WA1LOU was here
and he left something for you to read
Onslow Amateur Radio Club - WD4FVO - The Friendly Voice Of Onslow
The onslow amateur radio club provides this web site as a public service to all radio amateurs within jacksonville, onslow county, and the surrounding areas in north carolina.
Radio Club Hercules
ARRL Audio News
ARRL Audio News contains highlights taken from the League's weekly publication, The ARRL Letter. ARRL Audio News is available via internet in mp3.
METEOR M decoder
Software/Weather and FAX A portable decoder for METEOR M weather satellite LRPT signal, available for windows and Linux
EU to impose VAT on low value parcels
Elektor magazine reports on an EU regulation that will adversely impact electronic hobbyists, including radio amateurs, in the 27 EU member countries
Coronavirus: WandS Open and Serving Your Hobby
A statement from Waters and Stanton about their Service to the Hobby during the Coronavirus crisis period by Peter Waters G3OJV
Coronavirus: Spain's URE makes magazine PDF freely available
Spain's national amateur radio society is making the PDF of the April edition of their magazine Radioaficionados available to all
RSGB launch coronavirus updates page
The RSGB has launched a new Coronavirus updates web page to serve radio amateurs
Coronavirus: How is IARU adjusting to COVID-19?
Don Beattie G3BJ provides an update on how the IARU is dealing, as of March 19, with the restrictions now in place to slow the spread of COVID-19
WIA 2020 Annual Conference cancelled
The Wireless Institute of Australia wishes to advise members and friends that the WIA 2020 Annual Conference has been cancelled
Women radio hams majority in LABRE-MA board
LABRE MA, the amateur radio society in the Brazilian state of Maranhão, has announced its new board, the majority of whom are women
ARRL Audio News - March 20, 2020
ARRL Audio News - March 20, 2020
Ham Radio Clubs Connect Amid Social Distancing
West Coast Qualifying Run for March 21 Canceled
Because of shelter-in-place orders in response to the coronavirus pandemic, the West Coast Qualifying Run scheduled for Saturday, March 21, at 2100 UTC (2 PM PDT) has been canceled. These transmissions normally take place from K6KPH at the Maritime Radio Historical Society (MRHS) museum at the Point Reyes National Seashore. The park has closed all visitor centers and suspended volunteer activit...
Refund Procedures in Place for Dayton Hamvention-Associated Social Events
Long Island CW Club Offering Free, Online Morse Code Instruction for Homebound Youngsters
The Long Island CW Club in New York is offering free, online Morse code instruction for the “many youngsters at loose ends as a result of school closings due to COVID-19 concerns.” The club’s co-founder, Howard Bernstein, WB2UZE, pointed out that learning Morse code is “a fun and educational activity for children of all ages that can fill part of the gap left by the current unfortunate situatio...
HamSCI Workshop Proceedings Streaming Live via YouTube
FCC Commissioner Michael O’Rielly Nominated for Another Term
President Donald Trump has nominated FCC Commissioner Michael O’Rielly for another 5-year term on the Commission. The nomination was sent to the US Senate on March 18. O’Rielly was initially appointed to the FCC in 2013 by President Barack Obama. “During my tenure at the Commission, I have advocated for preserving and advancing American free market principles to develop common sense regulation a...
ARRL Headquarters Remains in Operation, Many Staffers Working Remotely
Interim ARRL Chief Executive Officer Barry Shelley, N1VXY, informed members on March 20 that ARRL will remain operational to meet their needs during the coronavirus pandemic. Shelley noted that ARRL is taking steps to help protect the health and safety of ARRL Headquarters employees, in line with the recommendations provided by US and Connecticut health officials and government leaders. “We have...
Feirnha DIGITAL a popular Brazilian free ham radio classifieds, links and more
SJ2W Contest station
A very frequently updated blog of building a large contest station in northern Sweden
W5YD Ham radio club
Mississippi state university Ham radio club
QFH antenna for NOAA Satellites
Antennas/Satellite NOAA Satellite Signals With a PVC QFH Antenna and Laptop, this website also link to a github where you can find files and supporting documentation for constructing a QFH Antenna
Eddie DeYoung, KS4AA SK
I am Eddie De Young’s wife, Mina DeYoung. Eddie’s most recent callsign was, KS4AA, but he had too many others to mention all of them. I would like to let you and others know Eddie passed away on 25 February 2020. He died of liver cancer within 3-weeks of diagnosis. Sadly, it happened so quickly
TDARS suspends all meetings
Like other organisations and clubs in the current Corona virus situation, the Telford and District Amateur Radio Society (TDARS) has suspended all face-to-face meetings for the time being
Coronavirus: RSGB HF and VHF contest rules changes
As a result of the UK government's recent advice on social distancing during the COVID-19 outbreak the RSGB Contest Committees have announced rule changes for HF and VHF contests
Coronavirus: Changes to RSGB AGM arrangements
In response to the government’s latest Covid-19 recommendations the RSGB Board has changed the arrangements for the Society’s AGM on 25 April 2020
OARC suspend meetings
Following the government's advice regarding Coronavirus. Oldham Amateur Radio Club Greater Manchester are temporarily suspending all club meetings
Coronavirus: RSGB Amateur Radio Exam bookings paused
The RSGB has announced that with immediate effect and until further notice, the RSGB Exam Department will not be accepting or processing any new exam bookings
Errata to 2020-2024 Amateur Extra-Class Question Pool released
The NCVEC Question Pool Committee has issued errata to the new (2020-2024) Amateur Extra-class question pool that goes into effect on July 1
AMSAT President urges members to renew/donate now
AMSAT President Clayton Coleman, W5PFG has put out a call for new and renewing AMSAT members to act now and register online
Online Satellite and Emergency Communications Workshops
IARU Region 2 is holding two amateur radio workshops online, for Satellite Communications and Emergency Communications
K3YV Wins the March QST Cover Plaque Award
The winning article for the March 2020 QST Cover Plaque award is “Leaky” Antenna Switches by Ellwood (Woody) Brem, K3YV. The QST Cover Plaque Award -- given to the author or authors of the most popular article in each issue -- is determined by a vote of ARRL members on the QST Cover Plaque Poll web page. Cast a ballot for your favorite article in the April issue today.
CT2GQV homebreing blog
The Speaky HF SSB transceiver and other homebrew projects Homebrew of radio equipment, antennas, tuner, etc.