shelby amateur radio club's VHF emergency net is open to all within the repeater's coverage area. 146.880 and 147.345 are the repeater frequencies. Shelby Radio Club is the sponsor of the Shelby hamfest.
Software/Circuit Design
PCB is an interactive printed circuit board editor for Unix, Linux, Windows, and Mac systems. This Software runs across multiple platforms such as Unix, Linux, Windows as well as Mac systems. This Tool is widely used for electronics as well as electrical circuit designing that comes with schematic capture. PCB offers high end features such as an autorouter and trace optimizer which can tremendously reduce layout time.
HamSCI Workshop 2021 accepting abstracts
Abstract submissions for the upcoming HamSCI workshop are now open
European Slow Speed CW mini-Contest
We are nearly there! The first of the weekly EU (one should probably say European!) SST (Slow Speed CW mini-tests) is just a few days away; Friday 5th February from 20:00 to 21:00 UTC


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