A site for Amateur Radio Operators, by Amateur Radio Operators.





6966- 7000 of 10028 News Items
HF Skeleton Slot Antennas
Antennas/Skeleton Slot
HF Skeleton Slot An antenna system with a difference.
Afghanistan operation
Robert, S53R, who has been active from Kabul since early September 2019 and will be there for another year, has been active as T6AA and T6A during major contests
Discussion point
Hello, I'm Geoff Emery, VK4ZPP, and I've been thinking. How sad is it that the ACMA had to post a request to the Amateur Community to use courteous behaviour when they are in contact with the Australian Maritime College
German Gov recognizes importance of Electromagnetic compatibility
DARC report that Germany's Federal Government recognizes the importance of Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) in the development of microelectronics
Ham radio contact spurred South Pole visit
Forbes magazine describes how an amateur radio contact with the Amundsen-Scott Station at the South Pole spurred Jim Clash WA3JID to travel there and operate the ham radio station
Special call signs in Belgium during the second lockdown period
Due to the recent stricter COVID-19 measures, many radio amateurs will be forced to spend most of the following weeks at home again
QSO Today - Episode 001 - Arie Kleingold - PA3A
Arie Kleingold, PA3A, came to my attention because of his DXpeditions, through Mercy Ships, hospital ships, off the coast of Africa
Yasme Foundation Announces Excellence Awards

The Yasme Foundation has announced the latest recipients of the Yasme Excellence Award. They are Brett Ruiz, PJ2BR, and Helena Ruiz, PJ2ZZ; Bob Wilson, N6TV; Jari Perkiömäki, OH6BG, and Jim Brown, K9YC. The Yasme Excellence Award recognizes individuals and groups who, through their own service, creativity, effort, and dedication, have made a significant contribution to amateur radio. This may b...

ARRL Asks FCC to Allow 3.4-GHz Operation until Spectrum is Occupied

In comments to the FCC, ARRL has argued that radio amateurs be allowed to continue shared operation in the 3.4 GHz band until 5G licensees who purchase the spectrum when the FCC puts it up for auction initiate incompatible operations. In its Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (FNPRM) in WT Docket 19-348, the FCC had proposed to sunset the band for amateur radio in two phases, governed by whe...

About Digital Modes
Operating Modes/Digital Modes
This article is designed as an introduction to some of the more popular digital modes. From HSCW to FT8 and interesting article with detailed information on popular and historical amateur radio digital modes.
Little green cannonballs of light
Researchers and citizen scientists have just discovered a new phenomenon: "Little green cannonballs of light" streaking through the atmosphere faster than 1000 mph during some geomagnetic storms. And they're not auroras
Former West Virginia Section Manager Ann Rinehart, KA8ZGY (SK)
Former West Virginia Section Manager Ann Rinehart, KA8ZGY, of South Charleston died on November 20 of COVID-19 complications. An ARRL Member, she was 85
December YOTA Month activity – DYM 2020
IARU Region 1 Youth Working Group Chair Philipp DK6SP writes about the upcoming Youngsters On The Air (YOTA) activity month
Amateur radio on BBC Radio Essex
On Tuesday, November 24, CB and amateur radio featured in Sonia Watson's popular Breakfast show on BBC Radio Essex
Episode 000 - Eric Guth - 4Z1UG / WA6IGR
As the producer and creator of QSO Today, I wanted to make a pre-episode, called 000, to introduce myself, this podcast and blog
60m in Australia
The Radio Amateur Society of Australia (RASA) reports information from regulator ACMA that a decision on 60m in Australia is expected in December 2020
Alaskan repeater network affected
Alaskan broadcast station KNOM (780 AM 96.1 FM) reports ‘Miscommunication’ between the FAA and SPARC led to an amateur radio network being shut down
FEMA Seeking Reserve Telecommunications Operators

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is seeking telecommunications operator reservists to assist in emergency recovery efforts on an intermittent, on-call basis. The deadline to apply is December 8, but FEMA will not take any applications beyond the first 200, which may come sooner than that.

