A site for Amateur Radio Operators, by Amateur Radio Operators.





6686- 6720 of 10428 News Items
Video of dual-band Eggbeater Antenna talk
The South Dublin Radio Club have shared the talk Joe EI6EG gave them about the construction of a 2m - 70cm Dual Band "Eggbeater" Antenna
ARRL Staffers to be On the Air from W1AW for Straight Key Night

Members of the ARRL Headquarters staff will put W1AW on the air for Straight Key Night (SKN). Set some time aside on New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day to take part in this annual ARRL tradition.

SKN begins at 0000 UTC on January 1, 2021 (New Year’s Eve in US time zones) and wraps up at 2359 UTC. Not a contest, SKN is dedicated to celebrating amateur radio’s Morse code heritage. Bring out the bra...

Texas’ Biggest Ham Radio Show — Ham-Com — is Closing

After 41 years, Ham-Com has decided to close its doors due to the difficulties caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and the rising costs of putting on a show.

“The decision was not made lightly, but the safety and wellness of our volunteers, vendors, clubs, presenters, and attendees is our paramount concern,” Ham-Com President Bill Nelson, AB5QZ, said in an announcement on the Ham-Com website. Ham-Co...

The ARRL RTTY Roundup is on January 2 – 3

AMSAT CW Activity Day 2021 Takes Place On New Year’s Day (UTC)

AMSAT has announced that its CW Activity Day 2021 will take place all day on Friday, January 1, 2021, starting at 0000 UTC (New Year’s Eve in North American time zones). Operate CW through any amateur radio satellite. Straight keys and semi-automatic keys (bugs) are encouraged. No logs are necessary, but AMSAT asks participants to post brief activity reports on the AMSAT bulletin board (AMSAT m...

Remote mast control Project
Remote mast control using a Clark SCAM Pump up mast
Noctilucent clouds are missing
Something strange is happening 50 miles above Antarctica. Or rather, not happening
Madeira Island operation
Operators Georg DD8ZX and Klaus DJ9KM will once again be active as CT9/DD8ZX and CT9/DJ9KM from Madeira Island (AF-014) between February 27th and March 6th (depending on the Covid-19 situation)
Switzerland special event
To celebrate the 40th anniversary of the International Police Association Radio Club (IPARC) of Switzerland, look for special event station HB40POLICE to be active between January 1st and December 31st, 2021
Just a reminder that the 'ARRL RTTY Roundup' takes place between 1800z, January 2nd and 2400z, January 3rd
49th Original QRP Contest
The contest promotes creative or unconventional QRP, like home brewing or just doing it without your usual 'luxurious' QRO equipment
How Claude Shannon invented the future
More than 70 years ago, in a single groundbreaking paper, Claude Shannon laid the foundation for the entire communication infrastructure underlying the modern information age
December YOTA Month Participants Hoping to Top Last Year's Contact Total

The December Youth/Youngsters on the Air (YOTA) Month (#DYM20) activity has already exceeded its goal of making 100,000 contacts, but promoters aren’t stopping there.

With just a few more days left, DYM is encouraging a last-minute push to break last year’s world contact record of nearly 129,000.

"Now we want to encourage all the YOTA stations and their operators to contact youngsters worldwide a...

CW Run QSOs - CW Simulator
Operating Modes/Morse code/Learning Morse Code
A CW Contest Simulator, a simulator for the weekly CWT contests sponsored by CWops, based on Arduino Nano
The Best Amateur Radio Links of 2020
The best new amateur radio links of 2020
WICEN members to remain prepared
WICEN NSW, is a communications support squad of Australia's NSW Volunteer Rescue Association
Indoor ham radio antennas
Al Williams WD5GNR writes on Hackaday about indoor antennas for amateur radio use
Special call signs in Belgium during the second lockdown period (operation until January 31, 2021)
Belgian amateurs activate the following special event callsigns to remind everyone of Covid-19 restrictions and express gratefulness to medical personnel
Midway Island DXpedition
Recently the USFandW Service became uncomfortable with our proposed expedition date due to the forecast of a second virus wave
Personal HamRadio Blog
Setup Raspberry Pi for Ham-Radio
Technical Reference/Raspberry Pi
A complete guide to install and configure a raspsberry pi for amateur radio usage. In includes from preparing a SD card, installing the operative system, configuring the Pi, and installing all ham applications you will ever need.
Fox hunting with software-defined radio
Fox hunting, or direction finding, is a favorite pastime in the ham radio community where radio operators attempt to triangulate the position of a radio transmission
CQ DX Marathon
The CQ DX Marathon is a year-long DX hunt, with participants competing to see who can work the greatest number of countries ("entities") and CQ zones during the calendar year
WIA Director Nominations
The WIA will soon be calling for nominations for the 2021 half-board election. Directors are elected for a two-year term and hence each year approximately half the board positions are up for nominations
Randy's grand tour to get underway shortly
Randy, WW6RG, informs OPDX that on Sunday evening, January 3rd, around 2100z, he will be arriving in Antigua (V25), and hopes to be set up by 0000z to operate holiday style as V25RA until 1400z Monday, January 4th
'Bands Alive' ultra-marathon
The True Blue DXers Club announces, 'Bands Alive', a year-long 'ultra-marathon' to be run from 1 January to 31 December 2021
ARRL Straight Key Night
This 24-hour event is not a contest; rather it is a day dedicated to celebrating our CW heritage
QSO Today - Joe Reisert W1JR
Joe Reisert, W1JR, continues to pay forward, the kindness of his early ham radio mentors, with his contributions to our amazing hobby
Amateur radio decline in Japan continues
Hideo JH3XCU/1 has tweeted the latest total for the number of radio amateurs in Japan
Parks on the Air - Rapid Deployment Amateur Radio
These videos show how Leah KD9LFZ and Becca KD9POK did a successful Parks On The Air (POTA) Rapid Deployment Amateur Radio (RaDAR) activation of both K-4270 and K-1477
ARRL ARES Volunteers Standing By to Assist if Needed in Wake of Nashville Blast

ARRL Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) volunteers remain ready to deploy in Williamson County, Tennessee, in the aftermath of an apparently intentional explosion early on Christmas morning in downtown Nashville. In addition to injuring at least three people and possibly killing one, damaging more than 40 buildings, and causing multiple water main breaks, the blast disrupted telecommunicati...

Guide to 6 Meter DXing
Operating Modes/50 Mhz
Getting Started on the Magic Band is a very exaustive article about operating the six meters band. It covers several aspects of operations, techniques, tips and guidelines on getting started on the six meters band.
1st EUDX Contest 2021
Francesco, IK6QON, announced that that the European DX Contest Club has the honor to present the first European Union DX Contest ("EUDX CONTEST").
SpaceAusScope team listen to the galaxy
Australia has always had a reputation for astronomy. It is a great site low in the Southern hemisphere and there are lots of sparsely inhabited areas free from light and radio interference
December RAE results
The SARL report that all ICASA licenses, HAREC and HF certificates, including the welcoming letter, have been e-mailed to each candidate who has fulfilled all the requirements


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