A site for Amateur Radio Operators, by Amateur Radio Operators.





9591- 9625 of 10941 News Items
Ofcom sets out licensing plans for small-scale DAB
Local radio listeners will be able to tune into new stations following measures announced by Ofcom today
Coronavirus: On-line knowledge sharing
Don Beattie G3BJ reports on the IARU Region 1 site that Member Societies ARA (Algeria) and ARAT (Tunisia) have started this week a series of online knowledge sharing sessions for their members and the public
Special Calls OH*PYSYKOTONA and OH*STAYHOME in Finland
Finnish radio spectrum management, TRAFICOM, has authorized Lahden Radioamatoorikerho ry, OH3AC; to use ten ' OH*PYSYKOTONA' special calls 4.4.2020-3.7.2020
Coronavirus: International understanding and help
Germany's DARC reports in 2018 and 2019, Reinhard Kühn, DK5LA, supported the Harbin Institute of Technology in China with the EME system for the Chinese Longjiang 2 moon mission
World Amateur Radio Day on April 18 Celebrates 95th Anniversary of the IARU

Ned Stearns, AA7A, Appointed as ARRL Southwestern Division Vice Director

New TQSL Version 2.5.2 Provides Better LoTW Rover Support, Other Improvements

The latest version of TrustedQSL (TQSL), version 2.5.2, offers improved Logbook of The World (LoTW) support for operations from several locations, as well as the ability to detect uploads that contain incorrect location data. The primary new feature in TQSL 2.5.2 allows logging programs, in conjunction with TQSL, to avoid incorrect contact uploads, while adding mechanisms to allow easy uploadin...

XE1XZQ Diego
Weekly bolletins of XE1RCS in RealAudio
CollegeARC Blog
Showcasing college amateur radio club activities, events, and projects. Informs visitors of up to date news items pertaining to ham radio technology used on campuses by students, faculty, and staff. A way for alumni to be informed of their clubs activities.
Callsign divisions listed by prefix
Ham call dot net, Callsign divisions listed by prefix
HARC Hollyburn Amateur Radio Club

K6QLF Amateur Radio Club of Alameda

How to register for a DMR ID
Operating Modes/DMR
Learn how to register for a DMR ID on DMR-MARC and Brandmeister
Fldigi 4.1.11 released
New bugfix release version for Fldigi. The developer's team of the popular multiplatform multimode amateur radio software has recently announced version 4.1.11 of their open source program.
NASA coverage set for Chris Cassidy, crewmates flight to space station
A trio of space travelers, including NASA astronaut Chris Cassidy, KF5KDR is scheduled to launch to the International Space Station on Thursday, April 9
Radio Caroline North at Easter
Our Easter broadcast will be happening this weekend, although due to the current Coronavirus crisis we won't be able to use our radio-ship Ross Revenge
Love Sport is taking a broadcasting break during the coronavirus outbreak by pausing all programmes
The national DAB station has told listeners about the change via a pre-recorded announcement from owner Kelvin MacKenzie, saying it was due to effects the evil COVID-19 virus
Comet ATLAS might be breaking apart
New images reported today by astronomers from the University of Maryland and Caltech suggest that Comet ATLAS (C/2019 Y4) is breaking apart
144 MHz band opens up accross the Atlantic again between Cape Verde and the Caribbean
In the Summer of 2019, there was a remarkable opening on 144 MHz between Cape Verde Islands off the coast of Africa and the Caribbean which lasted for several days
Update on USA online ham radio exams
In this video Richard Bateman KD7BBC provides an update on moves towards Online Exams in the USA following the first successful all-online Technician Exam on March 26
QO-100 geostationary satellite contact video
In this video Matthew Miller M0DQW describes his first amateur radio QO-100 Transmit and Receive setup using a LimeSDR Mini
Celebrating the 95th World Amateur Radio Day
With millions of Americans now isolated at home because of the coronavirus pandemic, there is a renewed interest in Amateur Radio, which allows “hams” to talk with each other all over the world independent of traditional communication systems.
QST Magazine - The Future is Fragmented
The editorial by Steve Ford WB8IMY that appears in the May issue of the ARRL's QST magazine is available for download as a PDF
The May Issue of Digital QST is Now Available!

Japan to Expand Access to 160 Meters

Randy Thompson, K5ZD, Named as Interim CQ WPX Contest Director

Randy Thompson, K5ZD, is filling in as CQ WPX Contest Director. CQ’s Rich Moseson, W2VU, announced the appointment of Thompson as interim director following the resignation of Terry Zivney, N4TZ, who had been the director for 7 years. Thompson previously served as director of the CQ World Wide Contest and is a long-time CQ Contest Committee member. Anyone interested in taking on the WPX Directo...

Icom Announces Delay in Delivery of New IC-705 Transceiver

Use of Special Call Sign Suffixes in the US During COVID-19 Pandemic

Some countries have authorized selected radio amateurs or organizations to identify with longer-than-normal suffixes that relate to the COVID-19 pandemic, such as “STAYHOME.” FCC Part 97 Amateur Radio Service rules do not provide for amateur call sign suffixes longer than three characters, but a potential workaround exists.

As §97.119(c) of the FCC’s Amateur Radio Service rules states: “One or m...

Past ARRL Atlantic Division Director Bernie Fuller, N3EFN, SK

Past ARRL Atlantic Division Director Bernard E. “Bernie” Fuller, N3EFN, of Saegertown, Pennsylvania, died on April 2. He was 86. Fuller moved into the Atlantic Division Director’s position in 2000, after the ARRL Board elected then-Atlantic Division Director Kay Craigie, WT3P (now N3KN), as a Vice President. He served as an ARRL Director until 2006.

A US Army veteran, Fuller retired with the ra...

Albury Wodonga Amateur Radio Club
A friendly group of amateur radio enthusiasts based in Mutsch St. Lavington NSW Australia
K1FS - The Aroostook Amateur Radio Association
Founded in 1976, the Aroostook Amateur Radio Association was organized to foster support for those people interested in the hobby of Amateur radio.
RadioTeacher - Radio Teacher Project
F1ORL Pascal
My expeditions and personnal station site of CW-PLAYER, SAT-EXPLORER from F6DQM
TYT MD-380 firmware modification
Radio Equipment/VHF-UHF Handhelds/TYT MD-380
How to use the hacked firmware on the MD-380. Tools for working with codeplugs and firmware of the Tytera MD380,
South Africa extends licence renewal period
Given the state of national disaster and the current 21-day lockdown to curb the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, ICASA has decided to extend the validity period of existing radio frequency spectrum licences in line with Regulation 10 of the Radio Frequency Spectrum Regulations


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