Coronavirus: Some radio hams permitted STAYHOME call suffix
ARRL reports some countries around the world are allowing radio amateurs to use special 'STAYHOME' call sign suffixes
Coronavirus: RSGB is introducing remote invigilation for Foundation exams
Foundation Amateur Radio exams in the UK will be able to resume by using remote invigilation, the Practical Assessments will be waived
WB2REM Wins the April QST Cover Plaque Award
The winning article for the April 2020 QST Cover Plaque award is “HD8M DXpedition to the Galapagos Islands” by Jim Millner, WB2REM. The QST Cover Plaque Award -- given to the author or authors of the most popular article in each issue -- is determined by a vote of ARRL members on the QST Cover Plaque Poll web page. Cast a ballot for your favorite article in the May issue today.
To All ARRL Members and ARRL VEC Accredited Volunteer Examiners
We know many examiners have canceled amateur radio license exam sessions to meet the requirements and recommendations of national and local government and of health officials. The health and safety of examinees and our Volunteer Examiners (VEs) is first and foremost in any decision-making process. The ARRL Volunteer Examiner Coordinator (VEC) does not offer video-supervised online amateur radio...
Spain Grants Unlicensed Individuals Permission to Use Amateur Stations During Lockdown
Spain’s International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) member-society URE has obtained temporary permission from the country’s telecommunications regulator for unlicensed people to use amateur stations during the coronavirus lockdown. “The main objective of the request is to disseminate and promote amateur radio among schoolchildren who must be confined at home,” the announcement from the Ministry of ...
Some Countries Permitting “STAYHOME”-Suffix Call Signs during COVID-19 Pandemic
Some countries around the world are allowing radio amateurs to use special “STAYHOME” call sign suffixes. For example, listen for 8A1STAYHOME from Indonesia, and A60STAYHOME/# call signs from the United Arab Emirates. In Canada, Michael Shamash, VE2MXU, is using VC2STAYHOM “to raise awareness for social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic.” Canada limits call sign suffixes to seven character...
AG6AU El Dorado County Amateur Radio Club
The premier amateur radio club in El Dorado County, California representing a wide cross section of Amateur Radio Operators.
VoIP SKYWARN/Hurricane Net
Kevin KD5WX maintains this site daily and are called by the NHC to activate the net, concurrent with the HF watch nets. Activated during Hurricane season only.
N7LE Central Oregon DX Club
The club was formed at a meeting of a group of hams on a May 1989 afternoon at Jake's Truck Stop in Bend.
VHF Baluns: Fact and Fancy
Antennas/Baluns Our ideas about HF baluns have changed dramatically in recent years. The focus today is very much on suppressing unwanted common-mode RF currents, to reduce both the received noise levels and the risks of causing interference on transmit.
Intrepid-DX Group news
The annual Intrepid Spirit Award goes to the VP8PJ Team. The Intrepid-DX Group is pleased to announce the recipients of the annual "Intrepid Spirit Award"
From the SARL President's Desk
Dear Members, with everyone now in preparation for the 21-day national lockdown and disrupting our normal lives in a way that some of us have not seen before in our lifetimes, I would like to convey a few remarks that impact on SARL services
SolderSmoke Podcast 220 available
Bill Meara M0HBR / N2CQR has released another edition of the amateur radio SolderSmoke podcast
Video: The future and growth of amateur radio
The presentation given by RSGB Director Kamal Singh M0IOV to the 2019 RSGB Convention is now available on YouTube
Coronavirus: Call to dust off amateur radios and get talking in East Lancs
The Lancashire Telegraph interviews Nick Isherwood 2E0NJI about the role of amateur radio and RAYNET East Lancashire during the Coronavirus outbreak
New Multimode Digital Gateway for the West of Ireland
A new Multi-mode Digital Gateway, EI2BED, was placed on air from Roscommon Town in the West of Ireland on the 23rd of March 2020. Following a week on air a few minor fine tweaks have been made to perfect the transmitted audio levels
Problem Resolved: Digital Editions of QST and On the Air Now are Available
The digital editions of QST and On the Air magazine once again are available online as well as via the iOS, Android, and Kindle apps.
