A site for Amateur Radio Operators, by Amateur Radio Operators.





10186- 10220 of 10428 News Items
EIDX Group
As the EIDX Group (EIDXG) prepare for their upcoming activities, the group have organised a workshop/activity weekend as they maintain/service some of their equipment
ICQPodcast - NanoVNA are they any good?
In this episode, Martin M1MRB is joined by Leslie Butterfield G0CIB, Edmund Spicer M0MNG, Dan Romanchik KB6NU and Ruth Willet KM4LAO to discuss the latest Amateur / Ham Radio news. Colin M6BOY rounds up the news in brief and this episode’s feature is - NanoVNA are they any good?
Diving deep for 'the world's most famous radio'
What extremes would YOU go to to get your hands on an old radio? If that radio is the wireless transmitter that operator Jack Phillips used April 15, 1912 to summon help for the doomed RMS Titanic, those extremes likely include ocean depths. The United States company that has salvage rights to the wreckage is ready to make that trip - and soon
Italian DXpedition Team on Zanzibar Island
The Italian DXpedition Team (IDT) will be activating Zanzibar Island (AF-032) in Tanzania between February 4-18th
SARL National Field Day on 8 and 9 February
The first leg of the SARL National Field Day takes place from 10:00 UTC on Saturday 8 February to 10:00 UTC on Sunday 9 February 2020 with Phone, CW and Digital (PSK, FT8 and RTTY) activity on the HF amateur bands, excluding the 2 200, 630, 30, 17 and 12 metre bands
URE take action against radio interference
Spain's national amateur radio society URE has announced the creation of a Working Group to fight the danger posed to our hobby by radio interference from devices such as electric vehicle charging systems
UBA issue statement regarding CEPT and EU
Due to apparent confusion among Belgium radio amateurs, the national amateur radio society UBA have had to issue a statement pointing out the difference between CEPT and the EU
AG1LE Blog
Ham radio projects and experiments by AG1LE
Gaston County Amateur Radio Society
Amateur radio club supports N4GAS repeaters,monthly meetings, VEC sessions, and "Run Around Mountain" Com support.
Marts News
This site is established by a group of ham members who wish to see the interests of amateur radio in Malaysia protected.
W2RC Radio Central Amateur Radio Club
Radio central, rcarc, amateur radio, radio central amateur radio club
SolderSmoke Podcast
Episode 217 of the amateur radio podcast SolderSmoke is now available
The AWA CW Activity Day this afternoon
The Antique Wireless Association CW Activity Day takes place in South Africa this afternoon from 13:00 to 15:00 UTC, with the aim of contacting as many amateurs as possible on the 20, 40 and 80 m amateur bands
Germany: Ham radio decline continues
German regulator BNetzA reports the number of Radio Amateurs slumped in 2019 falling by 1406
Radio Amateurs - An endangered species
TV station Saarländischer Rundfunk broadcast a news item about radio amateur Harald Zeisig DL8EA
Radio hams in Turkey support earthquake response
ARRL report a powerful magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck the province of Elazig on January 24, radio amateurs assisted in the response
QSO Today Amateur Radio Podcast - Fred Schramm - K2HA
Fred Schramm, K2HA, visited Israel a few weeks ago and contacted me to meet with him in Jerusalem. Howard, 4X1ZZ, and I visited Fred at his hotel and recorded this interview with him
Orange County Amateur Radio Club
located in the heart of Southern California, is dedicated to the advancement of Ham Radio
Creston Valley Amateur Radio Club
Welcome to Creston Valley Amateur Radio Club web site. Our club is located in Creston, British Columbia, a small town of 5,ooo residents. Creston is in the province of British Columbia, Canada
Tonto Amatuer Radio Assocciation
Amateur Radio on the Mogollon Rim, run two repeaters both fusion capable
CT1FUH Radio Blog
Paulo Sousa ham radio blog with QSL pictures
DL1OFC German Amateur Radio Station
German Amateur Radio Station DL1OFC / DN1MP / DF0ISE.
Waldo County Amateur radio club. We are a club that supports the greater Belfast area and Waldo County ham community.
ARMIC - Asociacion de Radioaficionados Minusvalidos Invidentes de Catalunya
Asociaicon de Radioaficionados Minusvalidos Invidentes de Catalunya
K3DN, Warminster Amateur Radio Club
The Warminster Amateur Radio Club Inc. (Warminster Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania) is a general purpose amateur radio club and its over 135 members are involved in all aspects of amateur radio.
Semi-automatic antenna tuner project
Thsi article describes a microcontroller driven semi-automatic antenna tuner capable of handling power levels up to 150 watts. The device is a low pass filter tuner manually tuned by setting the optimized L/C combination by hand and then storing the values into the EEPROM of the mictrocontroller to recall them later (seperately for each band from 80 to 10 meters including WARC bands)
ANFR newsletter released
France's National Frequency Agency (ANFR) has published the January 2020 edition of their newsletter Frequency News
Joe Spier, K6WAO, resigns as AMSAT President
Joe Spier, K6WAO, has tendered his resignation as AMSAT President, citing personal reasons
ARRL Audio News - January 31, 2020
ARRL Audio News - January 31, 2020
Amateur Radio Volunteers in Turkey Support Earthquake Response

A powerful magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck the province of Elazig on January 24. Radio amateurs affiliated with the national International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) member-society TRAC assisted in the response.

Aziz Sasa, TA1E, at TRAC Headquarters reported, “The affected area was very small and the intensity limited; our involvement was also limited.” He said two TRAC branches in the affected ...

AMSAT-NA President Joe Spier, K6WAO, Steps Down

AMSAT-NA President Joe Spier, K6WAO, has resigned, citing personal reasons. Spier, of Weimar, California, had served as AMSAT’s president since October 2017. Prior to that, Spier was AMSAT’s executive vice president and vice president of Educational Relations. He also served as an AMSAT News Service editor and as a member of the ARISS Education Team. Executive Vice President Paul Stoetzer, N8HM...
Italian amateur radio portal
Sarasota Amateur Radio Association

Zeus Radio - Software Defined Radio
Software/Software Defined Radio
Zeus Radio program is designed specifically for the ZS-1 transceiver and supports all the basic functions (RIT, XIT, SPLIT, Noise Reduction, Auto Notch Filter, etc.) in order to work in the broadcast brought only pleasure. Zeus Radio works also with Hermes, Anan, Afedri, Red Pitaya, HiQSDR, Odyssey, Extio, RTL-SDR, Peaberry, Winradio, SDR-IQ, Afedri
HuskySat-1 with VHF/UHF linear transponder set to deploy
ARRL reports University of Washington’s HuskySat-1 3U CubeSat, launched November 2, 2019, is set to deploy January 31 after the vehicle that carried it to the ISS undocks


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