K8BRC Black River Amateur Radio Club
The Black River Amateur Radio Club Serves Van Buren County and Surrounding Areas.
K7EFA Yellowstone Radio Club
YRC the Yellowstone amateur radio club
Cape Ann Amateur Radio Association
CAARA, an ARRL affiliated club, operates the 2 meter W1GLO repeater on 145.130 MHz
Morse Decoder CWRX
A danish program capable to receive and decode morse code, free for windows
Software/Morse Code Training MorseKOB is a program for doing landline telegraphy and American Morse with the help of a computer. Can run on Mac OS and Linux, in addition to Windows.
Yeovil Amatuer Radio Club
The Yeovil Amatuer Radio Club are postponing their Thursday meetings and replacing them with a Thursday net on 145.350 at 8pm
Comet ATLAS is brightening faster than expected
Get ready for a wild ride. Comet ATLAS (C2019 Y4) is plunging toward the sun and, if it doesn't fly apart first, it could become one of the brightest comets in years
Need a new hobby? Try amateur radio!
Spen Valley ARS meetings move 'on the air'
In response to the advice given regarding social gatherings in light of the Covid-19 pandemic, The Spen Valley Amateur Radio Society in Mirfield, West Yorkshire have decided to suspend their physical meetings temporarily
Conference 2020 is cancelled
NZART (New Zealand Association of Radio Transmitters) Council has made the decision to cancel the Conference in Shantytown this year. This is due to the COVID-19 situation and taking on board all the advice for doing so
Coronavirus: BATC offers amateur radio clubs free streaming service
In order to support the worldwide amateur radio community during the COVID-19 virus pandemic, BATC is offering clubs free use of the BATC Video Streaming Service for virtual meetings
Errata to 2020 – 2024 Amateur Extra-Class Question Pool Released
FCC Levies $18,000 Fine on Louisiana Amateur Radio Licensee
In an enforcement case prompted by complaints filed in 2017, the FCC has imposed an $18,000 forfeiture on Jerry W. Materne, KC5CSG, of Lake Charles, Louisiana, for intentional interference and failure to identify. The FCC had proposed the fine in a Notice of Apparent Liability (NAL) in the case in July 2018, and, based on Materne’s response to the NAL, the agency affirmed the fine in a March 12...
ARI Primiero
ARI Primiero Trentino Alto Adige Italy
Jersey Shore Amateur Radio Society
Serving the Jersey Shore for over 30 years.
NARCC - Northern Amateur Relay Council of California
The Amateur Radio coordinating organization for the 10 meter band and higher in northern California.
In cooperation with the FCC, ARRL, and the support of the hams in northern California, NARCC performs the repeater coordination function for the region.
HIDARG High desert amateur radio group
High desert amateur radio group, amateur radio operators who live on the Oregon high desert plain that extends from the Cascade Mountains east into Idaho and south to California.
The Art & Skill of Radio-Telegraphy
A freware book on learning morse-code. The Art & Skill of Radio-Telegraphy Third Revised Edition by William G. Pierpont N0HFF, online version available in multiple languages
Distance Plotter
Software/Log Analysis You can upload your adif-file It then checks the qso for specified band and if a maidenhead locator is specified. It then builds an array and plot a graph.
Grid Square Locator System
The Grid Square Locator, also known as the Maidenhead Locator System, is a geographical co-ordinate method based on a 6-digit code, widely used by amateur radio operators to determine a rough position on the Earth.
Halton RAF Radio Society postpones meetings
Halton RAF Radio Society has postponed all meetings until further notice
SAQ meeting postponed
Due to the increasing Coronavirus spread, the board of the Alexander Association has decided to postpone the annual meeting on March 25
The SARL National Convention
The 2020 SARL National Convention will take place at the Wanderers Conference facility in Illovo, Johannesburg on 3 and 4 April - that is two weeks from now
NASA Administrator March 17 statement on Agency response to coronavirus
The following is the latest statement from NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine
HamSCI 2020 Workshop retools as a free virtual event
ARRL reports despite the coronavirus pandemic, the March 20–21 HamSCI Workhop will go on, moving to an all-digital webinar workshop. Registration and participation will be free and open to all
German special event station
The short-lived Radiosportverband (RSV e.V.) was founded as the GDR's first free, national amateur radio club on March 24, 1990
Fair Lawn Amateur Radio Club begins daily health and welfare broadcasts
Going forward, the Fair Lawn Amateur Radio Club (FLARC) is holding a nightly health and welfare net during the coronavirus outbreak
ZS95SARL at the Secunda Radio Club Field Day
The Secunda Radio Club, ZS6SRC, will hold its annual Field Day week from 20 to 29 March 2020 (during the school holidays) at the Trichardtfontein Dam, just outside Secunda. This is a perfect opportunity to gain experience in a simulated DXpedition
Interest in Ham Radio soaring as country grips with virus outbreak
The number of Americans obtaining their ham radio licenses is soaring as the country comes to grips with the coronavirus pandemic
Canceled Ohio ARES State Conference Morphs into Statewide Communication Exercise
Ohio Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) canceled the Ohio ARES State Conference set for April 4 due to the coronavirus pandemic and repurposed the date for a statewide communication exercise, with an emphasis on communicating from home. “Ohio has a high-profile station at the state Emergency Operations Center (EOC), with regular weekly EOC nets,” ARES Section Emergency Coordinator Stan Broa...
HamSCI 2020 Workshop Retools as a Virtual Event
Illinois Repeater Association
The Recognized Amateur Radio Frequency Coordination
Organization In The State of Illinois
Dedicated to adventures in Ham Radio Technology
W6JU Estero Radio Club
We are amateur radio operators on the Central California coast participating in all phases of amateur radio
World Grid Square Map PDF
Operating Aids/Grid Squares This free PDF file contains two Worldwide grid square maps. The first map displays the fields (first two letters of a maidenhead locator) while the second includes also squares (third and fourth digit) and it can be useful to determine what is your ham radio grid square. PDF file can be enlarged and scaled to A3 and higher dimensions.