A site for Amateur Radio Operators, by Amateur Radio Operators.





10396- 10428 of 10428 News Items
Sarasota Amateur Radio Association

Zeus Radio - Software Defined Radio
Software/Software Defined Radio
Zeus Radio program is designed specifically for the ZS-1 transceiver and supports all the basic functions (RIT, XIT, SPLIT, Noise Reduction, Auto Notch Filter, etc.) in order to work in the broadcast brought only pleasure. Zeus Radio works also with Hermes, Anan, Afedri, Red Pitaya, HiQSDR, Odyssey, Extio, RTL-SDR, Peaberry, Winradio, SDR-IQ, Afedri
HuskySat-1 with VHF/UHF linear transponder set to deploy
ARRL reports University of Washington’s HuskySat-1 3U CubeSat, launched November 2, 2019, is set to deploy January 31 after the vehicle that carried it to the ISS undocks
Margate RNLI teams up with Hilderstone Amateur Radio Society
Thanet-based Hilderstone Amateur Radio Society recently operated a Special Event Station from Margate lifeboat station aimed at publicising the work of the RNLI
Maine Bicentennial Special Event
Briefly, the Maine Bicentennial Special Event committee, formed from members of the Wireless Society of Southern Maine, along with KB1ZUN and AB1YO from the PenBay ARC, have organized an amateur radio Special Event that recognizes the Original 9 Counties of the State of Maine.
AM QSO PARTY in Europe - Thank you!
A big thank you to all who took part in last weekend's AM QSO PARTY. I hope that those who took part enjoyed the challenge!
ARRL expands its roster of online discussion groups for members
The ARRL’s Committee on Communication with ARRL Members, as part of its ongoing efforts to enhance and improve communications between the ARRL leadership and ARRL members and prospective members, has launched three new online discussion forums
Working from a small apartment-balcony on all bands with a small antenna
Contest Group 1884
PI4CG Contest group 1884, CG1884 Amateurradio contest group
HB9TLK blog
News/Projects for Amateur Radio
ON6MUs website for Radioamateurs and SWLs
Ham homebrew, software, and ham info
Shoreline Amateur Radio Club
The members of the Shoreline Amateur Radio Club reside in New Haven, Middlesex, and New London Counties.
Roger G3XBMs Amateur Radio Blog
Simple QRP projects, 10m, 6m, WSPR beaconing, sub-9kHz and other random stuff
5H4WZ DXpedition Pemba isl.
DX Resources/DX Peditions/2020 DXpeditions
Members of the Low Bands Contest Club (OM7M) will take part in an DX-pedition to Pemba Island AF-063 from 6.2 – 18.2. 2020. They will be on air from 160-10m CW, SSB, RTTY & FT8. Also participation in the ARRL DX CW and CQ WPX RTTY contests. The licence is issued and callsign will be 5H4WZ.
EURAO Party - Winter 2020: local QSOs, essential
The European Radio Amateurs' Organization announces a new party on the air, this time with the motto: 'local QSOs, essential'
Sand dune-shaped Auroras discovered in the Arctic
There's a new kind of aurora rippling through Arctic skies. It looks so much like a desert sand dune that investigators have nicknamed it "The Dunes."
Past ARRL Southeastern Division Director H. Dale Strieter, W4QM (SK)
Past ARRL Southeastern Division Director Harmon "Dale" Strieter, W4QM (ex-W4DQS), of Cocoa Beach, died on January 6. An ARRL Life Member, he was 92 and a founding member of the Maxim Society
ATV on the Microwave bands video
At the 2019 Microwave Roundtable hosted by the Cardiff University Amateur Radio Society (CUARS), Noel Matthews G8GTZ gave a presentation on Amateur Television (ATV)
ISWL callsigns for February 2020
The following ISWL club callsigns will be used throughout the month of February 2020
New IARU website
The International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) has completed the transformation of their website
Quartzfest Hams of YouTube video
Quartzfest, a week-long ham radio, camping, learning and living event, took place January 19-25 in the Sonoran Desert, near Quartzsite, Arizona
Ham radio Buoy to transmit 20m WSPR and 2m APRS
On Thursday, January 30 at 1400 GMT AMSAT Argentina will deploy a WSPR / APRS drifting Buoy on South Atlantic Seas
Northeast HamXposition — Formerly Boxboro — Announces New Location and Dates

ARRL Expands its Roster of Online Discussion Groups

ARRL’s Committee on Communication with Members has launched three new online discussion forums as part of its ongoing efforts to enhance and improve communication between ARRL leadership and members or prospective members. The new forums, which focus on antenna law, regulatory issues, and support for new amateur radio licensees, will go live on Thursday, January 30, at 0400 UTC.

The committee l...

More Information on Dayton Hamvention-Related Activities

Contest University (CTU) professors and the course outline for sessions that will be held in conjunction with Dayton Hamvention® 2020 have been posted.

The keynote speaker for the Top Band Dinner on Friday, May 16, will be Glenn Johnson, W0GJ, who will discuss the VP6R DXpedition to Pitcairn Island.

The keynote speaker for the Contest Dinner on Saturday, May 17, is Bryant Rascoll, KG5HVO.

CTU, the...

W9DXCC Convention Location to Change in 2020

Foundation for Amateur Radio Invites 2020 – 2021 Academic Year Scholarship Applications

F8BYC Sylvain
Ham radio page in french
W4FWD West Georgia ARC
West Georgia Amateur Radio Society, Inc
F8BDX Jose
Le radioamateurisme,le qrp,l elecraft k2, antennas,qrp,schemas,manuals,nostalgia, meteo,dx clusters hf, and contests links in french
W0AK Des Moines Radio Club
Des Moines Radio Amateurs' Association Central Iowa’s voice for Ham Radio
North Coast Contesters
NCC was formed in 1989 to further the efforts of contesters interested in the CQWW and ARRL DX contests. The member area of the club is a 175 mile circle that includes major parts of Ohio and Pennsylvania.
K4TLH Tallahassee Amateur Radio Society
Welcome to the tallahassee amateur radio society's official web site. serving the greater tallahassee area since 1966.
Data Sound Samples
Internet and Radio/Sounds
This page contains links to a variety of data signals that have been specially recorded. Each file contains a standard test message (the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog) repeated twice. The files can help you learn the characteristic sound of various data modes but they can also be used to make sure your decoder is working.
Kuwait special event
Watch out for members of the Kuwait Amateur Radio Society putting 9K59NLD on the air during February to mark Kuwait's National and Liberation Day


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