A site for Amateur Radio Operators, by Amateur Radio Operators.





7036- 7070 of 10428 News Items
G callsigns for those passing Full exam
Ofcom allows those who pass the amateur radio Full exam to select a callsign from the old G and M call blocks including G3, G4, G5 and M5
Sunspot Cycle 25 could be among the strongest ever
The ARRL reports a research paper has concluded that Solar Cycle 25 will stronger than the just-ended Solar Cycle 24 and likely stronger than Solar Cycle 23
ARRL Audio News - November 20, 2020
ARRL Audio News - November 20, 2020
ARRL November Sweepstakes Phone Contest is this Weekend!

Soundmodem UZ7HO
Soundmodem is a free software defined dual-port Packet-Radio TNC that implement a soundcard as a modem and supports AX.25 protocol. Soundmodem has been tested on Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10 and has proved stable in operation. The Soundmodem may be used to build EMCOMM, APRS, BBS, Node station, for satellites
New inductees to Canadian Amateur Radio Hall of Fame
The Board of Trustees of the Canadian Amateur Radio Hall of Fame is pleased to announce that Maurice-André Vigneault, VE3VIG and Doug Leach, VE3XK (SK), have been named to the Hall of Fame
RSGB's Propagation Studies Committee (PSC) launch 28 MHz study
RSGB's Propagation Studies Committee (PSC) has launched a new study to look at the mechanism behind long-distance inter-UK 10m propagation
Amateur radio on BBC Radio Humberside
The RSGB reports Martin Ambrose 2E0IMA was interviewed by Andy Comfort on BBC Radio Humberside. Martin explained why he wanted to get involved with amateur radio
DEF CON ham radio talks on YouTube
Talks from the DEF CON event are available on YouTube, they include a number of amateur radio talks from the conference's Ham Radio Village
Arecibo dish to be decommissioned
The 1,000 foot (307m) Arecibo Dish in Puerto Rico, used for Amateur Radio Moonbounce (EME) communications and ionospheric experiments, is to be decommissioned
ARRL Seeks Waiver of Proposed FCC Amateur Application Fees

ARRL has urged the FCC to waive its proposed $50 amateur radio application fee. The Commission proposal was made last month in a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) in MD 20-270. The proposal already has drawn more than 3,200 individual comments overwhelmingly opposed to the plan. The fees, directed by Congress and imposed on all FCC-regulated services, are to recover the FCC’s costs of handli...

Damaged Giant Radio Telescope at Arecibo Observatory Deemed Beyond Repair

The damaged 305-meter radio telescope at Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico will be decommissioned due to safety concerns, the National Science Foundation (NSF) announced on November 19. The iconic dish has served as a backdrop for several science fiction movies. The Arecibo Observatory Amateur Radio Club, KP4AO, is headquartered at the research facility, and several radio amateurs are employed...

New IARU Region 2 Emergency Coordinator Appointed

The International Amateur Radio Union Region 2 (IARU-R2) Executive Committee has appointed Carlos A. Santamaria, CO2JC, as the new Region 2 Emergency Coordinator (EMCOR). He succeeds Cesar Pio Santos, HR2P, who retired after 12 years of service.

Santamaria has extensive experience serving as Federacion de Radioaficionados de Cuba (FRC) National Emergency Network coordinator. He oversaw the netwo...

Arizona Congresswoman Introduces National Amateur Radio Operators Day Resolution

US Representative Debbie Lesko of Arizona has introduced a resolution designating April 18, 2021, as National Amateur Radio Operators Day, to recognize the important contributions of amateur radio operators.

“Amateur radio operators are critical in times of crisis and our communities are safer thanks to their dedication to sharing important information with the public,” Lesko said. She was appr...

