A site for Amateur Radio Operators, by Amateur Radio Operators.





7001- 7035 of 10028 News Items
EANET Sprint Contest 2020: final results
The so-called EANET Sprint Contest, for short, was held last November 8 for the tenth time with the record of participants in radio amateur category
Huge new sunspot
A new sunspot several times wider than Earth is rotating over the sun's eastern limb today. This brings the sunspot count to its highest level in years, and more sunspots appear to be in the offing
LABRE responds to ANATEL's amateur radio consultation
Brazil's national amateur radio society LABRE has responded to the ANATEL Public Consultation 65 (CP65) that had proposed abolishing amateur radio exams
National Amateur Radio Day resolution introduced into Congress
ARRL reports 12-year-old Raymond, N7KCB, asked Representative Debbie Lesko of Arizona to introduce a resolution into Congress designating April 18, 2021, as National Amateur Radio Operators Day
40 MHz in UK 'unlikely'
The EI7GL blog reports in a response to an informal query, Ofcom indicated to the Royal Society of Great Britain (RSGB) that an allocation at 40 MHz for radio amateurs in the near future was unlikely
QSO Today - Ralph Haller - N4RH
Ralph Haller, N4RH, started his ham radio journey as a nine year old with a knack for electronics leading to his first amateur license
Still Time to Apply for Foreign Service Information Management Technical Specialists-Radio Positions

The deadline to apply for US Department of State Foreign Service Information Management Technical Specialists-Radio (IMTS-R) positions is December 1, 2020.

Foreign Service IMTS-Rs design, install, and maintain radio and telecommunications systems. They provide radio support for presidential, congressional, and other VIP visits. These radio specialists work from a regional location, overseas, or ...

Dayton Hamvention Announces its 2021 Theme — “The Gathering”

“The Gathering” will be the theme for the 2021 Dayton Hamvention®. Hamvention General Chair Rick Allnutt, WS8G, said the theme reflects what has been missing from our lives most of this year.

“We have spent the last 6 months being bound to our houses and small groups,” he said. “We are very optimistic that when May arrives, we will be allowed to get together.”

Allnut, a medical doctor with a mast...

A.R.I Bergamo
ARI Sez. Bergamo
W9INX Allen County Amateur Radio Technical Society
Ham radio club deeply involved in many aspects of amateur radio
PT7AA - Tino
Ham radio page from Tino PT7AA
Treehouse YSF reflector
Operating Modes/Digital Modes
The treehouse project is an YSF reflector with multiple rooms. You can change rooms via the dashboard or DGID on your radio. See radio model on the dashboard, Supports VW and DN mode,Change rooms on dashboard
Top Amateur Radio Websites - Issue 2029
An automatically tuned 7 to 30 MHz mobile antenna, Double Bazooka, High efficiency, legal limit, solid state linear HF amplifiers, Ham and CB Radio, Portable NVIS Loop for 80m to 40m, LUTZ-Electronics, Guide to HF Contesting, The NorthEast Wisconsin DX Association,, Online Australian Repeater Maps,
CQ WW DX CW Contest 2020
The CQ WW is the largest Amateur Radio competition in the world. Over 35,000 participants take to the airwaves on the last weekend of November (CW) with the goal of making as many contacts with as many different DXCC entities and CQ Zones as possible.
Universal Radio To Close Store
Owners of Universal Radio decided to retire and our current location in Worthington will close on November 30, 2020.
ICQPodcast - Emergency Communications with Wade Smith, VK1MIC
In this episode, Martin M1MRB is joined by Chris Howard M0TCH, Martin Rothwell M0SGL, Ed Durrant DD5LP and Frank Howell K4FMH to discuss the latest Amateur / Ham Radio news. Colin M6BOY rounds up the news in brief and this episode’s features is an Interview with Wade, VK1MIC
FT8 and FT4 Lecture video
In this video, Hilton Dean W4GHD gives us a great overview of the FT8 and FT4 digital sound card modes
G0KSC Antenna modelling YouTube Channel
Justin Johnson G0KSC inventor of the LFA (Loop Fed Array) Yagi and BOLPA (Band Optimised Log Periodic Array) Log Periodic antennas amongst others, has added a new YouTube channel to help Hams become proficient in Antenna Modelling
ARRL Announces Director, Vice Director Election Results

The ARRL Dakota Division will have a new Director, and the Great Lakes and Midwest Divisions will have new Vice Directors on January 1. The results of four contested elections for Director and Vice Director in three ARRL Divisions were announced on November 20, after ballots were tallied at ARRL Headquarters.

In the Dakota Division, incumbent Matt Holden, K0BBC, lost his re-election bid to chall...

Amateur Radio Emergency Data Network
AREDN provides the Amateur Radio Community with a quality solution for supporting the needs of high speed data in the Amateur Radio and Emergency Communications field.
System Fusion Repeaters
Operating Modes/System Fusion
Find specialized searches and information for Yaesu System Fusion-equipped repeaters.
Willem, ZS6X told SARL News that the SARL QSL Bureau is operational. He goes to the NARC each Saturday to work in the bureau
NanoVNA presentation by David Houser KG5RDF
David Houser KG5RDF demonstrates how to use the $40 NanoVNA vector network analyzer. Recorded at the Cowtown Hamfest in the Forest Hill Convention Center, Forest Hill Tx. (Jan 18 2020)
Moscow Aviation Institute plans SSTV event from ISS
Rodolfo Parisio, IW2BSF, reports that a Slow-Scan Television (SSTV) transmission event from the International Space Station is currently scheduled to begin on Tuesday, Dec. 1 starting at 12:30 UTC, ending at 18:25 UTC, and again on Wednesday, Dec. 2 starting at 11:50 UTC and ending at 18:25 UTC
SWL via WEB SDR and HS4
Hello, I just start a new blog to share my SWL and also my listening of LW and MW via the WEB SDR of the Netherlands
Radio hams help in case of man incarcerated 40 years without trial
Radio amateurs from the West Bengal Radio Club helped trace the family of a man who'd been languishing in a Nepali jail without trial for the past 40 years
Bright Comet Erasmus
Newly-discovered Comet Erasmus (C/2020 S3) is plunging toward the sun for a December close encounter inside the orbit of Mercury.
Thailand grid NK99 on QO-100 geostationary satellite
During November 26-28 HS0AJ/P will be active on QO-100 and the other amateur radio satellites from Grid Square NK99 in Thailand
What is System Fusion
Operating Modes/System Fusion
System Fusion is Yaesu’s implementation of Digital Amateur Radio, utilizing C4FM 4-level FSK Technology to transmit digital voice and data over the Amateur radio bands
Monthly performance of 8J17CALL for September-October, 2020
Please be advised that monthly performance of 8J17CALL, 7-CALL 30th Anniversary Special station for September-October, 2020 (23rd September to 22nd October, 2020) are as follows
IARU Region 2 member society pandemic dues relief
The Region 2 Executive Committee (R2 EC) had its fifth and last virtual meeting of 2020 on Nov 18 to complete outstanding business from its October sessions (21, 24, 28) and to approve the 2021 operating budget
G callsigns for those passing Full exam
Ofcom allows those who pass the amateur radio Full exam to select a callsign from the old G and M call blocks including G3, G4, G5 and M5
Sunspot Cycle 25 could be among the strongest ever
The ARRL reports a research paper has concluded that Solar Cycle 25 will stronger than the just-ended Solar Cycle 24 and likely stronger than Solar Cycle 23
ARRL Audio News - November 20, 2020
ARRL Audio News - November 20, 2020
ARRL November Sweepstakes Phone Contest is this Weekend!


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