Circuit Board for Bare-Bones Ventilator Moves Toward Production with Radio Amateurs’ Help
Western Pennsylvania ARES Group Conducts District-Wide Simplex Drill
Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) Western Pennsylvania Southwest District, which includes Allegheny, Armstrong, Beaver, Butler, Fayette, Greene, Indiana, Washington, and Westmoreland counties, conducted a district-wide simplex practice drill on March 21. The exercise lasted about 4 hours, with all participants meeting on their local ARES county repeaters. Each county Emergency Coordinator s...
Contest Entry Features Multiple Operator Locations and Remote Transmitter-Receiver Site
Feeling lonely? NC Ham radio operators use old tech to create a new social network
The News and Observer reports how radio hams in North Carolina use amateur radio to stay in touch during the Coronavirus outbreak
RSM COVID-19 update
New Zealand's regulator Radio Spectrum Management (RSM) have issued the following advice
Update: Request to change the format of XS Manchester
Ofcom has rejected a request from Real Radio XS to change the format of XS Manchester
Shoot The Moon with this homebrew hardline RF divider
There's a very interesting article on the Hackaday website regarding EME or moonbounce
Special Award 'Vilnius Gaon 300'
2020 year was announced in Lithuania as a year of the Great Lithuanian Rabbi Elijas ben Saliamon Zalman, known also as Vilnius Gaon, born in April 300 years ago
Mauritius Class B amateur radio licence
The Mauritius Amateur Radio Society's Pat 3B8GF, together with Billy GM6DX, have made available an online study course for anyone interested in obtaining the Mauritius Class B amateur radio licence (RA24). This online course is entirely free and already open for registration
Coronavirus - Folkestone Repeater Group
The Folkestone Repeater Group repeaters have been very busy during the coronavirus lockdown
NASA adds Shannon Walker to first operational crewed SpaceX mission
NASA has assigned astronaut Shannon Walker, KD5DXB to the first operational crewed flight of the SpaceX Crew Dragon spacecraft on a mission to the International Space Station
RSGB Hope QSO Party
A series of 90 minute duration daytime contests that has been introduced on a temporary basis to help and support radio amateurs who are isolated at home and would appreciate contact with other people
International Marconi Day 2020 cancelled
The ARRL reports International Marconi Day 2020, planned for Saturday, April 25, has been cancelled
Friedrichshafen - Ham Radio 2020 update
The organisers of the Ham Radio 2020 in Friedrichshafen, June 26-28, say they are working intensively to plan the upcoming event, they expect to provide a further update in mid-April
Former ARRL DXCC Manager Don Search, W3AZD, SK
Former ARRL DXCC Manager Donald B. “Don” Search, W3AZD, of Davie, Florida, died on March 26. Search was widely known throughout the DXing community and was a fixture at many hamfests and conventions, including the Dayton Hamvention®, where he checked cards for years. An ARRL Life Member, he was 80. A skillful DXer, Search was on the DXCC Honor Roll with 378 entities confirmed on phone. He and h...
International Marconi Day 2020 has been Canceled
The annual International Marconi Day (IMD) ham radio operating event that was set to take place on April 25 has been canceled because of the coronavirus pandemic. The 24-hour amateur radio event celebrates the birth of Marconi on April 25, 1874. Sponsored by the Cornish Radio Amateur Club, which operates as GB4IMD, International Marconi Day features participating stations operating at sites hav...
Digital Editions of QST and On the Air Currently Not Available Online
The digital editions of QST and On the Air magazine are currently unavailable online. Access to the publications via the iOS, Android, and Kindle apps is functioning normally, however. Digital publisher PageSuite is working to resolve the problem. ARRL will update members when web access has been restored.
ARES Members to Support Illinois Emergency Management Agency in COVID-19 Response
Illinois ARES members are supporting the Illinois Emergency Management Agency’s (IEMA) COVID-19 response activities as AuxComm Radio Operator volunteers. Illinois ARES will coordinate the number and location of volunteer amateur communicators with IEMA on an ongoing basis for the foreseeable future. In a separate activity, the daily Illinois ARES Wellness Net has been established to allow Illino...