Dundee Amateur Radio Club

Northern Ohio DX Association
The Northern Ohio DX Assocation is a DX club in the Cleveland, Ohio area
doozy DStar for Windows
With Doozy for Windows you can make QSO’s via your Windows PC on DSTAR ( DPLUS, DEXTRA, DCS and XLX ). There is no need for a hotspot. Just connect your ICOM IC-705 to your Windows PC with an USB datacable and connect it to your favorite DSTAR reflector/repeater.
Safe separation distance for exposure to EMF - A practical guide
Derek Hilleard G4CQM, explains in practical terms with analysis of the implications for VHF band DX enthusiasts using yagi beam antennas regarding the OFCOM proposals to implement ICNIRP 1998/2020 recommendations here in the UK
ARRL responds to FCC ham radio fees proposal
The ARRL to the FCC's consultation on charging radio amateurs fees whenever they apply for or renew a license or if they study and upgrade their licence
Pella Amateur Radio Club APRS balloon spans globe
KNIA-KRLS reports on November 16 the Pella Amateur Radio Club’s Pella Exploring Near Space 144.39 MHz APRS balloon project, callsign WB0URW-8, had nearly spanned the globe
SpaceX Dragon Capsule Resilience Ferries Four Radio Amateurs to the ISS

SpaceX Dragon capsule Resilience, carrying four radio amateurs, autonomously docked on November 17 at 0401 UTC with the International Space Station (ISS). A SpaceX Falcon 9 launcher carrying the precious payload went into space on Sunday, November 15, from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center. They comprise the ISS Expedition 64/65 crew.

“Well, the ISS is loaded with hams now,” Amateur Radio on the Inter...

International Broadcast Station Interference Overwhelms Hurricane Watch Net

As Category 4 Hurricane Iota neared landfall in Central America on November 16, the Hurricane Watch Net (HWN) was forced to suspend operations at 0300 UTC because of what HWN Manager Bobby Graves, KB5HAV, described as “deafening interference from a foreign AM broadcast station that came out of nowhere at 0200 UTC.” At the time, the net had shifted to its 40-meter frequency of 7.268 kHz, collect...

Kenwood TS-590S for Digital Data or Digital Voice
Radio Equipment/HF Transceivers/Kenwood TS-590S
This HOWTO explains in detail how you can use the Kenwood TS-590S USB, COM and ACC2 ports for digital operation, set up the radio for digital data and digital voice operation
Ofcom consults on new regulations for short range radar equipment
Ofcom has published proposed amendments to the regulations regarding the use of short range radar (SRR) equipment in vehicles
Digital Sound Broadcasting in South Africa
South African regulator ICASA has published draft digital sound broadcasting regulations. Licensing applications are invited for DRM in the MW and FM bands
Crazy 3D images of Mars
Warning: Mars is about to leap out of your computer screen
New launch date for EASAT-2 and Hades satellites
The revised launch date for the AMSAT-EA EASAT-2 and Hades amateur radio satellites is January 14, 2021
New dual band FM mobile radio
Moonraker have worked with Anytone to bring a sub £100 starter radio that is easy to use and ready programmed for the Foundation License holder
Netherlands radio amateurs face fee increases
VERON reports the Dutch regulator Agentschap Telecom (AT) is imposing higher annual charges on radio amateurs and higher exam fees. Repeaters have been hit with much higher fees due to illegal users
Tandem Radio Amateurs Club
Hewlett Packard Silicon Valley Radio Club Cupertino, CA USA
Wireless Institute of Australia National News Service
Isle of Man Amateur Radio Society (GT1IOM)
This blog is maintained as a resource for the IOMARS and other persons interested in Amateur Radio.
BlueDV for Android
BlueDV Android is DMR/DSTAR and Fusion hotspot software for Android 4.x and higher. It supports DSTAR (DEXTRA, DPLUS, DCS), FUSION (YSF, FCS), DMR ( Brandmeister, DMR+)
Radio Caroline North broadcast
Tune in for more nostalgia with another Radio Caroline North broadcast this weekend 21st-22nd November
South Dublin Radio Club video
South Dublin Radio Club has uploaded its latest video to the club's YouTube channel. The video was created for Science Week in collaboration with Dublin Maker and Science Foundation Ireland and is called "Signals from Outerspace! Make your own antenna to get images from Weather Satellites"


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