These FEMA reservist positions seem well suited to radio amateurs. Duties include sending, rec...

Former West Virginia Section Manager Ann Rinehart, KA8ZGY, SK

New York City-Long Island Section Manager Re-Elected in Fall Balloting

New York City-Long Island Section Manager Jim Mezey, W2KFV, has been re-elected in the fall election cycle. Mezey, of Carle Place, received 527 votes to 136 for challenger Donnie Katzovicz, W2BRU. The race for NYC-LI SM was the only contested election. Mezey begins a new 2-year term of office on January 1, 2021. He has served as New York City-Long Island Section Manager since 2013.

In the West C...

IARU Region 2 Executive Committee Approves Dues Reductions for Member-Societies

The International Amateur Radio Union Region 2 (IARU R2) Executive Committee (EC) approved dues reductions and holidays for member-societies in Region 2 (the Americas). The action came as the R2 EC held its fifth and final virtual meeting of the year on November 18 to complete outstanding business from its three October sessions and to approve the 2021 operating budget.

“Recognizing that the pan...

Universal Radio Announces Closing

Ham Radio retailer Universal Radio, headquartered in Worthington, Ohio, is closing its store on November 30, although all existing orders will be filled, and the Universal Radio website will remain open to sell off “remaining stock, publications, and some select products.” Owners Fred Osterman, N8EKU, and Barbara Osterman, KC8VWI, are retiring.

“I am very fortunate to have been in the radio busi...

Coast Guard Proposes to Discontinue HF Voice Watchkeeping

The US Coast Guard has invited comments by January 21, 2021, on a proposal to discontinue HF voice watchkeeping. The proposal appeared on November 20 in the Federal Register. The USCG proposes to cease monitoring 4125, 6215, 8291, and 12,290 kHz, in the contiguous US and Hawaii, due to a lack of activity.

“We believe this change would have a low impact on the maritime public, as commercial satel...

K2TD Burlington County Radio Club

Bracknell Amateur Radio Club
The Club aims to meet the needs of all interested in amateur radio, and has a varied programme of guest speakers, surplus sales, members' interests evenings, and social evenings.
Maidenhead And District Amateur Radio Club
RSGB release Board Proceedings for October 17
The RSGB has released proceedings for the October 17 Board meeting which discussed Amateur Radio Exam Fees
RadioShack to be reborn
The good news is that as of today RadioShack has officially been purchased by Retail Ecommerce Ventures (REV), giving the troubled company a new lease on life
More young radio amateurs in India
The Bangalore Mirror newspaper reports two 13-year-olds, Smrithi Hegde and Prama Rao, have become the youngest female radio amateurs in India
Guidelines for operating a multi-station special event
It's always fun to work a special event where there is more than one callsign, or the same callsign on several bands, required to receive an award. For the award seeker, this brings out the excitement of the chase
Was the C-and-G RAE easier than today’s amateur radio exams?
Essex Ham looks at the old City and Guilds Radio Amateurs Exam and compares it to today's 3-tier system
Australian radio amateurs reminded about respect and basic courtesy
Communications regulator, the ACMA, has asked Australian radio amateurs not to use threats, abuse or offensive language when contacting staff at the AMC which deals with callsigns
Technician Class Exam Question Pool - 2010 2014
Ham Radio Class Exam question pool effective 7/01/2010 thru 6/30/2014
CX3SS Gerardo
Por una Radioaficion unida y solidaria . Uruguay
Build your own HF balun
A balun is a MUST for dipoles or similar antennas when they are feed with coaxial cable. From the RF point of view, the shield can be modeled as two conductors, the internal shield (the real shield, this is, ground) and the external shield, who is really far to be ground. In this way, your dipole has 3 arms, the two from the dipole and the coaxial cable shield (external face)


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